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GH Pro Supply's Greens

iron irish

May 3, 2009
Please respond only if you have used them personally-the green tops that come in8iu vials.Curious about how fast they dissolve,and how bubbley the solution is upon reconstitution.Any feedback appreciated.
Please respond only if you have used them personally-the green tops that come in8iu vials.Curious about how fast they dissolve,and how bubbley the solution is upon reconstitution.Any feedback appreciated.

Been using this. Used it today. Mine dissolve within 5-10 seconds with a little soapy looking bubbles.

I have been on for 8 months. 46lbs of weight loss. Put on about 9 lbs of muscle. Now, I have used the greens on and off. I have all colors so I usually do a month with one type then switch over to another.
Switched from 5iu of AK's blues to 5iu of GHPS' greens and have noticed a significant increase in hand numbness.
Been using this. Used it today. Mine dissolve within 5-10 seconds with a little soapy looking bubbles.

Thanx for the feedback EC.Sounds ALOT better than the IP yellows I've been using.Some vials take up to 2 minutes to dissolve and very few bubbles.
Good feedback guys, keep it coming. Anyone else?
I switched from glos to the green tops and they are good, they of course are not glos but they are good. I have noticed they have a strong vacuum and do bubble up.I would order again but seeing now they carry glos i'll be going back to them.I also have the hyges too. Lol
Thanks you would recommend the glos over the generic green tops? Is this because you get better results from the glos at lower dosages then with the greens? Not talking about sides, but more fat loss and lean muscle growth with less ius? I too am torn between glos or hyges against the cost effective greens. Any feedback appreciated. :)
I switched from glos to the green tops and they are good, they of course are not glos but they are good. I have noticed they have a strong vacuum and do bubble up.I would order again but seeing now they carry glos i'll be going back to them.I also have the hyges too. Lol

do you have any advice on equivalent dosages of glos to greens? i ask cause SWIM is using some glos first and then hes switching to greens when those are done and was curious as to wether he can just go IU for IU for equivalency
I did notice a difference between the glos and green tops when I made the switch between the two. When on glos I was doing 4 iu's per day and when I went to the green tops I started where I left off with the glos at 4 iu's. I could tell a big difference between the two within a week, so I bumped the green tops up to 6 iu's and am running that as of now. For me I prefer the glos over the green tops, but as I stated above I would buy the green tops again, as a matter of fact I am thinking of adding them in to my hgh protocal and go something like this. Three months green tops, three months glos,and three months hyges and stagger my iu usage.I am currently in my 7th month of usage and plan on running hgh for 18 months and do it at different dosages. LOL
glos, can some one fill me in and maybe pm me or something?

as far as the greens from ghps goes i hope to receive mine today and will be more then happy to share my results with all you guys...

i have only used ip yellows and blues with which i can compare with..
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glos, can some one fill me in and maybe pm me or something?

as far as the greens from ghps goes i how to receive mine today and will be more then happy to share my results with all you guys...

i have only used ip yellows and blues with which i can compare with..

One of the sponsers has glos. I just ordered to give them a try myself.
the bird has landed, all i can say so far is that the vacuum on these are stronger then any blue or yellow i have ever had from that part of the world..

the vacuum was stronger then i was really thinking is was going to be :D

90 percent dissolved on contact the rest after 30-40 sec

hope this helps
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the bird has landed, all i can say so far is that the vacuum on these are stronger then any blue or yellow i have ever had from that part of the world..

the vacuum was stronger then i was really thinking is was going to be :D

90 percent dissolved on contact the rest after 30-40 sec

hope this helps

It seems, according to the stock of a friend who uses pharm grade and prescription GH, many of the well known and legit GH companies no longer use a vacuum seal.

No, I do not have a reason why - just what is being experienced.
The blue tops I received have an incredible vaccuum - I wasn't expecting that! Plus they form those soapy bubbles everyone keeps going on about...:cool:

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