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covid while on cycle, now what ?

imagine the night sweats on a fever with tren and some junk food šŸ˜‚
is there any proof that high androgen may prolong the infection or weakens the immunity response ?
Iā€™m sure there is somewhere floating around out there. But the cardiovascular and inflammatory impact tren has alone on the body mixed with COVID. Or any respiratory issue. Now that just sounds like death to me. Hard pass.

If I ever got COVID while on tren I would immediately cut that shit. šŸ˜‚
Idealistic you want to reduce the viral load in the beginning stages.

Some things to consider reading up on:

10% Povidone-Iodine dilution. There's information out there for the correct ratio. Use this as a gargle and nasal swab.

Glycine, PDE5i, NAC and if desired a low dose ACEi.

I've personally used this prophylactically when SARS was the highlighted topic around 2003. And carried it through with C19. Never been inflicted, even when my daughter was doing C19 testing for students and staff daily at the UofI.
thanks bro, saved it and will do that every flu or cold season
Donā€™t overcomplicate it. Covid or not, youā€™re pretty sickā€¦.but we all get sick. Take it easy for a few days, take care of yourself, keep pinning, and youā€™ll be fine within a week or so.

Iā€™ve had covid three times. Never needed any meds beyond OTC cold meds to help me feel a little better. No need for the heavy meds if your symptoms arenā€™t severe.
doing that exactly right now, thanks brother
Training with a fever isn't a good idea. Minor cold symptoms like a stuffy nose or sore throat sure push through if you feel ok. A fever is a sign of the body responding to fight a a stronger illness and you could still be infections depending on girl load and stage of illness.

Lose valuable time? 2 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Stay on 2 weeks longer if you're that concerned. If you try to push when your body is dragging from fighting an illness you run the risk of delaying healing and driving yourself even farther behind the 8 ball in recovery than 2 weeks.

To me...
minor symptoms that are annoying but I'm still 80%= train
fever or symptoms that have me < 80% health= rest
Covid= same treatment for any other illness (rest if necessary, hydrate, symptomatic treatment like ibuprofen for body ache, cough suppressant, expectorant, albuterol if necessary.. NO ABX)
Persistent or severe symptoms covid or otherwise= PCP/Urgent care/ER... abx are only indicated with concurrent bacterial pneumonia which you'd be pretty sick and see things like decreased SaO2, chest X-ray consolidation, etc... at which point you'd be admitted and getting them IV
Rest hydrate, light exercise. Walking in fresh air. Vitamin D3, C, Zinc. Ivermectin helped me a lot.
Training with a fever isn't a good idea. Minor cold symptoms like a stuffy nose or sore throat sure push through if you feel ok. A fever is a sign of the body responding to fight a a stronger illness and you could still be infections depending on girl load and stage of illness.

Lose valuable time? 2 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Stay on 2 weeks longer if you're that concerned. If you try to push when your body is dragging from fighting an illness you run the risk of delaying healing and driving yourself even farther behind the 8 ball in recovery than 2 weeks.

To me...
minor symptoms that are annoying but I'm still 80%= train
fever or symptoms that have me < 80% health= rest
Covid= same treatment for any other illness (rest if necessary, hydrate, symptomatic treatment like ibuprofen for body ache, cough suppressant, expectorant, albuterol if necessary.. NO ABX)
Persistent or severe symptoms covid or otherwise= PCP/Urgent care/ER... abx are only indicated with concurrent bacterial pneumonia which you'd be pretty sick and see things like decreased SaO2, chest X-ray consolidation, etc... at which point you'd be admitted and getting them IV
thanks for the elaborated response, appreciate it
fever and sore throat have finally subsided today thank god, still have some dry cough, headaches and a little fatigue.
would you advice to try a light exercise now or wait another day or two ?
thanks for the elaborated response, appreciate it
fever and sore throat have finally subsided today thank god, still have some dry cough, headaches and a little fatigue.
would you advice to try a light exercise now or wait another day or two ?
See how you feel. If fever is gone and you feel up for it I would. If fever or still exhausted id rest. The difference when I had cold was I got very deconditioned fast. All I had was body ache, mild fever and fatigue for 4-5 days. Very mild and no respiratory symptoms either time. However walking my dogs or warming up to squat or deadlift with 135 had me sucking wind. Strength was fine but took extra long between sets to catch my breath. So I kind of deloaded/cruised for a week to ease back in and I was fine.

Listen to your body. Glad you're feeling better!
I have it so many times I couldn't see it being a problem but I just get fatigue and cough and head ache for a few days. If a week affects your cycle that much, nothing you can do anyway. You should be taking d3 year round. I actually had long covid before it was known to be a thing and would fall asleep standing up after 15 hours sleep and huge amounts of adderal and also almost while driving several times. The first time I slept like a whole summer away but it really ate up my D and I th? Sounds far fetched but everyone has low iron all of a sudden.. I was always tired. Now I get it and it's gone in 4 days and if had to I could eat and not train.
Okay guys, latest update:
I'm still sick till now but with what i guess is an autoimmune reaction that got triggered by COVID infection.
symptoms are ongoing mid grade fever and inflammation or myositis of all the injection sites i have used before, old and new spots.
bilateral quads, glutes and shoulders.
it's like a delayed reaction to the injections that appeared weeks to months after injections but that only happened after the COVID initial infection.
anyone heard of something similar ?

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