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Friends please be careful...

Is it even possible to use tren without harming the kidneys? Perhaps this drug is not worth it in any sense.

Im glad to hear your kidneys are not totally ruined brother. Be well.
Yes. Keep an eye on your blood pressure.
Is it even possible to use tren without harming the kidneys? Perhaps this drug is not worth it in any sense.

Im glad to hear your kidneys are not totally ruined brother. Be well.
I am hesitant to post this as it seems to contradict the entire thread and I really don't want to deal with the ™i don't believers" but my gfr went up 16 points while taking 50mgs eod and then moving up to 75mgs eod of tren A for maybe 2 to 2-1/2 months. I highly doubt it was fake as.the raws looked the part. I think drinking a lot of water can do wonders. Ive.had rhabdo and my kidneys totally failed and was on round.the.clock dialysis and i went from he is not going to survive, to he'll live but will need to be.on.dialysis the rest of his life. Then to its a total miracle he won't even need dialysis. The Dr said I have no idea how your kidneys came back but you drink more water than anyone ive ever seen.so keep doing it.

That being said.every time I take.tren something always.seems to happen, like my liver values were high. My inr went to shit. Also once my BP was totally fine on.everything I had taken as its always been somewhat on the low side, well it shot the.fuck up on tren. I have had dreams that were so real and horrible I had.to.quit once as.I was getting scared to go to sleep. Another time my bloodwork came back that was so shitty my dr was like bloodwork doesn't just get this bad suddenly so whatever your taking you need to stop. It was the first drug I had ever experienced side.effects on. I don't think I will ever run it again.
I am hesitant to post this as it seems to contradict the entire thread and I really don't want to deal with the ™i don't believers" but my gfr went up 16 points while taking 50mgs eod and then moving up to 75mgs eod of tren A for maybe 2 to 2-1/2 months

EGFR isn't necessarily a tremendously reliable measurement for kidney function

if i get my levels tested the day after a leg or back section, my EGFR is 80ish

if i take 4-5 days off, it's up around 110

adequately hydrated/poorly hydrated, etc.
That's good to know thank you, I drink a lot of water and I had just trained the day prior on both tests but one could make a point that I was just getting back in the gym and not training real hard on the 49 test. Also I know very little about all the test required beyond gfr. I am told I was very lucky to get the Dr I did and he only cared about gfr when I was in the hospital(and that just maybe i was out of it and dont remember a lot of it)and told me when I get above 50 there is no need for me to come back, I have reached that point now.. I know other peoples kidney doc has them do more tests and.was.going to ask him about it but I've spaced it everytime. I got down to 36 when I hurt my shoulder and wasn't even taking anything.and.just doing cardio since then ive.tested at 49 and last week hit 65. I just started astralugus this week and I know there is a.thread on here about additional supps people take and had success with that I need.to read and order some shit.
The problem we have on this board is a lot are fueled up on hormones making them react rather then think. Positivity will get you farther in life then negativity.

This just happened to me but not about health. Very true. Well said!
That's good to know thank you, I drink a lot of water and I had just trained the day prior on both tests but one could make a point that I was just getting back in the gym and not training real hard on the 49 test. Also I know very little about all the test required beyond gfr. I am told I was very lucky to get the Dr I did and he only cared about gfr when I was in the hospital(and that just maybe i was out of it and dont remember a lot of it)and told me when I get above 50 there is no need for me to come back, I have reached that point now.. I know other peoples kidney doc has them do more tests and.was.going to ask him about it but I've spaced it everytime. I got down to 36 when I hurt my shoulder and wasn't even taking anything.and.just doing cardio since then ive.tested at 49 and last week hit 65. I just started astralugus this week and I know there is a.thread on here about additional supps people take and had success with that I need.to read and order some shit.
So many guys respond differently to each compound. Many can use tren with no issues and others will fight a wall on it and feel like death. The same could be said about nandrolone and any compound as many guys can handle it while some get issues.

Using only as much as needed is important- 200-400mg goes a long way with tren. Many top pro and national guys only run Test/Tren year round and keep healthy blood work and vitals. It just comes down to the right set up, dosages and support supplements.

Another thing I’ll add that I’ve seen many guys overlook is that a health issue is generally not the result of just “one” thing. Generally it is the perfect storm of factors and a final thing or compound was what pushed things over the edge. If someone is already on 2g of test (example) and EQ in a growth phase with insulin and HGH, then decides to add tren and has issues. It’s not “all” the tren in some cases. It was just too much ontop of everything else and pushed things over the edge.

I think guys should be responsible with tren for sure, but IMO it’s when we push anything too far that we will have issues.
So many guys respond differently to each compound. Many can use tren with no issues and others will fight a wall on it and feel like death. The same could be said about nandrolone and any compound as many guys can handle it while some get issues.

Using only as much as needed is important- 200-400mg goes a long way with tren. Many top pro and national guys only run Test/Tren year round and keep healthy blood work and vitals. It just comes down to the right set up, dosages and support supplements.

Another thing I’ll add that I’ve seen many guys overlook is that a health issue is generally not the result of just “one” thing. Generally it is the perfect storm of factors and a final thing or compound was what pushed things over the edge. If someone is already on 2g of test (example) and EQ in a growth phase with insulin and HGH, then decides to add tren and has issues. It’s not “all” the tren in some cases. It was just too much ontop of everything else and pushed things over the edge.

I think guys should be responsible with tren for sure, but IMO it’s when we push anything too far that we will have issues.
Yea know I've been reflecting on further use and this.was.the.first time taking it where i.wasn't always pissed.24/7. In fact I got that great feeling I've heard some talk about. And Sex.drive was nuts. In short I felt phenomenal and was having a great workouts. My liver values were a little high but manageable I guess, prolly just pick up a.liver support.for.that. The only real Immediate issue was my INR which I will just update that.thread in case someone runs into that issue and it also could have been masteron. But I am just.going to buy my own inr reader.they are.a.little cheaper than I thought and get back on.tren and mast prolly at some point. i understand that my issue with it on the latest go around was very unique
My biggest pet peeve is those who say they have elevated bp and have for years.. combined with intense workouts and even pre workouts etc.. and do nothing.. they actually think taking cialis is going to make much difference.. for Pete sake get to a Dr and get some meds.. I take benicar.. costs me 10 bucks a month.. so you'll spend 30 to 50 bucks on test a month but not bp meds..? Bp combined with intense training and other Stimulants is frying your kidneys increasing your risk in all cardiovascular risks.. and no, a aspirin and cialis ain't cutting it id bet.
Exactly brother !! I’m so glad I got started decently early on telmisartan… shit has been awesome for me
So many guys respond differently to each compound. Many can use tren with no issues and others will fight a wall on it and feel like death. The same could be said about nandrolone and any compound as many guys can handle it while some get issues.

Using only as much as needed is important- 200-400mg goes a long way with tren. Many top pro and national guys only run Test/Tren year round and keep healthy blood work and vitals. It just comes down to the right set up, dosages and support supplements.

Another thing I’ll add that I’ve seen many guys overlook is that a health issue is generally not the result of just “one” thing. Generally it is the perfect storm of factors and a final thing or compound was what pushed things over the edge. If someone is already on 2g of test (example) and EQ in a growth phase with insulin and HGH, then decides to add tren and has issues. It’s not “all” the tren in some cases. It was just too much ontop of everything else and pushed things over the edge.

I think guys should be responsible with tren for sure, but IMO it’s when we push anything too far that we will have issues.
I agree ! But fuck man Tren is a different animal! I’ve tried just about every AAS and Tren was so hard on me. I don’t think I will ever run it again. The physical benefits are amazing but mentally it was so harsh on me.
I agree ! But fuck man Tren is a different animal! I’ve tried just about every AAS and Tren was so hard on me. I don’t think I will ever run it again. The physical benefits are amazing but mentally it was so harsh on me.
It absolutely can be and don’t think guys need much. For me enanthate wrecks me and won’t touch it anymore.

Ace on the other hand I have no issues with. I think age absolutely plays a factor as well. The older I get the less I can tolerate on certain compounds.
Unfortunately everything shares the same symptoms 😕

Oh and my tsh is perfect, so my thyroid is perfect. Functions just fine and that's that. I ran my own labs. Had I gone to the Dr, they would've only tested tsh, said I was good and set me free. Now I'm seeing an endo because my t3 high. Never would've known. Hopefully it's nothing.
The great imitator. Total bastard of an issue. I’m chasing down immune and thyroid shit. One last batch of results are due any hour now. Gave 18 vials of blood Monday morning. Shoot me a PM so I don’t forget to let you know.

Sometimes just knowing where to look or what are the next steps can reduce stress, I’m all about that
I just found out I have Nephrotic Syndrome. I am not sure if this is from JUST my Tren use or a combination of Tren and overall high doses of steroids for too long of cycles. This has really been an eye opener for me. Just because you can't feel the damage does not mean it's not happening. I was dumb and took way too much trying to get to that perfect look. I go in on Wednesday for a biopsy of my kidney and will know how to treat it from there. I am guessing it's going to come back as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

Luckly my kidneys have acute damage and can be fully healed overtime. I am on my normal HRT does of test an 3iu of HGH. My previous does of test and Tren were usually around 500 test and 700 Tren for months on end.

I know Tren is very potent and i was for sure abusing it. Those days are now behind me and I learned the hard way. I am wondering if when ran at a low does say 20mgs a day is Tren still toxic? I don't plan on ever taking high doses again EVER. if i were to touch Tren again it would be at most 20mgs a day and that is a BIG if becuase iam scared even low doses will fuck up my kidneys.
Sorry to hear. There is no "look" in the World that is worth having a Doctor tell you that you're going to die and there's nothing more they can do for you. I would lose the Tren completely. I swore that shit off years ago.

ANA still positive but all the other tests are negative.

Fibromyalgia may fight into this (for me) symptoms fit.

I won’t talk to rheumatologist until end of next month.

Really was terrified it was lupus.
I almost died and have AKD and had rhabdomylosis in 2022 summer. I dont think I did tren for probably 8 months after. they also said i would be on dialysis and need to begin. I never did. my bloodwork came back great at the ER last week I was impressed and shocked. not on tren right now just hrt dose test and proviron and ai

let me save your kidneys
5g astragulus + 5g taurine +250mg tudca per day
Late to the party here.

Is 5g taurine correct? Seems like an awful large amount, don’t see a brand that goes that high. Seems to stop at 1g.

What brand is everyone taking and are you sticking with the 5g?

Late to the party here.

Is 5g taurine correct? Seems like an awful large amount, don’t see a brand that goes that high. Seems to stop at 1g.

What brand is everyone taking and are you sticking with the 5g?

Gulping down five capsules is no big deal to me (I've literally lost count of how many caps/tabs I take a day...) but you may find the powder more practical for large amounts. It's basically tasteless, you can add it pretty much to anything and everything.
Late to the party here.

Is 5g taurine correct? Seems like an awful large amount, don’t see a brand that goes that high. Seems to stop at 1g.

What brand is everyone taking and are you sticking with the 5g?


I just buy the Nutracost powder and add it to my Intra drink. Doesn't affect taste at all. I'm sure you could add it to Crystal lite, diet soda, or pretty much anything.
I just buy the Nutracost powder and add it to my Intra drink. Doesn't affect taste at all. I'm sure you could add it to Crystal lite, diet soda, or pretty much anything.
Do the exact same with bulksupps taurine. Add it to my AM shake with other powdered supps, to my pre, and intra.

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