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Fucking getbig.com losers...


Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
May 2, 2005
F#@king getbig.com losers...

Travis barker of blink182 was in a plane crash. his former wife shana moakler is a friend of mine whom i grew up with and know well. shit ive known her since i was 6 yr old. those get big fuckers started bashing her and calling her names. i aske them not to cuz they dont know her. then they tore into me and her even worse. what the fuck is their deal? i go on there cuz they have reccent pics of most bbers, and stuff, and when i see a promuscle bro gettig bashed i stepped in. but as of now im done. its a friggin joke. none of them are bbers. they are either fat or lil skinny assholes. the real bbers there dont fuck w people. i wish there was a way to push my fist out of a computer and knock the shit outa some of these guys for the things they say. they can bash me all they want, but freinds and family of mine......that burns me up!!!!! anyway it looks like travis is going to be ok and as for shanna, she is one of the sweetest down to earth people even after her success.
just to set the record straight.

god bless
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I know what u mean bro

I dont post on getbig but sometimes read their threads just for fun and the level of their conversations is lower than zero
Don't post over there lucian. Why open yourself to their juvenile crap? Tell 'em to go fu*k themselves and leave. Its like getting trapped on a school bus full of pencil-necked junior high kids over there.
I never step foot over at that place, If i want to see current pics of the pro's then i go to MD.com cause coach usually post pics of all the pro's before major contest. No need to ever go to that diseased place call getbig!
Don't post over there lucian. Why open yourself to their juvenile crap? Tell 'em to go fu*k themselves and leave. Its like getting trapped on a school bus full of pencil-necked junior high kids over there.
I'll take the pencil necked Jr. High School kids any day!! Bunch of fucking tools!

I'm with B-boy, unless someone here links a thread to there I never go there. Nothing there I want or need! This place is all I want and need in a forum or community. my family lives here and so do I!
This is why this place IS number 1 for me. I dont know of any other word to discribe this place but Professional. I had a couple of ? on powerlifting and all the answers I got were top notch. Adive that you cant beat
i know...

i dont post there much. one time when tp4u was getting bashed, but when i saw the shit they were saying about shanna.....well we have been friends for about 26 years, and i just cant sit by and let them be like that. so i guess from now on im prolly not even going to log on. its not worth the bullshit. ill tell ya, id like to see what some of these guys look like. tey bash everyone. cutler, wolf, victor. where do they get off talking shit?
oh well thanks for letting me vent. looks like travis is going to be ok but he was burned pretty bad in the plane crash. that sucks.
god bless

look at the shit they posted....damn man i was trying to be nice at first, then got a lil mad but DAMN!!!!! they want her to die??:eek: how can the mods let people do this shit over there? wow is all i can say. and i was wondering why nobody cool was left on there.


god bless
Well Lucian, their is people out there that will prey on other people's misfortunes. Call them what you like: scumbags, lowlifes, assholes, etc., etc. I tend not to get caught up in their feeble minded world. You lower your intelligence, by communicating with them. I am sure you are a much better man, than they will ever be, don't let them bother you. Let them hang out in their little world, your world is to big for them.:cool:
look at the shit they posted....damn man i was trying to be nice at first, then got a lil mad but DAMN!!!!! they want her to die??:eek: how can the mods let people do this shit over there? wow is all i can say. and i was wondering why nobody cool was left on there.


god bless

Damn, that was rough. Sorry you have to read that shit about someone who is your friend.
Yea i heard about the plane crash on my way back into town..very unfortunate but glad travis made it out okay
look at the shit they posted....damn man i was trying to be nice at first, then got a lil mad but DAMN!!!!! they want her to die??:eek: how can the mods let people do this shit over there? wow is all i can say. and i was wondering why nobody cool was left on there.


god bless

These guys are very disrespectful. I read their comments. They are nobodies, with nothing good going on. Don't sweat it, they are obviously full of hate. Their words hurt you, because you care about your friend. You are right, they are wrong. you are a good friend. peace.
holy shit! getbig.com! they were trouble makers 10 years ago! back then they impersonated members on bolex and gade and the place had no moderators. i cant believe that scum board is still up.

gotta go take a snooze. later snooze.

"Consider the source". It is immature amusement for a few kids living in their mom's basement smoking weed with a 110lb weight set with the plastic plates filled with concrete..

Do not let them rent space in your head. To "defend" your friend or anyone against their inane, uninformed comments would require them to be able to formulate coherent thoughts rather than regurgitate their own childesh inadequatcies in the form of bashing of others.

They are looking for a "Sissy Fight" not a discussion. I would recommend sending them to www.sissyfight.com.
I didn't read what they posted over there. Here's the thing, You know her, they don't, period. I could say "Kid Rock is an asshole". People who grew up with him may take offense to that because it isn't true. I don't even know him to make a statement like that. It's all personal opinion.

You shouldn't sweat it so bad. Christ, Read some of the Tabloids and the bullshit they say.

The quickest way to come out on top of a situation like that is to say nothing and walk away.

Misery loves company, people like that are takers. Don't let them take, just smile right in their face. They can't stand it.

yeah im cooled down now. i mean everyone is entitled to their opinion but when they started saying she should die? i mean come on thats a bit harsh.
im over it. i just wont be going to getbig.com anymore. i like the "dont let them rent space in your head" comment by peckerwood. thats a good way to look at it.
god bless
Getbig is what it is because of the moderation. If this board wasn't moderated it would be absolute chaos in a couple of days and all the good and sensible guys here would be involved in the silliness too. We know how easily a thread derails into name calling. Most of the posters there don't necessarily consist of basement dwelling kids any more than the posters at MD or any other board on the net. It's the same community by and large who posts on all these bb boards IMO. It's just that when the rules become lax it's hard to resist typing shit. Now granted I wouldn't write disrespectful stuff in a situation like this but many people are like that.
all boards...

have that kind of trash, but this one seems to be the most respectful, kind, and productive boards out there. I just posted the same warnings over @ the mayhem and MD board. People just have nothing else much to do then cut others down and talk shizzle. Its the way it is. You can always hide behind a comp and talk it.... itll never change unless you have stand up people like on this board rid itself of that garbage!! Props to the mods and Big A on promuscle.. my home
i dont post there much. one time when tp4u was getting bashed, but when i saw the shit they were saying about shanna.....well we have been friends for about 26 years, and i just cant sit by and let them be like that. so i guess from now on im prolly not even going to log on. its not worth the bullshit. ill tell ya, id like to see what some of these guys look like. tey bash everyone. cutler, wolf, victor. where do they get off talking shit?
oh well thanks for letting me vent. looks like travis is going to be ok but he was burned pretty bad in the plane crash. that sucks.
god bless

anabolex.com is a really good site...

check it out
Getbig is what it is because of the moderation. If this board wasn't moderated it would be absolute chaos in a couple of days and all the good and sensible guys here would be involved in the silliness too. We know how easily a thread derails into name calling. Most of the posters there don't necessarily consist of basement dwelling kids any more than the posters at MD or any other board on the net. It's the same community by and large who posts on all these bb boards IMO. It's just that when the rules become lax it's hard to resist typing shit. Now granted I wouldn't write disrespectful stuff in a situation like this but many people are like that.

I disagree totally....In my opinion most of the people over there are people who got banned off other boards. Massive G kicked them off of mayhem, Skip kicked them off of Intensemuscle, Big A kicked them off of here etc etc etc and on and on......so where do they go? Ron Avidan has absolutely no control over his board.....he is incredibly proud to have a board though as he will go thru expo's saying "im the owner of Getbig" (heard a story from a competitor who when Ron went up to his booth and told him that....the guy almost started laughing....like "and you are proud of owning that site where they walk all over you and make fun of how fat you are?"
He has no control of it.....basically he lets the animals run the asylum. You can say the most racist, sexist, godawful things over there and he wont do a thing about it.
When i kind of got a real sour taste of Getbig was when Kris Dim had that heart attack and almost died.....people on there were telling this guy (who has a family who just went thru hell) and was in his hospital bed reading the board at the time...."Good you deserve to die" "I hope you fucking die you slant eyed etc etc etc" and Ron Avidan did nothing about it....just let people say what they wanted to say.
I honestly thought that was one of the sickest things Ive ever seen let go on a message board.

Free speech is great when its used in a context of responsibility.....

a) A political debate and a guy stands up and says "I disagree with your policies and this is what i see wrong with them and why I dont agree with your point of view"

b) A guy gets up at the same debate and screams "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU repeatedly for 15 minutes straight"

Both are freedom of speech....which one is responsible and which one is idiotic? Obviously the second guy would be removed and thats how i think internet forums should be run.....let someone say responsible things in agreement or disagreement but dont allow (like at getbig) someone to call Jay Cutlers wife a "horsefaced whore" <----another thing Ron Avidan just lets go and does nothing about. Ok Jay Cutler gets judged on a bodybuilding stage....great....but his wife doesnt asked to have her looks be judged by you and she should be off limits.

If you read getbig closely its the same 20-25 guys over and over posting again with multiple gimmick accounts.

Years ago that was a damn awesome board....they had a slew of pro's on there posting daily......it really was interesting because at any given time I would say they had up to 10 pro's if not more posting......but when you can create gimmick accounts and hide behind screen names and bash people to make up for your own shortcomings of your own sucky life....guess what happens.....Avidan let all those guys drive those pro's off.....every single one.....the only guy left I believe is Bob Cicheriello.....they drove off Jay Cutler in 2 days. So basically instead of coersponding with known people in the sport, you have to wade through mindless posts of guys from East Jamoke South Carolina who are 6'1" 163lbs who dont have jobs and can post all day long about how awesome they are....24/7

Here is the bottom line of why I disagree with you that its the same guys you see on these other boards under gimmick accounts......

If you truly are happy in life or are rich in spirit or wealth....or are really a good bodybuilder, or have achieved results from your hard work......do you go around bashing other people on a daily basis? No you dont because you dont have to.

Do you see Jay Cutler coming on message boards bashing people in the sport? Did you see Ronnie do that? Do you see someone like Mark Dugdale do that? No you dont because they have their shit together. People who dont have their shit together, cant get anywhere in this sport and hate people who do get somewhere in it, or are just basically unhappy with themselves in someway....stay behind gimmick names, and bash people and it makes them feel "a step up?"...."a little bit better?"..."aha I told that pro off under the screen name "bigpipes"...Im freaking awesome now!?".....

Ill say it a million times over....truly happy with themselves people would never be over at getbig under a gimmick name bashing people, no way.....there is so much more productive stuff going on in their lives.

Now there are good people at getbig also....all you got to do is look for the guys who post under their real name by and large or let their real name be known.....yes its kind of that simple.
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