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im 41 and thinkin of doing one last "big" blast next year, iv had issues with tren for years now and i would love one last real tren run :D
I'll be 41 in october, but best not to listen to me as I'm a super hypochondriac. I'm pretty much cruise on 100-120 test and "blast" on 250 test with maybe a little deca or mast added on. I get these are pathetic doses...
im 41 and thinkin of doing one last "big" blast next year, iv had issues with tren for years now and i would love one last real tren run :D

I’ve told myself that for the last 3-4 years (probably more if I really thought about it).
I'll be 41 in october, but best not to listen to me as I'm a super hypochondriac. I'm pretty much cruise on 100-120 test and "blast" on 250 test with maybe a little deca or mast added on. I get these are pathetic doses...

Not pathetic doses at all. Sure they are less than many but doses should match your goals and your response plus tolerance/risk assessment. Taking more than you need is dumb as all hell. Why would anyone do that? If you are happy and it's doing what you want that's a win. If I could do all I want on 1ml dosed 1x a week I'd be doing it and grinning ear to ear.
im 41 and thinkin of doing one last "big" blast next year, iv had issues with tren for years now and i would love one last real tren run :D
Instead of using 'bro' doses of tren, try starting out at unconventional smaller doses. 5mg/day for instance.
These smaller doses work. They just don't smack you in the face like the usual 'bro' doses like 100mg/day.
Supposedly back in the late 80s guys were seeing results on 50mg(76mg) of parabola per week.
I thought tbol sucked too. Under 100 mg a day it never did much. Run it 150 mg a day or more and watch what happens. It’s nothing short of badass. Recomped me like tren without sides got stronger, full and more vascular and a great strength drug in higher doses. Trust me. It is not a weak drug. People just don’t use enough to see it shine. And even at higher doses it did not fuck with my digestion. Made me hungry and very driven.
I bumped from 30 to 60 based on this thread I’ll see where it goes from there. 10 tabs a day also has me burning thru 3 bottles a month which is a good bit.
My "cruise" is 250 test cyp and 200 mast. Then when I want to "blast" I add 200 deca.

I've done low dose anavar and low dose t-bol on training days. Both seemed to give a boost in strength, the var gave me better pumps and a nice mood boost (kinda like being on bromantane).
First time I ever did var I had that same feeing. I’ve never been able to replicate since. Makes me wonder how legit everything was after that first time
Wow... well i have started using gear lately in my life, i was 33y old.

Compared to you all i am really using a lot.
1g Sust 700 EQ 350 TrenE 350 MastE 10iu HGH some ius of slin with pre and postwo meals.

My bloods are good to go, LDL is 20ish HDL 80 ish, Hba1c, Bilirubine GGT, C-statin C all in range.
Maybe because i have started lately and for most of the time i was on 1-1,5g total.
Not pathetic doses at all. Sure they are less than many but doses should match your goals and your response plus tolerance/risk assessment. Taking more than you need is dumb as all hell. Why would anyone do that? If you are happy and it's doing what you want that's a win. If I could do all I want on 1ml dosed 1x a week I'd be doing it and grinning ear to ear.
Thanks my friend. I always feel like I need to state the repetitive caveat that I went a year on nothing to have our second child and then was only on 10mgs a day for months so even now a year after I'm feeling amazing after two years (almost) of no test or very, very little. We'll see how I feel in another year lol.

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