No way, 23 lbs clean, I dont believe that for a second. Way too much sugar and fat, def not necessary. Protien and essential fatty acids are what builds muscle, not calories, not sugar, and def not an entire gallon of whole milk/day, or any type of milk for that matter.
What may look good in within the bounds of the protocol followed guidelined norm (Way too much fat, sugar no good, proteins only need to build muscle etc) may not work when it comes to pure experience and INDIDIVUAL body chemistry. I like to break rules A LOT, and I am breaking the normal deviated means of the "Bodybuilding Diet" rules to see what I can get out of it (Reward or Disaster). Why Do I break rules? Because you have the average gym rat/bodybuilder following the same diet routine, workout routine, supplement routine, etc etc...
If you want to BEAT them at their own game, then you must NOT EVEN PLAY THEIR GAME! You must play your OWN GAME and enter unknown territory with "Unbelievable" techniques to gain CLEAN mass NATURALLY. You know how they say, don't hate the player hate the game? Well I say FUCK the PLAYER AND THE GAME!
Getting back to topic:
If protein and essential fatty acids are what builds muscle, then what the hell are we doing eating full meals (If calories dont build muscles according to your Theory?), if we could get all of our proteins and essential fatty acids in specially formulated protein bars (the ones with all kinds of vitamins and minerals and shit added to it) and protein drinks that have all of the protein we need to build our muscles, then what the hell are we doing eating FOOD that has those USELESS calories and FATS, and SUGARS in them? yeah we may have EVOLVED from this shit as single celled EUKAROYTES (SP?), but today they are WORTHLESS for MUSCLES??? Tell me a JOE who has made GAINS off of living from PROTEIN BARS AND SHAKES? N-A-D-A!
Bottom line is, I go to Buffets 3-4 times a week and pig the fuck out, I drink 1-2 gallons of WHOLE milk a day, I work out like a fucking MANIAC, I like to SCREAM like a motherfucker when I workout, I like to BANG the shit out of the weights and rape the dumbells, and I happen to enjoy the results that come from that. My GUT isnt BLOWING UP as it did 2 years ago. Why?
Cause I do the 170 BPM 25-30 minute cardio routine now. That shit JACKS up my metabolism for at least 48 hours! I listen to my body and do what FEELS like results, NOT what some 300 pound dude tells me to do..fuck that.
And if you want to see LIVING proof that I DO NOT BULLSHIT and back 100% of every word I said with my action, then all you need to do is come over to Jersey City at the World Boxing and Fitness Center. I don't play around and take everything extremly seriously.