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Liver toxicity of methyltrienolone / injectable methylated compounds (bloodwork)


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Kilo Klub Member
Apr 29, 2012
Hey guys, a topic thats been really interesting me lately is the actual lixer toxicity of methylated compounds in injectable form.

Ive seen many anecdotal reports of people using injectable orals (17 alpha alkylated compounds) and experiencing less liver toxicity from them.

I love methyltrienolone, so I decided to put that theory to a test myself...
When I take stuff like dbol or superdrol I sometimes just dont feel good after 2-3 weeks. Dbol gives me digestion problems and stomach pains for example.
Just an ill feeling.
On methyltrienolone ive always felt good and healthy so I figured the toxicity cant be that high, even though its supposed to be pretty much the most toxic compound there is - TAKEN ORALLY.
There are reports of people developing jaundice and liver failure after just 2 weeks on 2mg orally. Even low dosages like 500mcg for just 2-3 weeks seem to trash your liver pretty badly.

I recently ran methyltrienolone in the injectable form at 3mg pre workout.
Ive ran 1mg and 2mg before, 1.5mg on average.

Did 3mg pre workout for 18 or 19 days. Working out 2 days on 1 off i had 14 or so injections. (Ran it with 1g test and 300mg DHT of which I dont really know if its legit yet).

I just had my bloodwork done, AST came back at 80 (reference range <50) and ALT was at 69 (reference range <50).

I expected MUCH MUCH worse and it seems like if you inject the stuff its not really that much toxic at all.

Lipids are also not THAT trashed (HDL came back very low at 15, however LDL is low too at 79). This was after 7 weeks of test/tren, dropped the tren and used methyltrienolone for the last 3 weeks.
I just take 10g fish oil a day and 15g coconut oil every day, otherwise my nutrition is "normal".

Just thought I'd share this, whats your personal experience with injectable 17a's? Bloodwork results of course appreciated !
Doesn't seem to screw you up to bad which is nice. Everyone is different though. My liver values sometimes get real high on just non methylated injectables. Your lucky.
Doesn't seem to screw you up to bad which is nice. Everyone is different though. My liver values sometimes get real high on just non methylated injectables. Your lucky.

on non methyls? how does that happen? from the little BA/BB content?
anyone else got input?
never tried injectable methyl tren but have used injectable dbol years ago and liver values never went up at all. hdl ldl was in the trash but was like that prior to the injectable dbol. honestly i feel like it most likely eq or test labeled as injectable dbol.
never tried injectable methyl tren but have used injectable dbol years ago and liver values never went up at all. hdl ldl was in the trash but was like that prior to the injectable dbol. honestly i feel like it most likely eq or test labeled as injectable dbol.

was it reforvit B ? or some UGL stuff ? i do have some injectable dbol on hand, but its mixed with GSO and guaiacol and that stuff smells nasty and YOU smell nasty after injecting it, lol.

i plan on making my superdrol powder into an injectable. ive never seen anyone doing that in any forum. this could get interesting. superdrol seems to be one of the harshest on your lipids and your liver, well, maybe you could at least dodge the liver issues by making that stuff an injectable.
but for now im off the orals (injectable orals :D) for another 4 weeks.
i mean my liver will probably fine again in 2 weeks at best, but better be safe than sorry :cool:
seems like nobody cares too much about their liver, lol :confused:
Bumping this as I've been wondering if injectable "orals" are healthier. Seems like they would be as you would get a much higher practical dose using less when injecting. I have played with sub lingual and plugged administration but they have their drawbacks.

What percent is typically metabolized in the first pass thru digestive tract.
injectable winny is my favorite drug. none of the stomach sides i get from orals or the shitty lethargy i get from stressed liver
injectable winny is my favorite drug. none of the stomach sides i get from orals or the shitty lethargy i get from stressed liver

Winstrol – Oral versus Injectable (More Different Than You Think!)

The information is good but I don't think his conclusion is necessarily valid. I would use injectable winstrol to get more effect from the actual winstrol NOT to free up SHBG bound test. If I wanted more test in my system I would just inject more test or use proviron which is less harsh than winstrol and also frees SHBG bound test.

I see it this way, if you take winstrol orally much of it is wasted by being bound to SHBG, by injecting you can take more advantage of winstrols effect at the receptors.
I'm leaning strongly to making injectable superdrol and maybe even running it with injectable methyltrienolone as a pre-workout. Bringing this thread back to life, can anyone else chime in on injectable superdrol or injectable orals in general as they pertain to liver health?
This is very very individual.

Some guys tolerate 200mg of drol while others start turning yellow on 50mg. Always protect your liver when using orals.

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