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Anxiety and depression

Out of curiosity how many of my brothers on here suffer from anxiety and depression ? And if you do what meds from the doc have you found work best for you ?
You talking about legit doctor diagnosed depression or just feeling down/like shit

i don’t suffer from these things but if it’s just “a case of the blues” and not crippling depression i’d be happy to run through my inventory of light meds/ supps and see what i come up with

also if it is clinical depression, best to let the doc dole out the meds and find which works best for you personally. Highly individualized prescription
I went to therapy for a long time and was on multiple anti depression meds.

Completely done with all that.

Not saying it’s for everyone but for me, practicing gratitude and embracing/studying stoicism helped me put depression into a manageable state.
I take an antidepressant daily, but it’s for anxiety issues. Never been depressed. Just suffer with anxiety. Thankfully Zoloft solved probably 75-90% of mine.

I take an antidepressant daily, but it’s for anxiety issues. Never been depressed. Just suffer with anxiety. Thankfully Zoloft solved probably 75-90% of mine.

Exact same for me
I went to therapy for a long time and was on multiple anti depression meds.

Completely done with all that.

Not saying it’s for everyone but for me, practicing gratitude and embracing/studying stoicism helped me put depression into a manageable state.
Practicing gratitude. I incorporate this daily. Makes me feel good
The VA tried all kinds of meds. I was benzo dependent for 14yrs before finally weaning off. SSRI’s Paxil (worked well for a long time before some extreme difficulty orgasming developed), Zoloft (bad Ed. Stopped fast), Lexapro (not as bad as Zoloft but stopped quick), trazadone (too groggy in the morning), prazosin/neurotin (nothing), Wellbutrin (nothing but terrible sweats), klonopin (14yrs gained tolerance sand started dependence and weaned off which was VERY difficult)… I forget the rest. Paxil worked the best with a noticeable help and no issues until the end. Now I take nothing and am fine.

Josh Bryant turned me onto gratitude and that helped a lot to not awfulize life and situations and keep perspective.

Therapy (the right therapist… which isn’t always easy to find what and who you need. It’s like dating… gotta go through some bad matches to find a great one) helped learn the why’s to my what’s and learn some coping skills.

Reading… a bunch of books. Not fluff or cheerleader stuff but how to approach life to keep perspective, find peace, allow myself to be happy

Journaling… meh. Helped some I guess but I don’t anymore.

EMDR… this trauma based therapy to retrain the brain (did 1-2 sessions and hated it. Got nothing but anxiety from it)

I guess what I’m trying to say is to cast a wide net. Try different meds or therapies or approaches so you find the right combination for yourself. It isn’t cookie cutter. It also isn’t something to be embarrassed about. Don’t waste as much life unhappy as I did. I’ve never had it so good as now.

Good luck
Practicing gratitude. I incorporate this daily. Makes me feel good
Yeah man. I love it. I’ve become a rather chill/relaxed dude despite being in a high pressure/high visibility job, and it’s accelerated my success while also making me a better person/husband.
I'm clinically diagnosed with PTSD , Social anxiety disorder and hyper aggressive alpha male syndrome (whatever the fuck that is) the shrink in was forced to see was a complete libtarded cunt muffin so I personally think these are misdiagnosed because he was just a punk ass beta male
Anyways , I'm prescribed Paxil at 30mg daily.
That dose makes me feel dangerously emotionless so I had to cut it back to 15mg and i take 500mg Ashwaganda twice a day. That actually give me a better effect with no negative side effects
The VA tried all kinds of meds. I was benzo dependent for 14yrs before finally weaning off. SSRI’s Paxil (worked well for a long time before some extreme difficulty orgasming developed), Zoloft (bad Ed. Stopped fast), Lexapro (not as bad as Zoloft but stopped quick), trazadone (too groggy in the morning), prazosin/neurotin (nothing), Wellbutrin (nothing but terrible sweats), klonopin (14yrs gained tolerance sand started dependence and weaned off which was VERY difficult)… I forget the rest. Paxil worked the best with a noticeable help and no issues until the end. Now I take nothing and am fine.

Josh Bryant turned me onto gratitude and that helped a lot to not awfulize life and situations and keep perspective.

Therapy (the right therapist… which isn’t always easy to find what and who you need. It’s like dating… gotta go through some bad matches to find a great one) helped learn the why’s to my what’s and learn some coping skills.

Reading… a bunch of books. Not fluff or cheerleader stuff but how to approach life to keep perspective, find peace, allow myself to be happy

Journaling… meh. Helped some I guess but I don’t anymore.

EMDR… this trauma based therapy to retrain the brain (did 1-2 sessions and hated it. Got nothing but anxiety from it)

I guess what I’m trying to say is to cast a wide net. Try different meds or therapies or approaches so you find the right combination for yourself. It isn’t cookie cutter. It also isn’t something to be embarrassed about. Don’t waste as much life unhappy as I did. I’ve never had it so good as now.

Good luck
Adam, you took the words right out of my mouth. Have been there, done that, got the tee shirt and with a lot more meds.

I am so glad you have found your ‘happy place’ and yes, life is too short to be unhappy.

It’s unfortunate that there is a stigma attached to mental health and associated therapies but in all fairness I think the tide is turning.

Finding the right med and talk therapist or just one or the other although both have the greatest success rate.

As of late what has helped me is meditation. I have a ways to go to reap all the benefits (doesn’t everybody?) but week long silent retreats where you meditate for 8 hrs a day (I go 3 - 4 times a year) can help you find and accept who you really are and bring loving kindness and gratitude into your life.
I have significant tbi and probable cte.

I went 6 years fully planning my suicide at least 20+ times a day.

The only thing that helped me was nerve blocks for my occipital nerve/lobe, a ton of tb500 and bpc-157, and an ibogaine therapy facility.

I’m pretty good now, but in my experience these things are super hard to talk to people about..but if you don’t explaine yourself and what’s going on you will lose everything..then yourself..don’t let us be the only ones your telling this to brother.
Adam, you took the words right out of my mouth. Have been there, done that, got the tee shirt and with a lot more meds.

I am so glad you have found your ‘happy place’ and yes, life is too short to be unhappy.

It’s unfortunate that there is a stigma attached to mental health and associated therapies but in all fairness I think the tide is turning.

Finding the right med and talk therapist or just one or the other although both have the greatest success rate.

As of late what has helped me is meditation. I have a ways to go to reap all the benefits (doesn’t everybody?) but week long silent retreats where you meditate for 8 hrs a day (I go 3 - 4 times a year) can help you find and accept who you really are and bring loving kindness and gratitude into your life.
Thank you! My brother has done some of those types of retreats and enjoys them quite a bit.
I'm clinically diagnosed with PTSD , Social anxiety disorder and hyper aggressive alpha male syndrome (whatever the fuck that is) the shrink in was forced to see was a complete libtarded cunt muffin so I personally think these are misdiagnosed because he was just a punk ass beta male
Anyways , I'm prescribed Paxil at 30mg daily.
That dose makes me feel dangerously emotionless so I had to cut it back to 15mg and i take 500mg Ashwaganda twice a day. That actually give me a better effect with no negative side effects
I never heard of hyper aggressive alpha male syndrome but I can’t possibly see how anyone would ever get that impression from you…
I never heard of hyper aggressive alpha male syndrome but I can’t possibly see how anyone would ever get that impression from you…
I think he made that shit up LOL
There was a long series of questions regarding views on violence , escalation of force , how you view people in certain situations how you carry yourself in public and so on
People who have been in combat and train specifically for threat assessment and things like that will definitely answer these questions differently than people who have not , this was a civilian psychiatrist that had very limited experience with dealing with military and law enforcement type people.
I think he made that shit up LOL
There was a long series of questions regarding views on violence , escalation of force , how you view people in certain situations how you carry yourself in public and so on
People who have been in combat and train specifically for threat assessment and things like that will definitely answer these questions differently than people who have not , this was a civilian psychiatrist that had very limited experience with dealing with military and law enforcement type people.
I haven’t had much luck with civilian psychiatrist in the US. It was only by luck I got the help I needed
I've been to the hospital twice thinking I was having a heart attack. I've had all of the million dollar heart, lung and gastro tests and everything checked out Ok. The second time I went to the ER with this the doc asked, "Have you ever been diagnosed with depression or anxiety"? She told me I was having an anxiety attack.
My PCP tried to put me on Paxil and Klonopin. I rejected the Paxil but took the Klonopin script and used it sparingly for awhile. After medical marijuana became available in Florida I got my card. I had quit smoking 20 years earlier for career/health reasons.
I haven't had any problems with anxiety since then.

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