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Why do people who can't be disciplined with their diet annoy me so much?

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Mar 14, 2009
My girlfriend is the main one, she's obese which I hate and has always enjoyed exercising, comes from a sporty background etc. On the one hand she's not lazy i.e. she'll happily walk 2-3 miles to the shop and back at the drop of a hat but she's extremely lazy on the other hand i.e. she'll sit or lay down for hours at a time and do nothing.

I try to help her constantly by writing her diets but the excuses start coming and I keep finding sweets/candy/chocolates etc in her pockets which I also hate. She can't seem to even stick to a diet for a day. Cant seem to be consistent with her cardio and when she does it, doesn't care about it i.e. doesnt ask me for my heart rate monitor so she can monitor that her heart rate is in the optimal fat burning zone etc.

It drives me insane and makes me have no respect for her. Its not just her but mostly is tbf, I try to help a friend as well, have put in so much time with him messaging on Facebook etc, passing on knowledge etc, writing him diets etc but again no discipline and it annoys me. Maybe its the fact that Ive put in so much time and effort with them, I don't think they see their excuses for what they are and I suppose I just can't relate to them, maybe thats what it is as well?

Do people with no discipline/lazy people/people who joke about trying to diet but eat junk instead etc annoy you like they do me?
I detest weak-minded people in ALL areas of life...this is just one of those categories.
because they are weak in character.....

i feel the same often...

yeah, confused why you're with someone who is obese-obviously shes lazy?. I told my wife I didn't marry a cow, she better not become a cow, and that includes after kids-5 months to lose the fat or she does things my way. I keep in shape and I have zero desire for my life long partner to be fat. I'll pass.
I used to feel the same way. Then priorities in my life changed and now its very hard for ME to stick to a diet. Now, I realize why others have a hard time sticking to a diet, they might be happy with who they are. They might not put as much importance on looks as I used to. They simply might not care.

People really only focus on what is priority to them. I bet there is something about all of us that isn't a priority to us so we neglect it. and it likely annoys someone else lol.

I don't think you should date a girl that is "obese" if it annoys you. you aint gonna fix it bro. if you don't like it I would move along since you aren't married. in my experience women only get bigger as they age....

TBH, I am only getting back in shape (in the pro m transformation challenge) just to motivate my wife.
If she's happy then get off her nuts. We all have different priorities and what makes us happy.
If she's not happy, then continue trying to help her; not bash her on the Internet. Imagine if she saw this?

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I used to feel the same way. Then priorities in my life changed and now its very hard for ME to stick to a diet. Now, I realize why others have a hard time sticking to a diet, they might be happy with who they are. They might not put as much importance on looks as I used to. They simply might not care.

People really only focus on what is priority to them. I bet there is something about all of us that isn't a priority to us so we neglect it. and it likely annoys someone else lol.

I don't think you should date a girl that is "obese" if it annoys you. you aint gonna fix it bro. if you don't like it I would move along since you aren't married. in my experience women only get bigger as they age....

TBH, I am only getting back in shape (in the pro m transformation challenge) just to motivate my wife.

yeah but bro, you're still very much in shape..

I mean, nobody is asking me, but I feel like partners have an obligation to one another to stay fit.
Does she look good and feel good? Bc if she does and doesn't need to diet to look good, then sounds like you might just have a bit of an issue of your own.

Now if she talks about how she wants to be in better shape and has plenty of room for improvement and acts like that.... I couldn't respect it either.

I don't respect when my own friends are trying to improve their fitness, get swole or lean up and just eat like shit and then try to turn it around on me being anal or acting like it's not important.

Just stop trying to help people who are half ass serious about the shit you would be giving them advice on .
I work with a lot of obese/sick people and it is very different than athletes/bodybuilders etc...

As someone said their priority isn't all about their looks or being ripped etc..But know there is huge embarrassment, shame as well as health issues with being obese. So be understanding and compassionate BUT tough when you need to be.

If you write them out a typical bodybuilding diet which is naturally what you would do as it works BUT it will not work for them.

You need to first keep in mind the "best" diet for someone is one that they can adhere to,and 6 small meals a day of chicken and rice with veggies and healthy fats wont work!!

Remember their goal is not YOUR goal,so motivation to eat so clean is not there and wont last or work.

Concentrate on caloric expenditure first and foremost.Unfortunately they will want "treats" so work them in staying within caloric limits.Not the way you would do it but they are not YOU.

Sometimes some of these people will make some progress and want to get real serious and take it to the next level.Thats when the clean/strict diet comes in but to be a good diet coach you need to adapt and WORK WITH your clients.

psychology is a huge part of helping people while and motivating and understanding people is more important than writing out a clean diet.
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I find it best to just worry about my needs in this area and not force my exercise / diet values upon anybody else.......my number one priority is to have as little conflict in my life as possible !
yeah but bro, you're still very much in shape..

I mean, nobody is asking me, but I feel like partners have an obligation to one another to stay fit.

I agree Slice.
I am hoping to motivate my wife by getting in better shape and maybe she will follow suit but she never really eats correctly so i don't know... if they say women end up with their moms body i am scared LOL
if she reads this i will be divorced so it wont matter anyway tho LOL
golden advice there

I find it best to just worry about my needs in this area and not force my exercise / diet values upon anybody else.......my number one priority is to have as little conflict in my life as possible !

I feel EXACTLY the same!
I agree Slice.
I am hoping to motivate my wife by getting in better shape and maybe she will follow suit but she never really eats correctly so i don't know... if they say women end up with their moms body i am scared LOL
if she reads this i will be divorced so it wont matter anyway tho LOL

That does motivate people a lot especially if like Tom said you don't push it on others. People see your hard work paying off and it is contagious.
Women like this don't do shit about it till they find themselves single again...then they suddenly drop 30-40 lbs, rope the next sucker in then get fat and happy all over again.
I agree Slice.
I am hoping to motivate my wife by getting in better shape and maybe she will follow suit but she never really eats correctly so i don't know... if they say women end up with their moms body i am scared LOL
if she reads this i will be divorced so it wont matter anyway tho LOL

I hope she does follow suit.

but if she does, it's going to be because she's scared that she will lose you to all the other women who will be checking you out.
Women like this don't do shit about it till they find themselves single again...then they suddenly drop 30-40 lbs, rope the next sucker in then get fat and happy all over again.

"revenge body" I have seen it many times! lol a woman scorned.... I have helped/witnessed the weight loss. Then new hair style, teeth whitening, possibly cosmetic surgery such as boob or nose jobs etc.. For women revenge is a POWERFUL motivator!!

And YES, they usually gain it back!
I've got a step son that bakes cookies then before those are gone he bakes a cake. Then comes banana bread and so on. Little shit really steps it up when I'm prepping. I'm sure he does it to mess with me. Wife is the same way. She buys those big Halloween size bags of candy. I don't get why not just get a candy bar here and there? I don't say anything but it drives me nuts. Definitely makes it harder when that shit is constantly in the house. On the flip side she bitches about me not eating the same food as the rest of the family. I will cook if she has something planned and she has to work later but I'm not planning meals.

Had to vent lol

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"revenge body" I have seen it many times! lol a woman scorned.... I have helped/witnessed the weight loss. Then new hair style, teeth whitening, possibly cosmetic surgery such as boob or nose jobs etc.. For women revenge is a POWERFUL motivator!!

And YES, they usually gain it back!
Nothing gets a women motivated to drop weight like a divorce or getting dumped on that fat ass. Nothing. It's a shame that's what it takes for some women.

I stay lean and big year round (probably at a detriment to longterm health) because I just simply can't stand stepping out of the shower every morning and seeing anything less in the mirror. It's a personal pride thing and a bit obsessive. Many people are just not wired like us but we have to accept that. My wife is not a big fan of the gym or working out. But she's also not bad at all for having had a child 5 months ago. Not fat by regular people's perspective at all. She's a fantastic wife and mother. Don't even really deserve what I have. To me, longterm, that's much more important than a wife with abs. I'll be a broke down old man with an enlarged heart someday and she'll be by my side. You guys can have the superficial gym bunnies. All that glitters is not gold. I try to keep that in perspective.
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Nothing gets a women motivated to drop weight like a divorce or getting dumped on that fat ass. Nothing. It's a shame that's what it takes for some women.

I stay lean and big year round (probably at a detriment to longterm health) because I just simply can't stand stepping out of the shower every morning and seeing anything less in the mirror. It's a personal pride thing and a bit obsessive. Many people are just not wired like us but we have to accept that. My wife is not a big fan of the gym or working out. But she's also not bad at all for having had a child 5 months ago. Not fat by regular people's perspective at all. She's a fantastic wife and mother. Don't even really deserve what I have. To me, longterm, that's much more important than a wife with abs. I'll be a broke down old man with an enlarged heart someday and she'll be by my side. You guys can have the superficial gym bunnies. All that glitters is not gold. I try to keep that in perspective.

Speaking my language brother. I don't deserve my wife.

TBH, it would prob annoy the hell out of me if she WAS into fitness as much or more than me.
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