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what side affects do you get from different things???


Feb 6, 2006
What side affects do you guys get from different steriods?
for me-

Anadrol- perinoid as all hell, very amosional, a little delusional. can't sleep

deca- speeds my matabolism way to fast or screwed with my thiriod- I have to almost triple my cals Blood test the CPK level was 2972 and lost 22 pounds in under 2 weeks- all muscle

EQ- knight swets and a flue like affects with over 200mg at one time

clomid- sick to my stumach all the time

Tren- the tren cough

The original Finaject- Wow that was some great stuff I had 2 big boils under my eys though, but I gained 17 pounds in one bottle and got sredded as hell eating allmost all fast foods

sten- I get the tren cough also and taste both right after injecting

D-bal- Very, vary bad temper after 3 days- I can not go near it

propionate- I get a real bad sting from it and the spot swels and turns red a few inces around it for a week

T-400- big big ass welt on my ass- My leg was cherry red for a week and it looked and felt like I have a coke can in my back pocket.

anavar-great for me
winny- very good to me
test- very good to me
suspension-very, very good to me
holotestens- make me rock hard and last days before shows I am stronger then every before

I can't think of them all but I will- You guys need some more laughs
Last edited:
BiggerStronger said:
Bro, is English a second language for you? Just wondering...

I agree- I can not spell for shit- when I am typing- That is my exuse and I am sticking with it
Dianabol: Stomach acid, can not sleep.
Winstrol: After 4-5 weeks high bloodpressure+ headaches, very bad cholesterol lvl's
Trenbolone: depression
Anapolon: Insomnia
Sustanon: Mood goes up and down, horny but hard to ejaculate.

In the old days like 15-20 years ago I could take anything without side-effects.
But now I can only take the mild stuff.
Seems age related I dont know :confused:
Whats good for me (besides sweating ALL the time which I hate) is
Enanthate, Primo, Deca and EQ.
Thanks for posting bro- Just this stuff will help a lot of people and it is kind of cool reading
DECA speeds up the metabolism??? never heard that before..

DECA: great for joints esp shoulders,good size without the side effects!
EQ: alot like deca, use them interchangably but eq is more androgenic and causes less bloat..some say it causes anxiety.
Test: androgenic sides..pimples,hairloss,ect..but great for muscle gains.
Var: one the best drugs out there for beginners or with light cycles or as a bridge with test..Class II drug interchangable with winny halotestin ect.
winny: hairloss, great pumps, not too much noticable weight gains.
Dbol: love it, must be stacked but great for guys with very low bf ie.me!

could go on but ill let others chim in
I agree with this

uwanafight2 said:
DECA speeds up the metabolism??? never heard that before..

DECA: great for joints esp shoulders,good size without the side effects!
EQ: alot like deca, use them interchangably but eq is more androgenic and causes less bloat..some say it causes anxiety.
Test: androgenic sides..pimples,hairloss,ect..but great for muscle gains.
Var: one the best drugs out there for beginners or with light cycles or as a bridge with test..Class II drug interchangable with winny halotestin ect.
winny: hairloss, great pumps, not too much noticable weight gains.
Dbol: love it, must be stacked but great for guys with very low bf ie.me!

could go on but ill let others chim in
Squatster the T-400 one is fuckin funny but so true, you gotta cut it with an anabolic. I made that mistake the first time also.:p
I was looking back at this post. I posted it back in 2006.
This year is my 41st year of using juice.
The T400 was Denkal, nasty as crap.
Most of the shit I was taking was Mexican back then.
Little update
T400 - now is some great stuff, not like the old days.
EQ- my favorite of them all, think I had problems because it was Mexican 50mg. Pr. ML. 4 cc to get 200mg. In you.
Deca- I still can't touch it to this day? I would love to, but can't.
Anavar- I can't touch it at all. Fucks me up like Deca does?
Clomid- fucks me up bad
Love all test mostly Propionate, came a long way since 2006
Dbal- I can tolerate it much better then before. I don't get a crazy on it anymore.
Anadrol- if I don't go over 25 mg. Pr day, I love it, and only short term.
Tren- I can't go near it with out Mast. Mixed in. Mast helps me with the sides.
Primo, Don't think I have ever tried it. I'm ready but afraid to loose more hair
Winny- never tried
MK 677- love the stuff, I don't know if I ever felt like I peaked on it.
After 41 years of using juice- I still love everything about it..
BUT- if I could go back to that first day walking into the gym- I wouldn't open the door. I would have just kept my head to the grind stone and kept working hard as hell.
I don't know????
Never really got sides from AAS. But AAS + bulking or getting above a certain weight...high bp, heart palpitations.
Dianabol: Stomach acid, can not sleep.
Winstrol: After 4-5 weeks high bloodpressure+ headaches, very bad cholesterol lvl's
Trenbolone: depression
Anapolon: Insomnia
Sustanon: Mood goes up and down, horny but hard to ejaculate.

In the old days like 15-20 years ago I could take anything without side-effects.
But now I can only take the mild stuff.
Seems age related I dont know :confused:
Whats good for me (besides sweating ALL the time which I hate) is
Enanthate, Primo, Deca and EQ.
How much Winstrol would it take for you to get all of those sides?
For god-sake get on the Primo. You're in your 60s or more. Your sagging tiny nutsack matters more than a few strands of hair!
I can't take chit, I fight with my neighbors and threaten their pets. It's a shame.

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