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Vitamin D a simple cheap supplement BB'ers can really benefit from

Massive G

Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 13, 2004
Want to imrove your cholesterol? Lower your BP?
Improve your triglycerides? Help your glucose metabolism? Reduce cardiac inflammation?
Vitamin D is for you. Most of us don't get enough through diet and supplements believe it or not.
I was tested last year and found to be quite low, and I eat a good diet with some milk products in it, and take a fair amount of vitamins. But D was not in my extra mix like C, E, and CA etc were.
I have seen real world results were people's cholesterol ratio improved.
While this whole metabolic syndrome is present in the unhealthy aged obese pop for the most part-we can take from their experience and benefit.
It's cheap and easy to add to the diet in supplemental form.

" Vitamin D: Treatment for Metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is that increasingly common collection of low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, and high pressure that now afflicts nearly 1 in 4 adults, rapidly gaining ground to 1 in 3. Beyond these surface factors, metabolic syndrome also creates small LDL particles, VLDL, intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), increased imperceptible inflammation measured as higher c-reactive protein, and greater blood clotting tendencies. Metabolic syndrome is usually, though not always, associated with a big tummy ("beer belly," though I call it "wheat belly").

In short, metabolic syndrome creates a metabolic mess that leads to dramatic increases in heart disease, vascular disease and stroke, and cancer. The medical community has been paying increasingly greater attention to this condition because of its booming prevalence and because of the big bucks invested in "education" by the manufacturers of the diabetes and pre-diabetes drugs, particularly makers of Actos and Avandia.

But here's a curious observation:

Replacement of vitamin D to healthy levels (we aim for 50-60 ng/ml, or 125-150 nmol/l) yields:

--Higher HDL
--Lower triglycerides
--Lower blood sugar
--Reduced c-reactive protein
--Reduced blood pressure
--Reduced small LDL
--Enhanced sensitivity to insulin

(Whether blood clotting and effects on IDL should be added to this list is uncertain.)

It's obvious: Vitamin D is proving to be a very important and powerful corrective influence on many of the facets of the metabolic syndrome. In fact, I would go as far as saying that, side by side, vitamin D yields nearly the same effect as prescription drugs Actos and Avandia--without the extravagant cost (nearly $200 per month), leg swelling, congestive heart failure and heightened heart attack risk (with Avandia), and average 8 lb weight gain. Of course, vitamin D also provides benefits beyond metabolic syndrome like facilitation of coronary plaque regression, increased bone density, reduced arthritis, and reduced risk of several cancers.

You'd think that agencies like the American Diabetes Association (ADA) would be all over vitamin D like white on rice. Yet they remain curiously quiet about the entire issue. (That should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the behavior and politics of this organization, the same outfit that has widely propagated the ADA diet, a program that accelerates diabetes and its complications. In my view, the ADA is an embarassment.) "

Metabolic syndrome -cured.

"Peter started out at age 59 at 248 lbs, standing 6 ft tall (BMI = 33.6!).

Along with his weight, Peter had the entire panel of phenemena of the so-called "metabolic syndrome", or pre-diabetes:

--Triglycerides 238 mg/dl and associated with extremes of excess VLDL and IDL
--High blood pressure
--Blood sugar 115 mg/dl
--High c-reactive protein
--Small LDL particles 99% of total LDL

Interestingly, Peter's HDL was a surprisingly favorable 58 mg/dl (HDL is usually low in this syndrome). However, when broken down by size, he had nearly zero large, healthy HDL (sometimes called HDL2b). Though total HDL was favorable, most of it was simply ineffective.

Peter eliminated snacks and processed foods, particularly bread; increased his reliance on healthy oils and lean proteins; incorporated soy protein; increased vegetables. He added 30 minutes of a rapid walk on a treadmill every day. He added vitamin D to achieve a blood level of 50 ng/dml. He added a magnesium supplement.

Peter has lost 31 lbs. in the last year. Weight 207 lbs., BMI 28.1 (desirable <25). Blood sugar: 96 mg/dl; triglycerides: 56 mg/dl; HDL 71 mg/dl with 35% in the large fraction; small LDL 45% of total. Not perfect, but a damn site better.

Control of metabolic syndrome is an achievable goal for over 90% of people, just with these simple efforts. We haven't yet had a chance to assess the effect on the progression or regression of Peter's heart scan score, but he has, at the very least, spared himself a future of diabetes and all its complications."

If the gentleman above went to the doc for traditional treatment he would have recieved 1-2 BP meds, a cholesterol med, possibly an anti-depressant, type II diabetes med or two, and an anti-clotting agent.
Making his health worse and detoriate further.

A 100 mg shot of test woulda did that body good but we know that will never happen a s atreatment for aging and combating the effects of decreasing hormone levels.
" More Vitamin D and HDL

I’m seeing more and more of it and I am convinced that there is a relationship: significant boosts in HDL cholesterol from vitamin D supplementation.

To my knowledge this remains an undescribed and uncharacterized phenomenon. There have been several observers over the last two decades who have noticed that total cholesterol shows a seasonal fluctuation: cholesterol goes up in fall and winter, down in spring and summer; year in, year out. This phenomenon was unexplained but makes perfect sense if you factor in vitamin D fluctuations from sun exposure.

I have come across no other substantiating evidence about fluctuations of HDL. But I am convinced that I am seeing it. Replace vitamin D to a blood level of 50 ng/ml, and HDL goes up if it is low to begin with. If HDL is high to begin with, say, 63 mg/dl, it doesn’t seem to change.

But, say, starting HDL is 36 mg/dl. You take niacin, 1000 mg; reduce high-glycemic index foods like breakfast cereals, breads, cookies, bagels, and other processed carbohydrate foods; exercise four days a week; add a glass of red wine a day; even add 2 oz of dark chocolate. You shed 15 lbs towards your ideal weight. After 6 months, HDL: 46 mg/dl. Better but hardly great.

Add vitamin D at a dose of, say, 4000-6000 units per day (oil-based gelcap, of course!), and re-check HDL two or three months later: 65 mg/dl.

I’ve seen it happen over and over. It doens't occur in everybody but occurs with such frequency that it’s hard to ignore or attribute to something else. What I’m not clear about is whether this effect only occurs in the presence of the other strategies we use to raise HDL, a “facilitating” effect, or whether this is an independent benefit of HDL that would occur regardless of whatever else you do. Time will help clarify.

We are tracking our experience to see if it holds up, how, and to what degree on a more formal basis. Until then, a rising HDL is yet another reason—-among many!-—to be absolutely certain your 25-OH-vitamin D3 level is at 50 ng/ml or greater.

How high is an ideal vitamin D blood level? If 50 ng is good, is 60 or 70 ng even better? Probably not, but there are no data. We have to wait and see. Unlike a drug that enjoys plentiful “dose-response” data, there are no such observations for vitamin D into this higher, though still “physiologic,” range."

Vitamin D in multivitamins is very poorly absorbed, if at all. Likewise, about 90% of the D in most calcium preparations is not absorbed. The vast majority of tablet or powder preparations, such as those in calcium tablets, are not absorbed to any significant extent. Take all you want and you remain vit D-deficient with osteoporosis, growing coronary plaque, low HDL, and exposed to risk for prostate and colon cancer.

If you take vitamin D in supplement form, it must--MUST--be in an oil-based capsule. The tablets are simply much too poorly and erratically absorbed to be reliable. There's nothing more frustrating to take, for instance, 4000 units of vitamin D in tablet form, only to have a blood level of 12 ng/ml--severe deficiency. Take the same 4000 unit dose in capsule form and blood level skyrockets to 58 ng/ml. And it's no more expensive.

One other thing: If you want to waste time and money, take the prescription vitamin D prescribed by many doctors. This is vitamin D2, also known as "ergocalciferol". Why use the synthetic vitamin D2 when D3 is the form your body needs? Because the D2 is patent-protectable and profitable to the drug manufacturer, similar to using Premarin (horse estrogens) when human preparations would suffice--or be superior. I saw a woman today taking 50,000 of prescription D2 once per week. Her blood level of 25-OH-vitamin D3? 17 ng/ml--severe deficiency. Don't waste your time with this garbage."
I added 4000iu vitamin D(2000iu sofgels 2x per day) and i think it helped lower my cholesterol levels.
Great post G-MAN, Thanks!!

your brother in Christ,

Massive, what brand do you use for vitamin D?
Cod liver oil

I use cod liver oil gel caps. I get omega 3 oil plus vitamin D in one shot.
What exactly do we need to look in order to buy D3 instead of D2?? My supplements only say "vit D" and never mention this D2, D3 issue???

MassiveG thanks...this has been an enlightening post.
When you buy calcium supps in pharmacy, at least here in Europe, they most of the time automatically include cholecalciferol (D3)... 500mg calcium / 400 IU vit D3 per tab.

Phil....I switch to regular fishoil in the summer months because you can't beat the vitamin D your own skin produces due to sunshine, 30 minutes a day is perfect. I have also used Antarctic krill oil in the warmer months and feel I get a bit better anti-inflammatory affect with it. Come the fall though, especially where we live in NY I go back to the cod liver oil.

I have been taking calcium with D in tablet form, but I will be getting the caps from now on, I had no idea.:confused:
What exactly do we need to look in order to buy D3 instead of D2?? My supplements only say "vit D" and never mention this D2, D3 issue???

MassiveG thanks...this has been an enlightening post.

D3 is OTC and what you want.
D2 is script and worthless.
Vitamin D3 Believer


I read your post about VD3 and decided to add it to my supplementation to see if it would help with my moderately high cholesterol.
I don't know if it's had an affect on my cholesterol yet, however I did notice something else amazing almost right after supplementing with 3000 units per day.

My blood pressure which has alwas been in the mid 130's over 70 dropped DRAMATICALLY and has stayed at a steady 115 over 65!
My Dr. always told me that I had "essential" hypertension but was likely caused by being overly muscular. No one ever suggested I try vitamin D until I read it here.


I'll let you know how my cholesterol screening goes when it's time to test.
I found some 1000ui gelcaps that ive been happy with.. reasonable price etc.
i've been taking 4000iu's for a few weeks now and I definantly feel better. my wife was tested and they put her on 6000/day to bring up her critically low vit D levels.

as others have stated.. do NOT use the tablet form as you won't absorb enough.

that and vit D is fat soluable so... it takes a while for your body levels to get saturated enough to notice the improvement.

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