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Sus250 + androllic 50mg cycle (help)


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Ey guys, I've detoxed for 5months now since coming back from Thailand I sent a shit load of shit back and am ready to go for it

100ml of sustannon 250mg (organnon)
100 50mg androllic pills (British despensery)

I also sent a packet of anabol 10mg powder that i crushed so thought I'd mix em in with the androls into empty caps and crush em all together, had one the other day and felt lethal but very easy on the stomach each pill will contain 75mg

I want to know what would the best result be to combine these two in the cycle how many injections do I need to do aswell as taking the
Caps! And getting a good result

I used sus two days ago 1ml in my bum and am very sore and have a Mild fever and feel sick as I new would happen as a result of body reconising the sus and previous use of sustannon...
Any feedback will be good
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Ey guys, I've detoxed for 5months now since coming back from Thailand I sent a shit load of shit back and am ready to go for it

100ml of sustannon 250mg (organnon)
100 50mg androllic pills (British despensery)

I also sent a packet of anabol 10mg powder that i crushed so thought I'd mix em in with the androls into empty caps and crush em all together, had one the other day and felt lethal but very easy on the stomach each pill will contain 75mg

I want to know what would the best result be to combine these two in the cycle how many injections do I need to do aswell as taking the
Caps! And getting a good result

I used sus two days ago 1ml in my bum and am very sore and have a Mild fever and feel sick as I new would happen as a result of body reconising the sus and previous use of sustannon...
Any feedback will be good

what? huh?
What was the issue? It's a question regarding what is the best way to combine both sus and the pills?
No disrespect, but for someone that crushes pills and turns to them to powder to make into capsules, don't you think its a novice question?
Ey guys, I've detoxed for 5months now since coming back from Thailand I sent a shit load of shit back and am ready to go for it

100ml of sustannon 250mg (organnon)
100 50mg androllic pills (British despensery)

I also sent a packet of anabol 10mg powder that i crushed so thought I'd mix em in with the androls into empty caps and crush em all together, had one the other day and felt lethal but very easy on the stomach each pill will contain 75mg

I want to know what would the best result be to combine these two in the cycle how many injections do I need to do aswell as taking the
Caps! And getting a good result

I used sus two days ago 1ml in my bum and am very sore and have a Mild fever and feel sick as I new would happen as a result of body reconising the sus and previous use of sustannon...
Any feedback will be good

In all seriousness, you need to go to the beginners section and really research and read up. Honestly, with the amount of knowledge you have regarding AAS, you have no business using any. Take your time. Besides, after reading up on all the pro's and con's, you may decide it's not for you.
Cycle history

Good old Karachi's, I used to love those things. I too used to ship them along with a buch of other stuff back from Thailand. God I love that place! Human grade Of course every time i injected I got the red sore injection site just like you are complaining about.
So what is cycle history, have you ever taken anything? It is hard to suggest a protocol without knowing your history with AAS.
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All jokes aside but you nor anyone would u derstand why I'd crush 500 dbols to send back through the mail as I don't want the gear seized! You try send 500 back and well see how far that gets ya, anyhow on the other hand any reason I should be posting in. The beginners section? Unless big a says so I will,

Too the more mature response I've did 3 cycles all up with all equally went for 13weeks
First ever cycle what test prop and test e and nolva

2nd tren e and androlics

3rd sus and decca and 5mg anabol (pink)

All I want to know is;
I don't want to shut my natural test levels for 250mg a week how can I use the sus and the pills withought fully killing my stomach and appetite as I've found out after doing my second cycle of dbol which gave me enormous gains but bad side effects

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