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Dude in 40s doing TRT


Aug 10, 2017
I’ve made the decision to do trt for the rest of my life. I’ve been doing some reading on it and just want to get your opinion on my protocol. (Found this somewhere online)

250mg sustanon every 10days
250 IUs of HCG every 3 days
12.5 mcg of T3 every day
1.25mg finsteride everyday
(occasionally) 2 IUs of HGH everyday

My goal is to get to around 1000ng/dL for my total test and TSH around 2 or less. How does this look?
I’ve made the decision to do trt for the rest of my life. I’ve been doing some reading on it and just want to get your opinion on my protocol. (Found this somewhere online)

250mg sustanon every 10days
250 IUs of HCG every 3 days
12.5 mcg of T3 every day
1.25mg finsteride everyday
(occasionally) 2 IUs of HGH everyday

My goal is to get to around 1000ng/dL for my total test and TSH around 2 or less. How does this look?

10 days is way too long in between shots especially if you’re using Sust. I suggest 20-25mg Test cyp Every day IM or 40-50mg IM MWF
Don’t focus on total testosterone focus on free testosterone. HCG is good but I would do 250iu 3x/wk or every other day.

No need for T3 unless your thyroid is already low

I wouldn’t use Fina either as it will decrease free testosterone.

You may need an anti-estrogen low-dose like Arimidex.25mg MWF

Add 1.5-2iu/day high-quality HGH and it’s a solid regimen.
10 days is way too long in between shots especially if you’re using Sust. I suggest 20-25mg Test cyp Every day IM or 40-50mg IM MWF
Don’t focus on total testosterone focus on free testosterone. HCG is good but I would do 250iu 3x/wk or every other day.

No need for T3 unless your thyroid is already low

I wouldn’t use Fina either as it will decrease free testosterone.

You may need an anti-estrogen low-dose like Arimidex.25mg MWF

Add 1.5-2iu/day high-quality HGH and it’s a solid regimen.

Thats some very sound advise.
The idea of doing TRT, and this is something you will be doing for a LOOOOONNGG time, is to use as little as you can and get the most back.
Why start with a FULL arsenal?
I would just start with 8mg to 10mg daily of Cyp or Enanthate as suggested by Thebigone.
It will take a little while, but that should get you where you want to be at 1000g/dl. At this dose you will not need all the ancillary drugs you are looking at.
Hcg should not be added into the regiment at the time. Not until you have established your Testosterone dosage/protocol and this will be a while down the line anyways. You may not need it.
You can always titrate up the dosage should you need to latter down the line.
My 2cents.
10 days is way too long in between shots especially if you’re using Sust. I suggest 20-25mg Test cyp Every day IM or 40-50mg IM MWF
Don’t focus on total testosterone focus on free testosterone. HCG is good but I would do 250iu 3x/wk or every other day.

No need for T3 unless your thyroid is already low

I wouldn’t use Fina either as it will decrease free testosterone.

You may need an anti-estrogen low-dose like Arimidex.25mg MWF

Add 1.5-2iu/day high-quality HGH and it’s a solid regimen.

Thanks for the tips. I was taking almost 1mL sustanon 350 2xs per week and my total test was over 3k which is waaay higher than I want it to be. Really? I’d need arimadex if my test is at 1000?

I was thinking t3 so I could eat like a pig but you’re probably right. Better to leave that out.
Thats some very sound advise.
The idea of doing TRT, and this is something you will be doing for a LOOOOONNGG time, is to use as little as you can and get the most back.
Why start with a FULL arsenal?
I would just start with 8mg to 10mg daily of Cyp or Enanthate as suggested by Thebigone.
It will take a little while, but that should get you where you want to be at 1000g/dl. At this dose you will not need all the ancillary drugs you are looking at.
Hcg should not be added into the regiment at the time. Not until you have established your Testosterone dosage/protocol and this will be a while down the line anyways. You may not need it.
You can always titrate up the dosage should you need to latter down the line.
My 2cents.

Lol thanks. I’m just doing everything I can to not have to inject myself every freaking day!! It hurts!
Similar age and after a couple years of fine tuning I've found 20-30mg daily of test cyp or eth is perfect trt dose for me. No AI needed at that dose and have also added in naturethroid rather than t3 or t4, which I'd highly recommend as a natural vs synthetic option...

Puts my total t around high end normal range, or should say old normal range before the labs dropped it down.
Also, no need to hurt yourself pinning everyday. With a dose that small I successfully use 29g or 30g half inch insulin syringes which I backfill with a 25g once a week. Awesome way to go.
Thanks for the tips. I was taking almost 1mL sustanon 350 2xs per week and my total test was over 3k which is waaay higher than I want it to be. Really? I’d need arimadex if my test is at 1000?

I was thinking t3 so I could eat like a pig but you’re probably right. Better to leave that out.

You won’t know unless you get blood work. You should get the ultra sensitive Estradiol LC/MS test it’s most accurate.
Similar age and after a couple years of fine tuning I've found 20-30mg daily of test cyp or eth is perfect trt dose for me. No AI needed at that dose and have also added in naturethroid rather than t3 or t4, which I'd highly recommend as a natural vs synthetic option...

Puts my total t around high end normal range, or should say old normal range before the labs dropped it down.

that actually gives me hope. I was using the big oil needles and i've got some scar tissue from just injecting twice weekly. Have you developed any scarring? (I have no idea how big insulin needles are)
Thats some very sound advise.
The idea of doing TRT, and this is something you will be doing for a LOOOOONNGG time, is to use as little as you can and get the most back.
Why start with a FULL arsenal?
I would just start with 8mg to 10mg daily of Cyp or Enanthate as suggested by Thebigone.
It will take a little while, but that should get you where you want to be at 1000g/dl. At this dose you will not need all the ancillary drugs you are looking at.
Hcg should not be added into the regiment at the time. Not until you have established your Testosterone dosage/protocol and this will be a while down the line anyways. You may not need it.
You can always titrate up the dosage should you need to latter down the line.
My 2cents.

I've been debating how badly I need this. I'm at 700 ng/dL naturally. My buddy who has been on gear much longer than me says he aims for around 1000-1200 as it makes him horny all the time and he has tons of chicks to go around. (I hate him).

Why not use HCG? My worry is that I'll start and then something funky will happen down the line (ie I can't afford test anymore) and I'll lose every gain I ever had. (hence the HCG)
I've been debating how badly I need this. I'm at 700 ng/dL naturally. My buddy who has been on gear much longer than me says he aims for around 1000-1200 as it makes him horny all the time and he has tons of chicks to go around. (I hate him).

Why not use HCG? My worry is that I'll start and then something funky will happen down the line (ie I can't afford test anymore) and I'll lose every gain I ever had. (hence the HCG)

You don't need TRT or HCG therapy.
Highest libido is attained between 660 and 790 produced, if your E is in ratio and there is no reason its not if you have not been taking anything exogenously.
Similar age and after a couple years of fine tuning I've found 20-30mg daily of test cyp or eth is perfect trt dose for me. No AI needed at that dose and have also added in naturethroid rather than t3 or t4, which I'd highly recommend as a natural vs synthetic option...

Puts my total t around high end normal range, or should say old normal range before the labs dropped it down.

I read the half life of test cypionate is 8 days. I’m not clear on why it’s better to do daily injections of 20mg when I could just 70mg twice a week?
Also, no need to hurt yourself pinning everyday. With a dose that small I successfully use 29g or 30g half inch insulin syringes which I backfill with a 25g once a week. Awesome way to go.

Not sure I understand. You mean you use 25g insulin needles to put test into the syringe and then switch to 29 or 30g to actually do the injection? (Sorry this is all new to me)
I read the half life of test cypionate is 8 days. I’m not clear on why it’s better to do daily injections of 20mg when I could just 70mg twice a week?

correct thinking but bloodwork of countless men prove that it is better to microdose 3-4x a week then just 2x a week as suggested by the docs.
15mg cyp/day and most likely no ai needed. Id try that first and give it 8 weeks to see how you feel.
You don't need TRT or HCG therapy.
Highest libido is attained between 660 and 790 produced, if your E is in ratio and there is no reason its not if you have not been taking anything exogenously.

i would say this is HIGHLY personal. not saying this from own experience but listening to docs with their own clinics. its aboyt symptoms, not numbers. some guys do great with 700 and some on 1200 or 1500.

when symptoms persist = continue treatment, when symptoms stop = sweetspot. always treat by symptoms, not numbers.

some guys need 3k calories, some 3.7k and some 2.5k. give the guy who needs 4k calories 3k and he will complain of hunger even though he is according to numbers eating plenty and should not be hungry.

symptoms over numbers, always. numbers are very often randomly made and based on science 30 years old. useless

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