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Arthritis in knees - TB500 or BPC?

If you are looking for a good joint supplement containing cissus, I really like Morphogen Nutrition's Joint.

Thank you
Have you looked at your diet? You might find you are eating something thats inflaming the joints. I’m on The vertical diet but predominantly carnivore and my joints feel better. I got rid of bread and excess veg
Those two peptides likely won’t help much. If so I think we would have already been all over them for knees.

As far as corticosteroid injection, use don’t abuse unless you know you are going to need a knee replacement one day.

Hyaluronic acid injections are also a decent option but can be pricy for some.
Bear in mind, some of these treatments are intra articular injections.

Like, a nurse sticks a big needle directly into the middle of your knee.

Probably unpleasant for a moment but could be helpful long-term.
this is exactly whats done here in germany from some clinics and the feedback from guys using it is great
In addition to what others have said, you may want to give this a try.

I just got a bottle and started last night on my shoulder. My GF also will be using it on her knee. I don't know what the carrier mechanism is but I figured it wouldn't hurt and I can always apply some DMSO to increase absorption if needed.

Keep us updated on how this works…I’m interested to hear.
Has the condition been medically diagnosed as osteoarthritis?

If so, then the treatment plan from the doc would be better than these peptides.

If not, then I have had tremendous relief (when overreaching/overtraining) with Cissus quadrangularis. This plant contains potent anabolic steroids actually, 3-ketosteroids like testosterone (but not androgens nor 3-keto-4-androstan-3-ones; just 3-ones), and are potently bone anabolic & antiinflammatory. However, this was a band-aid; and I did a lot better by getting my training volume down to reasonable levels. Remember, training stress is "hormetic," has an inverse-U shaped curve (an optimization or "Goldilocks" problem; not too little or too much, but just right).
BPC/TB have 0 effect on my osteo in my L shoulder.
But Type you are 100% right, Cissus is great.

I remember Cissus went thru a "popular" phase in the mid 2000s. Bodybuilding.com times.
And because of that (my L was shit even back then) i tried it. It was one the very fewww supplements that made a noticeable improvement in pain management.
BPC/TB have 0 effect on my osteo in my L shoulder.
But Type you are 100% right, Cissus is great.

I remember Cissus went thru a "popular" phase in the mid 2000s. Bodybuilding.com times.
And because of that (my L was shit even back then) i tried it. It was one the very fewww supplements that made a noticeable improvement in pain management.
The legacy of USPlabs should be Jack3d and Cissus. I don't know if USP were the first to bring Cissus to the market but I know it got hugely popular with them. I had a pretty much unlimited supply since I worked for them and it was a great product.
In addition to what others have said, you may want to give this a try.

I just got a bottle and started last night on my shoulder. My GF also will be using it on her knee. I don't know what the carrier mechanism is but I figured it wouldn't hurt and I can always apply some DMSO to increase absorption if needed.

Hey Reno - is this a CND lab?

Doubled check the site, I cant seem to find that product.

When I click the link, it takes me to the main site.

Hey Reno - is this a CND lab?

Doubled check the site, I cant seem to find that product.

When I click the link, it takes me to the main site.

Hmmmm. Weird. No they are US. Shipped from inside US as well. I just clicked the link I posted and it took me right there.

Maybe try clearly out your cache or copy the link in the browser and then try it in a different web browser.
Hmmmm. Weird. No they are US. Shipped from inside US as well. I just clicked the link I posted and it took me right there.

Maybe try clearly out your cache or copy the link in the browser and then try it in a different web browser.

Smarty pants!

Yep, the above worked.

thanks man.
Sells well here at the shop:
Hey Reno - is this a CND lab?

Doubled check the site, I cant seem to find that product.

When I click the link, it takes me to the main site.


Pretty unique and cool product but I’m a little skeptical as I assume those 2 very fragile peptides are destroyed in this process.
Have you looked at your diet? You might find you are eating something thats inflaming the joints. I’m on The vertical diet but predominantly carnivore and my joints feel better. I got rid of bread and excess veg

Yup!! I don’t have a choice as I can’t get away with any processed crap anyway for all sorts of reason.

I’m forced to eat super clean. I also supplement with anti-inflams.

Thank you
I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both knees at 37. Pain was to the point where I couldn’t barely train quads and if I did, it was with the strongest liniment I could find and a size down from what I needed SBD knee sleeves that took a circus act to get on. At 43 my knees feel 80% better. The 3 things that I felt were responsible for the improvement were (no particular order):

1. Hyaluronic acid injections

2. Flossing knee’s regularly with voodoo floss bands.

3. Ditching knee sleeves, starting leg training over with literally zero weight, and performing every movement with full range of motion with a pause in the stretched position - even if that meant losing tension on the quads in the bottom end. I’ve built some strength back up but don’t move near as much weight as I used to…but my quad size has returned.

I ran BPC and tb500 in conjunction extensively at considerable doses and didn’t feel it did much for the arthritis.
In addition to what others have said, you may want to give this a try.

I just got a bottle and started last night on my shoulder. My GF also will be using it on her knee. I don't know what the carrier mechanism is but I figured it wouldn't hurt and I can always apply some DMSO to increase absorption if needed.

This is an intriguing product! Never seen these in transdermal form before! May have to give it a try for this tennis elbow I have! Thanks for the link!

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