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A Day In The Life of a Bodybuilder: For the Less Genetically Gifted- AMA

I've always done them first for the stretch to avoid injury on heavy presses. It's what I was taught and presses feel better after the deep stretch you get from flys. I'll often take a page from John meadows book and do flys between chest pressing exercises for the increased blood flow when I have more time at the gym. IE: 3x Seated flys, 3x dumbbell press, 3x lying dumbbell butterfly press, 3x incline bench, etc.
I'm going to put them in the rotation this week and see how i like it. From what i remember John was opposed to starting a push day with a stretch movement , my current coach (Andrew berry) follows the same school of thought.
I'm going to put them in the rotation this week and see how i like it. From what i remember John was opposed to starting a push day with a stretch movement , my current coach (Andrew berry) follows the same school of thought.
It all depends on the goal. I have endless old injuries on my left side so for me it makes sense. I’ve worked with Berry- he’s very “what is best for the athlete “ when it comes to his approach.
I'm going to put them in the rotation this week and see how i like it. From what i remember John was opposed to starting a push day with a stretch movement , my current coach (Andrew berry) follows the same school of thought.
Your right about John starting with presses. I just pulled the idea of alternating presses and flys from one of his building a bigger chest videos. I personally always felt better starting with the fly but I also warm up very conservatively with that first exercise. I'm just trying to get the best stretch and increased blood flow, definitely leaving ego aside. It is all about feel for me here and this has led to a better mind connection as well. I don't think going either way is going to make any groundbreaking changes to a physique but it feels better to me and that's just as important in my opinion.
If you are limited and don’t have nice machines, a bench daddy or sling shot is very nice to protect the shoulders and chest from barbell pressing.

Then you can follow up with some loaded stretch movements like 3/4 dumbell flys or 3/4 dumbell presses.

Also ^^^ a great way to obliterate the triceps with a pressing movement
Your right about John starting with presses. I just pulled the idea of alternating presses and flys from one of his building a bigger chest videos. I personally always felt better starting with the fly but I also warm up very conservatively with that first exercise. I'm just trying to get the best stretch and increased blood flow, definitely leaving ego aside. It is all about feel for me here and this has led to a better mind connection as well. I don't think going either way is going to make any groundbreaking changes to a physique but it feels better to me and that's just as important in my opinion.
I've started my chest workouts with a cable fly or pec deck for years. Doing that gives me a much better connection with pecs on presses and helps warm things up a bit.

If you are limited and don’t have nice machines, a bench daddy or sling shot is very nice to protect the shoulders and chest from barbell pressing.

Then you can follow up with some loaded stretch movements like 3/4 dumbell flys or 3/4 dumbell presses.

Also ^^^ a great way to obliterate the triceps with a pressing movement
I've used a Slingshot for years and I credit it with why I've never had a serious injury despite years of really heavy bench and shoulder pressing.

And Slingshots aren't just for flat barbell bench - you can use them on Smith machines, military presses, pretty much any kind of press machine. If you're a serious lifter and serious about not getting injured then you need a Slingshot.
I've started my chest workouts with a cable fly or pec deck for years. Doing that gives me a much better connection with pecs on presses and helps warm things up a bit.

I've used a Slingshot for years and I credit it with why I've never had a serious injury despite years of really heavy bench and shoulder pressing.

And Slingshots aren't just for flat barbell bench - you can use them on Smith machines, military presses, pretty much any kind of press machine. If you're a serious lifter and serious about not getting injured then you need a Slingshot.
In regards to the slingshot, is it making the reps easier or helping you out of the hole? kinda like a banded hack etc.. Most of the time i only see powerlifters using a slingshot when lifiting in a 4-6 rep range.

would it look odd to be using the assistance of a slingshot for working sets in bodybuilding rep ranges?
In regards to the slingshot, is it making the reps easier or helping you out of the hole? kinda like a banded hack etc.. Most of the time i only see powerlifters using a slingshot when lifiting in a 4-6 rep range.

would it look odd to be using the assistance of a slingshot for working sets in bodybuilding rep ranges?
Slingshots are like knee wraps - they spring you out of the whole and keep everything in your shoulders / elbows / etc. tucked in tight.

I'm not a powerlifter - I'm a bodybuilder - and I use my Slingshot every single week on my heaviest sets of chest and shoulder presses. I have no clue why that would look odd.
Slingshots are like knee wraps - they spring you out of the whole and keep everything in your shoulders / elbows / etc. tucked in tight.

I'm not a powerlifter - I'm a bodybuilder - and I use my Slingshot every single week on my heaviest sets of chest and shoulder presses. I have no clue why that would look odd.
I just started using one. I always thought that it was just a bandaid to get the feel of heavier weights. My GF is ex power lifter, no injuries vs me with plenty. I tried it and it definitely keeps everything tight and where you want it, so you can focus on the lift, more than an assist tool
I just started using one. I always thought that it was just a bandaid to get the feel of heavier weights. My GF is ex power lifter, no injuries vs me with plenty. I tried it and it definitely keeps everything tight and where you want it, so you can focus on the lift, more than an assist tool
Wraps, straps, belts, compression sleeves etc are all meant for bodybuilders as well. I am a huge fan of using tools to stay injury free, especially the older I get.

Def not just for power lifters!
Wraps, straps, belts, compression sleeves etc are all meant for bodybuilders as well. I am a huge fan of using tools to stay injury free, especially the older I get.

Def not just for power lifters!
I've used everything else. Even a bench shirt when power lifting years ago. Now I see the SS benefits
Today is chest, bi’s and back touch up (heavy lat pull downs at the end of chest)

I also do chest touch up on Monday’s at the end of back- decline hammer OR dumbbell press.

Here is the chest workout:

Chest :

Progressive warm up :

Pec-Dec Into Machine Press Into Preacher Curls : We are simply moving blood into the pecs and the tendons connecting to the pec into the bicep .. Non stop fashion 3 sets each 15-20 reps NOT HEAVY AT ALL !! This shouldn’t do anything but warm you up really good !!!

Pre-Exhausting this program with seated cable flys .. Chest needs to be pushed up and scapula pulled back . The key here is just the right ROM and not over stretching into your front delts to much ! I want a HARD contraction hold for 2 seconds with a controlled 4 seconds on the eccentric and more explosive on the concentric portion … We will hit 3 sets here with a rep scheme of 12-10-10 and a double drop set to finish the final set with both of those sets at 4-6 reps !

Slight Incline DB PRESSES : Nothing fancy here just good strict tight form on this and full ROM !! Pyramid the weight each set !! 3 work sets here with a rep scheme of 10-10-8

FST-7 INCLINE HAMMER PRESSES : We will perform 7 sets pyramiding weight each set if even just 5lbs !! You will rest ONLY 20-30 seconds between just enough to sip intra shake and re focus on next set !! Reps every set should be 12 !!! THIS SHOULD FINISH YOU COMPLETELY if you put everything into this !!!

BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE !!! We will finish this chest session off with 2 sets of VERY STRICT CHEST DIPS ! I like to lean slightly forward on the eccentric to get a really good stretch on the chest and as I come up on the concentric I will push my chest up allowing for a further and harder top contraction ! Rep tempo is 3-4 seconds on the eccentric and explosive concentric .

To Test If You Have Truly Reached Failure On Chest Try To Perform 10 FULL ROM controlled reps on push ups .
I do something similar on chest day. I use the hammer strength dip machine. Lean forward and do partial reps with a long weighted stretch at the end 🔥
What are the details of the infrared sauna and red light your using (brands, models, etc) and any additional feedback for someone looking to purchase. Wife has tasked me with researching and been getting most of my info from Reddit which is good and bad.
What are the details of the infrared sauna and red light your using (brands, models, etc) and any additional feedback for someone looking to purchase. Wife has tasked me with researching and been getting most of my info from Reddit which is good and bad.
For Sauna I have the Dynamic Andora. It’s plenty for home use and the two person model is great for one bodybuilder. 😂

On Redlight and IR I did a ton of research and it’s a super over inflated space currently. Save your money and go with RedLightCo. The large panel is what I keep in my home therapy room. All the hz frequencies and wavelengths have been researched that are used with it.

If you need more info feel free to DM as I geek out on this stuff and do a deep dive before implementing any device or therapy.

Stay away from Reddit. They’ll tell you anything you want to hear. LOL
@bbxtreme hey mate, what is the point of High days during an off-season? In a prep I understand you can create a supercompensation look but in the off season?
@bbxtreme hey mate, what is the point of High days during an off-season? In a prep I understand you can create a supercompensation look but in the off season?
Not @bbxtreme, but benefits include better digestion, insulin sensitivity, utilization of carbs, and performance in the gym (a lot of these resulting in staying leaner and being able to push longer).

Many of the benefits come from being able to then LOWER your food on the rest (low) days. I believe anyone serious with their diet and training should follow some sort of cyclical approach with carbs. How extreme you want to go is up to you and how many carbs you can really handle on those high/medium days.

On the extreme end, a user posted on posted a video of Roman Fritz on his rest days and even if offseason he will fast and only has one meal (therefore he will be compensating with these carbs/calories on his training days to consistently gain weight)
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@bbxtreme hey mate, what is the point of High days during an off-season? In a prep I understand you can create a supercompensation look but in the off season?
Not @bbxtreme, but benefits include better digestion, insulin sensitivity, utilization of carbs, and performance in the gym (a lot of these resulting in staying leaner and being able to push longer).

Many of the benefits come from being able to then LOWER your food on the rest (low) days. I believe anyone serious with their diet and training should follow some sort of cyclical approach with carbs. How extreme you want to go is up to you and how many carbs you can really handle on those high/medium days.

On the extreme end, a user posted on posted a video of Roman Fritz on his rest days and even if offseason he will fast and only has one meal (therefore he will be compensating with these carbs/calories on his training days to consistently gain weight)
What he said is spot on.

The goal of a progressive phase is to add “lean tissue”. When you start pushing calories and adding in insulin, more fat etc the goal is to maximize each area to gain as much lean tissue as possible while limiting fat gain.

As well super high saturation days can be used on weaker or larger body part days to bring them up and enhance the workouts. This is why I do high days on legs and back- two toughest workouts.

By cycling calories or macros you’ll be able to keep BG in balance longer and push much further than just doing a standard baseline menu everyday of the week IMO.

I’ve done both ways and know top coaches who don’t cycle calories in the off season or progressive phase. But for me I’ve always gotten much more progress cycling them.

At this level there really is no “off-season” IMO. You have to treat everyday like it’s prep if you truly want to hit that next level.
What he said is spot on.

The goal of a progressive phase is to add “lean tissue”. When you start pushing calories and adding in insulin, more fat etc the goal is to maximize each area to gain as much lean tissue as possible while limiting fat gain.

As well super high saturation days can be used on weaker or larger body part days to bring them up and enhance the workouts. This is why I do high days on legs and back- two toughest workouts.

By cycling calories or macros you’ll be able to keep BG in balance longer and push much further than just doing a standard baseline menu everyday of the week IMO.

I’ve done both ways and know top coaches who don’t cycle calories in the off season or progressive phase. But for me I’ve always gotten much more progress cycling them.

At this level there really is no “off-season” IMO. You have to treat everyday like it’s prep if you truly want to hit that next level.
What are your thoughts on a diet like the anabolic diet for lean bulking? Lower carbs weekdays then higher carbs on sat and Sunday? Not optional but hard to get meals in during the week due to work so much more convenient. Sort of a cycling approach but not as balanced as just high/low days.
What are your thoughts on a diet like the anabolic diet for lean bulking? Lower carbs weekdays then higher carbs on sat and Sunday? Not optional but hard to get meals in during the week due to work so much more convenient. Sort of a cycling approach but not as balanced as just high/low days.
I guess I don’t understand the question fully because if it’s harder to get meals in during the week then that’s a completely separate issue.

IMO protein and fats are the harder foods to eat and you need to do it 6-7 times a day as a bodybuilde. Carbs are easy to get in IMO.

IMO the only way I see that diet and plan being beneficial would be if you’re cutting and using the weekend as re-feed days. Even then only one would be needed likely.

I live a crazy busy life and am always on the go. If I can make time for all my meals, anyone can IMO.
I guess I don’t understand the question fully because if it’s harder to get meals in during the week then that’s a completely separate issue.

IMO protein and fats are the harder foods to eat and you need to do it 6-7 times a day as a bodybuilde. Carbs are easy to get in IMO.

IMO the only way I see that diet and plan being beneficial would be if you’re cutting and using the weekend as re-feed days. Even then only one would be needed likely.

I live a crazy busy life and am always on the go. If I can make time for all my meals, anyone can IMO.

Bro this isn't the answer he was looking for 😶‍🌫️
Bro this isn't the answer he was looking for 😶‍🌫️
I know it’s not. 😂

I am getting to the point on here where I’m about to just be the most supportive person ever:

Can I run 100 units of lantus a day and cut? Sure you can!

It’s my first cycle, can I run 1000mg of tren a week with no test? Fuck yeah!

Can I not eat protein except on weekends and look like Ronnie Coleman? You bet kid!

Let’s just tell everyone what they “want” to hear.

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