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Masteron/Proviron effects on brain/mood


New member
Apr 2, 2016
I put this in this section because it has nothing to do with bodybuilding

Had a long history of anxiety and depression. Got tired of SSRI's making me all groggy and went on TRT instead (test was at 280 at 33 years old). Was put on 125mg/wk which I felt nothing from so I dose 200mg/wk myself (enanthate, split in two doses).

This is ok, I mean off the bat I can tell you it has the same positives as my anti-depressants without the negatives. However, I still don't feel quite there. Libido is better but still not the best, still feel I lack some overall drive, cognitive abilities still a bit slow, and I still feel very timid.... really lacking an assertive type of aggression.

I don't want to keep adding more test. I've been reading on DHT's effects on the brain, libido etc. and it sounds like something I'd been interested in trying.

I'm thinking either 100mg test/100mg mast weekly or 125mg test/50mg proviron weekly.

I've tried finding comparisons and it seems most people say proviron gives them more of an energy/libido/well-being boost compared to masteron.

I'm curious as to any personal experiences on here? My biggest issue is that masteron always seems to be labeled as the far better one, but these comparisons are usually comparing 400-600mg of masteron to 50-100mg of proviron which makes it worthless to me as I'm trying to compare a much lower dose of mast.

Any help appreciated in comparing the two. My goal is to just feel very positive, energetic and have a very high sex drive..... physique is important but first I want to focus on my well-being.
Have you checked your e2? If it's not under control it may be the cause of what you're experiencing even while on trt.
I've felt very similar to you in the past, the inclusion of hcg, as well as 50-100 mg of mast a week has done wonders for me. I keep test pretty low though, around 100 mg a week.

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I`ve never used proviron, but out of all AAS (besides test) masteron makes me feel the best mentally. Just happy, full of energy.... I am normally this way and never needed SSRI or anything else, but masteron does seem to accentuate the "well being" feeling. I`ve run it from 200mg/wk up to 600mg/wk and felt it either way.
Masteron gets me ready for war, proviron for war on snatch...

However, with your doses mentioned I think either will serve your purpose well. I have done both with no preference towards one or the other particularly. Both have been pleasant experiences. Missing doses of proviron could be problematic, so you...try not to do that the best you can.
Masteron gets me ready for war, proviron for war on snatch...

However, with your doses mentioned I think either will serve your purpose well. I have done both with no preference towards one or the other particularly. Both have been pleasant experiences. Missing doses of proviron could be problematic, so you...try not to do that the best you can.

Without a doubt, I am the same way. I love proviron, but unless you have a significant other that can keep it, it is very frustrating to be on.
That's what I always hear, that proviron has a significantly bigger effect on libido.

If proviron wasn't so expensive i'd just stack the three 100 test/100mast/25-50 proviron (and HCG)

i'm suffering in both regards, both feeling down/tired etc. and low libido.... hopefully the mast. can help well enough with both, if not I might just stack the two later down the road but I want to take my time with each compound and not rush into anything, even though i'm eager too.
I have a lot of experience with this as I have had anxiety and depression since I was very young and have also used AAS for many years. Right off the bat, if your test levels are good, provision or masterone are not a cover up or quick fix for negative feelings you are having. you may need a mild SSri like Viibryd or something like that which doesn't have the traditional sari sides. sometimes a benzo like xanax or klonopin prescribed by a psychiatrist can be a blessing as it has for me.
Now I have used mast prop, mast enanthate and proviron, at different times, all legit reputable products. Masteron prop has more dramatic libido and tightening properties than does mast enanthate. Compared to proviron, the well being and libido enhancement of either form of either type of masterone pale in comparison to provision. proviron is so much better at potentiating libido and making you feel good. masteron in general is better for keeping the physique tight and giving it a certain look. I have used high dosages of all 3 as well and my opinion still stands. 100mg proviron a day will help any steroid cycle and for your purposes a lower proviron dose would help since you are kinds using it to compliment your hot which i think it would do wonderfully and better than masterone.

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