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Pro Pharm gets sentenced

massive attack

New member
Oct 20, 2003
Around 5:30pm today Pro Pharm was sentenced to 35 months in Federal Prison. His ex-wife whom was his partner got 6 months.
Whoa whoa whoa, thats the stiffest sentence yet. This couldnt have just been aas related.
were they members here?
ProPharm sentencing press reports.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009
ProPharm sentencing press reports.
"A Columbia woman was among three people sentenced Monday in federal court on charges stemming from an international investigation into the illegal manufacturing and distribution of anabolic steroids.

April Jones, 35, of Columbia was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Nanette K. Laughrey to six months in federal prison without parole. Jones’ former husband, former Columbia resident Bryan Greggory Wilson, 40, of Kansas City was sentenced to two years and 11 months in federal prison without parole.

A third person, Jason Varner, 35, of Jefferson City was sentenced to three years of probation, including three months of home confinement.

Federal authorities said Wilson and Jones participated in a conspiracy to distribute anabolic steroids from as early as 2003 until Sept. 15, 2007. Matt Whitworth, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Missouri, said the couple ordered steroid powders over the Internet from sources in China and made Western Union payments to China.

Wilson and Jones each pleaded guilty in August 2008 to participating in a conspiracy to distribute steroids. Wilson also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering, and Jones also pleaded guilty to money laundering.

Varner pleaded guilty in July 2008 to possessing anabolic steroids with the intent to distribute. He was arrested Sept. 19, 2007, in a commuter parking lot in Columbia where he was planning to pick up an order of anabolic steroids.

Wilson, who was identified in 2007 by Drug Enforcement Administration agents in California as an underground lab operator, was arrested Sept. 15, 2007, at the Columbia United Parcel Service store when he picked up a package from China that contained approximately 1 kilogram of raw steroid powder. Jones was arrested Sept. 24, 2007, at her home.

According to a news release from Whitworth’s office, Jones admitted that she and Wilson deposited more than $870,000 into bank accounts where they comingled drug trafficking proceeds with legitimate sources of income “in order to conceal the true source of the drug proceeds.”

Whitworth said Wilson and Jones ordered the chemicals and steroid powders online, converted the raw steroid powder to pill and liquid form and used the U.S. Postal Service and other delivery services to acquire and distribute the steroids throughout the country.

As part of the investigation in Boone County, DEA agents searched two locations — a residence and a business — and seized about 612,000 dosage units of steroids, 11.4 kilograms of raw steroid powder and $60,000 in cash. Those seizures led to the arrests of Wilson and Varner, Whitworth said.

Story from ColumbiaTribune.com

Wilson and Jones caused multiple Western Union wire transfers as payment for anabolic steroids shipped from the Peoples Republic of China. They used bank accounts to commingle their drug trafficking proceeds with any legitimate sources of income in order to conceal the true source of the drug proceeds, and also used that money to promote the steroid distribution. From 2002 through 2007, Jones admitted they deposited a total of $874,023 into those bank accounts, including $519,402 in cash deposits.

Story from NewsTribune.com
Strictly AAS

yes it was strictly steroid related. His criminal history is what got him. He had prior possession charges from 2000 and a few assualts.

Diesel: why get angry...he got ratted on it seems and got busted. He couldn't have stopped that. He didn't intentionally go out and screw anyone.

"....and seized about 612,000 dosage units of steroids"

Does anyone know the laws definition of a dosage unit?

Just curious.
"....and seized about 612,000 dosage units of steroids"

Does anyone know the laws definition of a dosage unit?

Just curious.

If I am not mistaken 50mg of something oral or 1/2 cc of any liquid product.
Who would rat on him? why the hell does the gov care about AAS so much? we arent hurting anyone else.........I hope he gets out early and comes back privately!
no one needed to rat him out...that retard was making 6 figures hustling online to people he never saw in real life, and he went ahead and sold shit on the streets, and more importantly sold shit to a DEA agent. Step your game up partner.
Who would rat on him? why the hell does the gov care about AAS so much? we arent hurting anyone else.........I hope he gets out early and comes back privately!

the gov doesn't care about AAS at all for the most part. Right now I am training some guys for the DEA, none give two craps about AAS. The only reason why they go after AAS is budget cuts, they use the AAS budget on other things like the current bloody border contracts. When those budget cut meetings come along they have to make a few large busts to keep that budget still there so they have money for things that really matter.
Greed will get you caught every time .
Yes ?
All it takes.

A 16year old kid that got a Vial off Line and got caught by his parents or a 40 yr old Gym Rat that got pulled over for a tail light and the LE looks in his gym bag and sees Pins and some orals, tells him he won't see his kids and wife again and he will crack. I've been in the game long enough I seen it a million times. LE will tell you all sorts of stuff.

Loose Lips sink ships, We all walk if nobody talks!

Remember if they come asking they have nothing if they come with Force and Cuffs U R F'd!
A 16year old kid that got a Vial off Line and got caught by his parents or a 40 yr old Gym Rat that got pulled over for a tail light and the LE looks in his gym bag and sees Pins and some orals, tells him he won't see his kids and wife again and he will crack. I've been in the game long enough I seen it a million times. LE will tell you all sorts of stuff.

Loose Lips sink ships, We all walk if nobody talks!

Remember if they come asking they have nothing if they come with Force and Cuffs U R F'd!

A 16year old kid that got a Vial off Line and got caught by his parents or a 40 yr old Gym Rat that got pulled over for a tail light and the LE looks in his gym bag and sees Pins and some orals, tells him he won't see his kids and wife again and he will crack. I've been in the game long enough I seen it a million times. LE will tell you all sorts of stuff.

Loose Lips sink ships, We all walk if nobody talks!

Remember if they come asking they have nothing if they come with Force and Cuffs U R F'd!

great post doggy

no one needed to rat him out...that retard was making 6 figures hustling online to people he never saw in real life, and he went ahead and sold shit on the streets, and more importantly sold shit to a DEA agent. Step your game up partner.
I guess you know the whole story. Dang your good. Actually you are so far from the truth. Also, so basically you are calling all the sources who post on here "retards" Hmmm. And your calling your source, oh wait a minute I'm sure you don't use roids nor purchase from any source on the board. You don't have to answer that, I know what the answer is.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
ProPharm sentencing press reports.
April Jones, 35-sentenced six months in federal prison without parole.
Bryan Greggory Wilson, 40, sentenced to two years and 11 months in federal prison without parole.

Jason Varner, 35, sentenced to three years of probation, including three months of home confinement.

who do you think among them talked. im not pointing any fingers. just saying.

this is my first post here. this forum seems different.
Isn't it possible customs just noticed the kilo containers marked "Testosterone enanthate" etc. on his China orders? All the Chinese guys clearly mark was the stuff is so they're following correct exportation laws.

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