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MK-677 Cold Turkey


Active member
Feb 6, 2008
I’ve been on MK-677 For five weeks now. I don’t particularly like it and wanna go off. Can I stop cold turkey or do I need to tirade down and wean off slowly? Thanks in advance.
I’ve been on MK-677 For five weeks now. I don’t particularly like it and wanna go off. Can I stop cold turkey or do I need to tirade down and wean off slowly? Thanks in advance.
Just stop it. You’ll feel great in 1-2 days once it gets out of you lol
No need just come off
I don’t mind it but I prefer being off it to on it. The appetite thing and deeper sleep is nice so nowadays I will just pulse it for 3-7 days if I take it.

i was just talking with someone who loves mk677 and pulses it. He says youll notice the first dose you take , so he runs eod without the sides As noticeable . I’m wondering about 25 mg strictly on high carb days and refeeds.

also , have you tried doing a super low dose such as 5mg?
Maybe I should lower it to 12.5mg per day instead of 25mg? Five weeks maybe wasn’t long enough to see the affects? My fasting glucose was 109 this morning though. Thoughts? Advice? Thanks boys
Maybe I should lower it to 12.5mg per day instead of 25mg? Five weeks maybe wasn’t long enough to see the affects? My fasting glucose was 109 this morning though. Thoughts? Advice? Thanks boys
Definitely lower it for next run. I like it better around 10mg.

@MasteroniPepperoni I haven’t tried it as low dose as 5mg. Probably would be fine obviously more subtle.
This is my first time using it. I think I’ll drop it to 12.5mg (0.5ml) for the next 5 weeks and discontinue for a bit at week 10. I’m using Science-bio MK-677. You ever use that?
I picked up a couple bottles of this to see how it works. Pros , Unbelievable muscle fullness and pumps , Good sleep and vivid dreams. I don't get the hunger so thats good to me. Cons , Sleepy ,Sweat more in the gym. Stomach distension to the point of pain and intestinal cramps. This kills me. I can't do a full 25 mg dosage but at around 1/4 dosage i get the good effects without the bad. I've tried ramping it up slowly but 2 days after hitting 1/2 dosage the stomach issues kick in. I really like MK677 but can only tolerate 1/4 dosage . I'm 62 so any increase in natural GH production is a plus. I'm guessing my age has a lot to do with my GH sensitivity
I picked up a couple bottles of this to see how it works. Pros , Unbelievable muscle fullness and pumps , Good sleep and vivid dreams. I don't get the hunger so thats good to me. Cons , Sleepy ,Sweat more in the gym. Stomach distension to the point of pain and intestinal cramps. This kills me. I can't do a full 25 mg dosage but at around 1/4 dosage i get the good effects without the bad. I've tried ramping it up slowly but 2 days after hitting 1/2 dosage the stomach issues kick in. I really like MK677 but can only tolerate 1/4 dosage . I'm 62 so any increase in natural GH production is a plus. I'm guessing my age has a lot to do with my GH sensitivity
im 64 and am 4 weeks in on mk , i dont get the hunger either but find i can eat bigger portions . dosage wise i started with 5mg for a few days then went to 12.5 for another few days then 25mg split into 2 doses but hated the dreams and stomach bloating and cramps , now back to 12.5 per day in the morning . will do another 4 weeks on this then take a month off before trying s23 . also got bpc157 .
im 64 and am 4 weeks in on mk , i dont get the hunger either but find i can eat bigger portions . dosage wise i started with 5mg for a few days then went to 12.5 for another few days then 25mg split into 2 doses but hated the dreams and stomach bloating and cramps , now back to 12.5 per day in the morning . will do another 4 weeks on this then take a month off before trying s23 . also got bpc157 .
Curious, what is bpc usually used for? From what ive read it sounds like its great for connective tissue repair, but does it have any performance or aesthetic benefits?
Curious, what is bpc usually used for? From what ive read it sounds like its great for connective tissue repair, but does it have any performance or aesthetic benefits?
it certainly has a good writeup and will be trying it for the first time possibly after the s23 . dont want to stack anything especially at my age although i have no medical conditions and am on no prescribed medication. just dont want to take any risks especially with trying something for the first time . s23 is a very strong compound as a stand alone needing pct
Just started a run of MK about a week ago 12.5mg/ED. This is my fourth attempt at trying it and again I keep retaining water feel bloated and like crap. Helps me sleep like a baby but this bloating is terrible.

Any suggestions at keeping the bloat under control?
Just started a run of MK about a week ago 12.5mg/ED. This is my fourth attempt at trying it and again I keep retaining water feel bloated and like crap. Helps me sleep like a baby but this bloating is terrible.

Any suggestions at keeping the bloat under control?
Apart from reducing the dosage i hear if you drink a lot more fluids it helps reduce bloating but never tried as im just living with the bloat

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