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New goals.. got to fogure it out

I get tired of hearing guys in their 30's referring to themselves as "old". Hopefully it's more tongue in cheek than serious. In fact, at 35, you should be in your prime! @b-boy is in his 50's as am I and more than a few others. @pesty4077 is in his 60's and looks like granite! There are many others who post up pictures that are 40's, 50's, 60's, and still going strong!! Yes things change but nothing major outside of an injury should be an issue at this point.
With all that said my cardiologist have me a clean bill of health to lift so its time to get rid of the
Fatty liver and get goin
Stick w carnivore to drop the fat if it’s working for you. Up the omega 3’s and keep on w the grass fed butter as those fats will help to support your natural hormone levels. Get more active during the day anyway you can. Just keep it simple right now like you’re doing.

Anyone recommending drastic changes at this point, ignore. Get those bloods drawn, eventually get back on TRT once you drop what you are looking to drop. Then, you can start the rebuild.

I remember you from the way back, I wish you the best getting your physique back.
Stick w carnivore to drop the fat if it’s working for you. Up the omega 3’s and keep on w the grass fed butter as those fats will help to support your natural hormone levels. Get more active during the day anyway you can. Just keep it simple right now like you’re doing.

Anyone recommending drastic changes at this point, ignore. Get those bloods drawn, eventually get back on TRT once you drop what you are looking to drop. Then, you can start the rebuild.

I remember you from the way back, I wish you the best getting your physique back.

Thanks brother There is a slight change of plans as the wife and i decided to wait another year to try for the baby which im very happy with

Not sure if i should drop 20 more with tanked hormones or jump back on trt and do the whole journey with optimal levels…

I know it will be a hell of alot easier with the test in there
I would say def focus on being on a leaner side 8-12% bf you will have much less estrogen , focus also on saturated fats (eggs steak)as they create cholesterol so your testosterone level will be higher. Also take at least 4000iu vit D and take 50 mg zinc picolinate. Also ginseng https://olimpsport.com/uk/platinum-ginseng-550-sport-edition-3573 this particular one always gave me nice uplift in energy. Creatine on keto would be your staple right now but probably you know that 😉 this is how I would do it. Btw proviron could be a good consideration here as far as I know it does not block hpta. Also search hcg fat loss.
I would say def focus on being on a leaner side 8-12% bf you will have much less estrogen , focus also on saturated fats (eggs steak)as they create cholesterol so your testosterone level will be higher. Also take at least 4000iu vit D and take 50 mg zinc picolinate. Also ginseng https://olimpsport.com/uk/platinum-ginseng-550-sport-edition-3573 this particular one always gave me nice uplift in energy. Creatine on keto would be your staple right now but probably you know that 😉 this is how I would do it. Btw proviron could be a good consideration here as far as I know it does not block hpta. Also search hcg fat loss.

I have heard about hcg for fatloss in the past but i def dont want to get her pregnant now lol …. Would you say its adventageous to stay off the test for now tho ? Will the low test effect my fat loss in a big way ?
I have heard about hcg for fatloss in the past but i def dont want to get her pregnant now lol …. Would you say its adventageous to stay off the test for now tho ? Will the low test effect my fat loss in a big way ?
It will lower testosterone levels easier to Get fat harder to loose fat
Thanks brother There is a slight change of plans as the wife and i decided to wait another year to try for the baby which im very happy with

Not sure if i should drop 20 more with tanked hormones or jump back on trt and do the whole journey with optimal levels…

I know it will be a hell of alot easier with the test in there
I really don’t understand you. You think your Test is below 100 and you’re ok living like this for another year because you’re waiting to get your wife pregnant. Get on the fucking Test now and start the HCG when you’re ready. You don’t NEED to come off. I’ve had at least 5 different friends get their ol ladies pregnant while on Test and HCG at the same time.

I also disagree with most on here about your “carnivore diet”. You don’t need a diet you need a change in lifestyle.
Yes. Don't think I'm the exception.. but I have multiple children conceived while on stupid amounts of tren.. DHB.. mast..
My youngest child was conceived when I was running tren.. dbol.. anadrol. A boy. Looks just like me. My twin. Well all my boys look just like me. Anyway...
I really don’t understand you. You think your Test is below 100 and you’re ok living like this for another year because you’re waiting to get your wife pregnant. Get on the fucking Test now and start the HCG when you’re ready. You don’t NEED to come off. I’ve had at least 5 different friends get their ol ladies pregnant while on Test and HCG at the same time.

I also disagree with most on here about your “carnivore diet”. You don’t need a diet you need a change in lifestyle.
I dont think ill be the one to conceive on a cycle as ive been cumming in everything for the last 10-15 years ( while on) and nothing has happened but this is with no hcg I did come off for a while earlier this year and my sperm count and motility was above average which is good

Im going to jump back on trt And get my lifestyle in order And thats that no reason to spin my wheels dealing with low test anymore

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