Found it bro. Here ya go:
Insulin...the peptide everyone wantsto know about, but which few are willing to include in their programs. Inevitably, should one inquire how to usethis drug, the forthcoming responses almost always come in the way of wellmeaning admonitions encouraging the prospective user to abstain. Insulin has become somewhat of a taboosubject in our community, even among those of us who willingly engage in andencourage the use of illegal AAS. Atfirst glance, one can understand why this mind-set might rule the generalBB?ing population. However, upon furtherinspection it is revealed that insulin, when administered by those who have athorough understanding of the drug and religiously adhere to all safetyguidelines, can be used both successfully and with relative safety.
Still, it is not without some measure of truth that insulin comes withso many warnings. In a worst casescenario, it can kill you if used improperly. It should also be noted that even when insulin is used responsibly, itcarries with it a certain degree of inherent risk. Should the user find himself in an unfortunateset of circumstances, such as acquiring an abrupt case of the stomach flu leadingto an inability to hold down any food/liquid, the user could be in trouble,especially if he had just administered a large dosage of Insulin and an E.R cannotquickly be located. This is just oneexample of how an individual could find himself in a predicament for which heis not responsible, but which none the less could result in an emergencysituation.
The purpose of this article is not to educatethe reader on how to protect oneself from the potential dangers of Insulin, butto supply a wholistic and maximally effective method of insulin administration. I assume that anyone who is willing toimplement this protocol into their BB?ing program is thoroughly educatedregarding its application and all available safety nets have been put inplace. Furthermore, I am not suggestingor recommending anyone use this program. It is posted for entertainment purposes only.
The internet is filled with different thoughts and ideas on how to bestuse insulin. Some of these ideas areworthwhile, while others are complete garbage. In this article we will explore what many believe to be the single mosteffective time to use insulin?pre-workout. There is considerable scientific evidence which can be used to back upthis claim of superiority, as well as numerous anecdotal reports proclaiming likewise. In the following protocol I have followedsuit in regards to timing, but have gone a step further and devised what Iconsider to be the single most effective insulin program on involving oncedaily use.
Users of this protocol have reported average gains of 10 lbs in 2 weeksor less, which I can personally confirm. The pumps & muscle fullness one will achieve while following thisprotocol are staggering. The program finds its magic in its timing and thesynergy of ingredients utilized. Listedbelow is the protocol in its entirety.
? 45 minutespre-workout: 15 IU Humulin R.
? 20 minutes pre-workout: 50 grams ?Branched chain cyclic dextrins?. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Carnivore). 20 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine monohydrate. 2 grams Beta alanine. 3 grams Taurine. 500 mg Potassium. 1 gram Vitamin C.
? 75 minutes after 1stshake: 50 grams ?Branched chaincyclic dextrins?. 20 grams Hydrolyzedprotein (ex: Carnivore). 3 gramsLeucine. 5 grams Micronizedcreatine. 2 grams Beta alanine. 3 grams Taurine.
? 75 minutes after 2ndshake: 50 grams ?Branched chaincyclic dextrins?. 20 grams Hydrolyzedprotein (ex: Carnivore). 3 gramsLeucine.
Total protein: 60grams (excluding added free-form aminos)
Total Carbs: 150 grams (excluding any traceamounts of carbohydrates found in protein the powder).
Total Calories: Roughly900
First of all, when formulating the macro/slin ratio above, I increasedthe amount of carbs-protein above what is typically required per IU of slin, inorder to account for users who demonstrate an above average degree of insulinsensitivity. Most slin users or BB?rs ingeneral, will require roughly 8 grams of carbs-protein per IU of slin, in orderto break even and maintain normal blood glucose. This protocol utilizes a 14:1 ratio (macros/slin),which will allow for pretty much anyone to employ this program whilemaintaining blood sugar within a normal range.
Additionally, justbecause you may have met your carb requirements from a safety standpoint, itdoes not mean that safety is the only factor we should consider when decidinghow many carbs to use. We also need totake into consideration how many carbs we need to optimize recovery &growth. In most cases, the number ofcarbs we need to maximize recovery & growth will exceed our safety requirements. For example, let?s say we have a 250 poundman who is using 10 IU?s of slin and he only requires 8 grams of carbs per IUto maintain blood sugar levels. That isonly 80 grams of carbs during the entire workout window. Most 250 pound men will need much more than80 grams of carbs during the pre/intra/post workout period?especially if theyare trying to grow. By using his safety requirementsto determine his carb intake, he will end up limiting his potential forrecovery & growth. Most men at that bodyweightwill require at least (or more) that amount of carbs during the workout periodif they want to maximize growth & recovery. So, before engaging in any insulin program,you must first determine how many carbs you need to maximize the growth &recovery process. If your metabolismrequired 250 grams of carbs before you started using insulin, it will stillrequire 250 grams of carbs after you start using insulin. In almost all cases, the only time someone?ssafety requirements will be larger than their growth & recovery requirementsis if they are dieting for a contest and their calories and carbs are low. Otherwise, it is rarely an issue.
The foundation of thisprogram rests on the specific type of macros used. Without them, every single other component/aspectof this program is negatively affected and in some cases rendered ineffectivealtogether. High molecular weightcarbohydrates, such as branched chain cyclic dextrins, have been shown to besuperior to any other form of carbohydrate in multiple ways, such as: 1) A much faster rate of digestion andassimilation. 2) Improved glycogen compensation. 3) Enhanced insulin release. 4) The ability to pull other nutrients intocirculation at a more rapid rate (vacuum effect). 5) The inability to cause intestinal waterretention, unlike other forms of carbohydrates, such as dextrose &maltodextrin. The result is zerobloating, no indigestion, and a tighter midsection. 6) The ability to initiate an osmotic affectat the cellular level, in which the balance of water is shifted in favor of themuscle cell & bloodstream and away from the subcutaneous region (the resultis a fuller, drier physique). 7) Less likely to add bodyfat. Using other forms of carbohydrates will bringinferior results and therefore, it is not advised that the individual usesubstitutions for this part of the program.
Moving on to the protein component; hydrolyzed proteins are much morerapidly absorbed than other types of protein and are the only protein which canbe consumed along with high molecular weight carbs without impairing theirabsorption. Hydrolyzed proteins alsohave another advantage in that they stimulate protein synthesis to a greaterdegree than either whey protein concentrate or isolate. The is likely due to hydrolyzed whey?sleucine content entering circulation at a faster rate compared to concentrates/isolates, in addition to a large amount of EAA?s being dumped into the system allat once. Recent research on leucineshows that the human body requires 4.5 grams of this amino acid in order to maximallystimulate protein synthesis. This 4.5grams dose needs to be administered all at once in order to generate thisresponse, not released into the system over an extended period of time, whichoccurs when consuming concentrates & isolates. For this reason, you will find roughly 4.5-5grams of leucine in each one of the shakes listed above, with roughly 2 gramscoming from each 20 gram serving of hydrolyzed whey and an additional 3 gramsin supplemental form.
You will also notice the inclusion of several other muscle cell volumizers,many of which work synergistically to bring more pronounced results. These include traditional volumizers, such astaurine, creatine, and potassium, as well as newer products like Beta alanine.
In order to promote enhanced recovery and a maximum growth response, thetiming of the shakes has been set-up to maintain a constant influx of nutrientsthroughout the entire active life of the insulin. Humulin R was specifically chosen for thispurpose, as its half-life will allow the user to take advantage of both theintra and post-workout windows. HumulinR also delivers a less pronounced insulin spike, which is easier to manage formost users in comparison to a faster-acting version of insulin, such as Humalog.
When speaking of insulin programs in general, one of the biggest issuesplaguing its users is that of insulin resistance. Chronic, long-term insulin use can damageinsulin sensitivity, which is accompanied by all sorts of potentialcomplications. This is the reason why mostprograms out there call for the user to take some off-time every so often, asit is necessary in order to avoid insulin resistance. However, due to the limited exposure timeencountered while running this protocol, insulin sensitivity is only moderatelyaffected when using the program 5-6X per week. For individuals who opt to use the program only 3-4X per week, alterationsin insulin sensitivity is a non-issue. Forthose running it the recommended 5-6X per week, one of two steps can be takento ensure insulin sensitivity is maintained. 1) The user can either take 2 weeks off for every 4 weeks on?or 2) Theindividual can add Glucophage (Metformin) into his program 3-4X per week at700-800 mg, 2X/Day.
For 1st time insulin users, while the macro/slin ratio listedabove is always sufficient from a safety perspective, I recommend they startout at a reduced insulin dosage and gradually work their way up to the full amount. For one?s 1st inject, a dosage of6-8 IU is ideal. This can be followed upby a 2nd inject of 8-10 IU?and concluded with a 3rd andfinal inject of 10-12 IU before finally moving up to the full 15 IU. Lastly, I do not consider this programsuitable for all BB?rs, but only for those who have achieved at least amoderate level of development. For anyone out there who has been contemplating using insulin, but doesnot know how to go about adding it into one?s program, the above protocol is anexcellent starting point and for many, the only insulin program they will everneed.