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can use raw HGH powder?


New member
Oct 26, 2005
i wonder if you can use raw HGH powder, mix it with for instance BA water and inject subQ.

normally the raw HGH powder goes through lyophilisation process to make it sterile and pack it in small vials (10iu, 8iu etc), vacuum. so when u use raw HGH powder and mix it, it is not sterile, but is this realy a problem? if you do subQ injections i think risk of infection is very low especially when use BA water.

so my idea is if you have 1 gram of raw hgh powder, divide it in portion of 30mg (+/- 100iu) and cap it in vial. then when needed mix the 30 mg with BA water, then you have 100IU in solution and then shoot 10 days 10IU a day. etc.

so anyone has any idea if raw HGH powder is good to use after mix with for instance BA water and do subQ injection?
Injecting a bunch of contamination. Or a bunch of pathogens, even if they are dead is still is an issue for the body. Your body can still attack them as an invader. And still has to get them and their biological waste out of the body.
so you think its not a good idea to use non lyophilized HGH powder? its a shame if it is not usable because it comes down to just $0.34-$0.45 / iu... i mean thats cheaaaappppp
Injecting a bunch of contamination. Or a bunch of pathogens, even if they are dead is still is an issue for the body. Your body can still attack them as an invader. And still has to get them and their biological waste out of the body.

You think cheap generics are much better than this powder? I suspect not.

IIRC, some HGH (Mexies) was not even vacuumed sealed and therefore could have very well been this same powder.

How else do you account for both the price and mass spec results that show various impurities...?
i dont understand why there is so little knowledge about this on the boards. everybody is saying if they had the cash they would use loads of HGH. using raw powder will reduce costs by minimum 75%. wouldnt everybody love to have high quality HGH available for less then $0.5/iu?

wouldnt there be anybody who realy has knowledge about this? if it is possible to use raw HGH powder non lyophilised for subq injections.....? any bio chemist maybe?
i dont understand why there is so little knowledge about this on the boards. everybody is saying if they had the cash they would use loads of HGH. using raw powder will reduce costs by minimum 75%. wouldnt everybody love to have high quality HGH available for less then $0.5/iu?

wouldnt there be anybody who realy has knowledge about this? if it is possible to use raw HGH powder non lyophilised for subq injections.....? any bio chemist maybe?

Ask your question over at JuicedMuscle or AB. You might get a non-biased - science based, answer.
You think cheap generics are much better than this powder? I suspect not.

IIRC, some HGH (Mexies) was not even vacuumed sealed and therefore could have very well been this same powder.

How else do you account for both the price and mass spec results that show various impurities...?

Very true. But with one being advertised as not being refined I can be assured that it isn't. The other product is at least a maybe.
Very true. But with one being advertised as not being refined I can be assured that it isn't. The other product is at least a maybe.

The surest way is to mass spec it.

I would be surprised if it is any worse than some of the generic GH being sold. Of course, financial incentives are in play with regards to the true answer.
ok :) btw i have lab tests from raw hgh powder and a blood test (also from other suppliers btw). seems 24ug/l. that seems very good. also purity of the powder looks ok.


  • hgh blood test.jpg
    hgh blood test.jpg
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  • ??HGH???????.jpg
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Interesting...does anyone on the board have any experience with something like this? I'd be interested to haer any feedback, shoot me a PM if you''re more comfortable that way, otherwise, discuss?
sorry guys my inbox seemed to be full. i now cleared it.

i have contacted several companies producing the raw HGH powder and they all say the same thing, which does not realy help us;
they say you can not mix it yourself without lyophilisation process and not doing vacuum because then it is not longer pharma grade sterile as they need to produce it according to their standards. so i get this that it is not sterile when you mix raw powder, but as thintank said some cheap hgh lyophilised is also not in vacuum vial so when it stays on the shell for a while it is also not sterile.

and when it is not completely sterile and you mix it with for instance 1% BA water and do subQ injection, no IV, no IM, then would it realy be a problem when it is not sterile.

i dont know however what will happen with the hgh itself when you mix the raw powder with BA water without doing lyophilisation process. dont know if the lyophillisation process also makes the hgh more stable or something but i doubt that because the process (freeze dry) is ment for making sterile.
on the attached files....I can't read chinese, but what did the number 24 represent? Was that a serum GH score like we do on our testing here? 10ius shot IM, 3hrs later draaw blood? If so...... :) becuase it seems that all the other charts indicate that it tested out within range for what synthetic GH should,right? Am I missing something obvious here?
yes the one with chinese characters is blood serum test. after 2 hours of injection. 24 is not bad is it? i have another one with 30 and one with 19.

i also have some hpcl computer charts.. but i have no clue what they represent. i dont know if i am allowed to mention prices but for 1 gram price range is about $1000 1 gram for the 19 serum test, the 30 serum test about $1400 a gram. of course i can not know for sure those results are faked but they are from real registered biochemical firms in china, this i checked. not some bogus hotmail account or something.

oh and i forget; if you buy 10 grams you get discount hehehehe that would be something; 10gr * 3000iu = 30.000 iu HGH :love::love::love:
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yes, a 24 gh serum is a very good score especialy at 2hrs., as your levels were probably still raising until 3hrs or so. potentially cool stuff.
is it so that this serum test in the end gives information about the strength of the HGH? and so how cost effective it is?

for instance:
suppose just as an example you have HGH 10iu for $10 that gives you serum test of 30 ($10/30=0.3) that that would be more cost effective then HGH 10iu for $8 with serum test 20 ($8/20=0.4)?

also would it mean suppose you have the one with serum test 20 for only $4/10iu ($4/20=0.2) that then that one would be the most cost effective? then just buy more and inject more?

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