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my avatar and more info . . .


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Jul 29, 2006
Here is a larger version of my avatar which was shot for my first post,
over in the Professional Muscle Forum.

And I've attached a rear view I took at the same time. I'll post some other photos
of me when I have the time to set it up and take them. Really not much to
look at but like they say . . . it is what it is.

When I was much younger, I aspired physique wise to transform myself into
something that I soon found out I did not have the genetics to achieve. Though
I certainly had the will and the desire, all I had to really do is climb up into the
family tree and look around. It just wasn't in the cards.

I'm well into my fifties now; am 5 foot 10 inches tall and weigh between
168 and 170. Have recently weighed a little more (the most I have
ever weighted in my life and I felt like crap) and have weighed a bunch less
year ago when I tried being a vegetarian and was rock climbing all the time.

Despite what is depicted in the avatar, I redefine the meaning of word
ectomorph, though you can probably tell. I have been told that I have been
given a gift; that gift being the metabolism of a race horse. (That can be
both a blessing and a cure, depending upon what your goals are.)

My metabolism is not as it once was, having slowed down a bit with age,
but I think in many regards the years and years of consistent exercise
and a balanced diet, and genetics have been good to me. I can still
lose fat very easily and become very defined at what would appear to be
a moments notice. This seems to be good weight / look for me now, or so
others have said. I can do what I want to do and I feel great, that's really
the most important main thing for me.

I have never counted calories, and except for a brief period of time over thirty years
ago when I experimented with protein supplements (yes, they have come a long
way since then); for nutritional supplementation now, I only take the vitamins
my wife fixes up for me.

Again, all this you can probably tell by my photos.

I train with weights three (3) days a weeks; a split routine, upper - lower body
every other day, with weekends off. At one point in time I could manage a full
body workouts every other day but those days seem to be long gone for me.

I have met and observed a lot of interesting people in the bodybuilding field along the
way and have done some other interesting things, some of which may or may not
relate to bodybuilding.

Looking forward to talking about those things and asking some questions, making some
comments, as time permits.


  • promuscle copy.jpg
    promuscle copy.jpg
    100 KB · Views: 450
You are looking good, Young man.;)
Yeah, you look great. Thats a lean body you have too, so those 170 ish pounds are solid. You look much better than most of the young guys at my gym. You look great for any age really. I bet you have the same experience where you lift?
You have a lean, solid, healthy look going there. Great job!
Thanks for the compliments gentleman.

Maldorf: It's funny really, in clothes I look like
I have never touched a weight in my life, have been mistaken
for a runner or a swimmer. I almost always wear long
sleeve shirts (tank tops never), even when I workout.

But when they see me doing sets of chins and dips back
to back with 50 lbs around my waist, or doing wrist curls
with 135 lbs, they know something is up. And then when
they see me in the locker room, (not to brag) jaws drop.
I've been told I'm one of those people that look better the
more you undress them.

Queefer: Yes, I have heard the beach body compliment
before. Years ago I spent a bunch of time at the beach,
and by the pool. It was great while it lasted but I'm paying
for it now. Once a season I get to go to the skin doc to
get chunks of my hide removed. Not good. Take care of
your skin, you only get one of them and it has got to last
a long time.
Last edited:
Without seeing the lower half.....I will say that in my opinion you look terrific.

Well into your 50's? Very, very, good. I'd rather see someone like you at that weight than other guys who weight 50lbs more mainly consisting of fat.

Your appear healthy and it sounds like you are very functional...still cranking out the chins with weight etc. Functionality is something I think about often as things hurt right now once in a while from past abuse of exercise.

I've been out in the sun my whole life and I'll no doubt end up with some of the skin issues you've described.

You look very someone said above...for any age.

Keep up the good work and post some leg shots if you train them.
Like I said before bro.
Looking great :)
Thank you Jethro Tull.

I'll post some leg shots shortly.

I have not trained them as consistantly
as my upper body but have been hitting
them hard and regularly the last few years
and they have shown more progress then
at any time in my life.

They are not great, but they are getting better.

My legs have always been well defined in my opinion
but as of late, like overnight, veins (not varicose) started
appearing on the top and the inside of my thighs. Don't know
why, they just appeared. Am sure it's directly related
to the concentrated effort I have been putting into
them. Lots of squats (like 50 reps with bodyweight on my
shoulders). Can't go much lower then 20 reps with heavier
weights as I have a predisposition to low back pain and
have terrible biomechanics for squatting but I am learning
to enjoy them, even look forward to them, especially when I
see some results.

Calves are another story. Improving, and very vascular
and well defined, but they are not going to win any awards.

I do a fair amount of road bicycling between workouts
which I'm certain has hindered my progress with
respect to size and strength.

But I can't stop living and enjoying all the things I like
to do. It all come down to priorities.

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