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Mortality Rate Higher Among Bodybuilders


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Feb 3, 2011
Mortality Rate Higher Among Bodybuilders - Renal and Urology News

SAN DIEGO—Bodybuilders have a mortality rate 34% higher than that of the age-matched U.S. male population, according to a study presented at the American Urological Association's 2016 annual meeting.

Daniel Gwartney, MD, and colleagues at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston identified 1,578 professional male bodybuilders who compete from 1948 to 2014. They were able to obtain complete mortality data for 597. The mean age of the cohort was 47.5 years (range 25–81.7 years). The mean age during competitive years was 24.6 years (range 18–47 years). Of the 597 men, 58 (9.7%) were reported dead. Only 40 deaths were expected in this population based on age-matched data, for a standardized mortality rate of 1.34. The mean age of death was 47.7 years (range 26.6 – 75.4 years). The researchers found no significant difference in mortality rates above age 50 years.


Although the cause is unclear, the increased mortality supports the possibility that use of performance enhancing drugs and unique competitive training, such as extreme weight changes, may contribute to deaths among younger professional bodybuilders.

“Professional male bodybuilders use high-dose testosterone and other performance enhancing drugs to improve athletic performance,” the authors noted in a study abstract. “These anabolic agents are potentially associated with negative sequelae including hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular effects, and possible liver damage.”
It's a good thing I'm not a pro bodybuilder.....LOL
Interesting. So taking large doses of chemicals and "other" things, while continuously stressing your body may in fact shorten your lifespan.
That mean age is scary!
That mean age is scary!

If ya make it to 50 you're doing good ;)

"The researchers found no significant difference in mortality rates above age 50 years"
If ya make it to 50 you're doing good ;)

"The researchers found no significant difference in mortality rates above age 50 years"

Had my heart attack at the age of 38. Im 46 now, maybe if I make it to 50 I am out of the woods!?
Painkillers and rec drugs combined with the steriods are causing the deads mostly...
But abusing hormones will catch up to you sooner or later
I'm 47.7 right now so let's see what happens. :eek:
I'm 47.7 right now so let's see what happens. :eek:

47 !! JJ that's one foot in the grave already mate if we go by the study and u still posting here on pro muscle internet bodybuilding board :eek::eek::eek: Now that's inspiring! I applaud you for that . well done mate.:D:p
Interesting. So taking large doses of chemicals and "other" things, while continuously stressing your body may in fact shorten your lifespan.

You'd be surprised how many people try to blame bodybuilder deaths on anything but steroids, to justify their own abuse.

"Oh they must have abused alcohol and rec drugs every day"
What's the mortality rate of pro football players? I think lineman is about the same range as bbers. Any extreme sport takes a toll on the body.
I'd be surprised if anyone was surprised by this.
Did my first cycle late in life. A dbol run in mid 40's. Always said if I can't get big and strong without all that shit in my system, it wasn't mean to be. Now just take enough test to replace what God has takin from me as I got older.
The only proven way to increase lifespan is low calorie diet. The world health organization has studied this every which way til sunday.Sooo... Carrying extra weight puts stress on the body(fat or muscle doesn't matter) as the extra tissue increases demand for blood supply etc..heart pumping hard! Some Bodybuilders are doing the exact opposite of proven life extension.

You add in PEDS,stimulants etc. to high BMI along with the massive amounts of food and any surprise a cardiac event occurs? I will use Dave palumbo in his quest for 300lbs as an example.Mcdonalds twice a day along with bodybuilding type meals for 5000-6000 calories a day.Then consider someone might have genetics or family history of heart disease on top of adding these self induced factors!

Also wanted to add that deaths from heart attacks goes up tremendously on the holidays in which food consumption is increased and people tend to gorge themselves.Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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Did my first cycle late in life. A dbol run in mid 40's. Always said if I can't get big and strong without all that shit in my system, it wasn't mean to be. Now just take enough test to replace what God has takin from me as I got older.

Wish I had done that. It takes a lot of discipline to do what you did, especially these days when it is so easy to get steroids. Back in the 80s you had to know someone personally and buy it at the gym etc.
You will make it to late 80s.

Lets hope. Just a few days ago I had to drop my diuretic because my BP was too low, so heart function is up as shown in the latest echocardiogram. I am now taking no diuretic at all. I am just on the beta blocker and a small dose of lisinopril. I may have to drop the dose of lisinopril too as my BP is still a bit low and I get dizzy. Feel much better now though getting off the diuretic.

I really want to be around for when my two girls have kids and watch my grandchildren grow up.
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