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- Feb 13, 2004
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I have seen thousands of posts in 13 years on these boards about pain inflammation infections cellulitus hell even dead tissue cut out and drained test flu out the ass guys miserable on stuff.
It's as simple as baking the gear at 160 degrees C in the oven for one hour then vent the vial quickly.
PEACE of mind. And no it doesn't destroy or degrade the hormone. If you are really meticulous you can pass it through a .2 um filter into a new vial and bake.
there are 2 goals to ensure that the gear is sterile and the BA pain factor is lower so baking and a dding some blank oil will make your gear like it shoud be. Potent clean and pain and particulate free.
Do the rght thing guys, it your cycle that gets fked up, it's you life that could go...worse case..take care of yourselves and IF any doubt you are in trouble get the ER 911 ASAP....
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T Kupiec1 , R Ahmad2 , P Matthews3 , L V Allen, Jr.4
1Analytical Research Laboratories, Edmond, OK, 2University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK, 3Analytical Research Laboratories, Edmond, OK, 4Midwest Institute of Research and Technology, Edmond, OK,
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature and time on the dry heat sterilization conditions of three different parenteral oil vehicles.
Methods. Three different oils, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, and sesame seed oil were each spiked with Bacillus subtillus spores. The inoculated oils were exposed to dry heat at 4 different temperatures (150ºC, 160ºC, 170ºC, and 180ºC) for three time intervals (1, 1.5 and 2 hours).
Following inoculation and dry heat sterilization, samples were placed in a sterile laminar flow hood and processed according to <71> Sterility Tests of the USP XXIII using thioglycolate broth and fluid D. The specimens were then placed into the incubator at 30ºC for 3, 5 and 7 days and observed for bacterial growth. The above variables were performed in triplicate. Positive and negative controls were run along with each variable and group for quality control.
Results. Cottonseed oil, peanut oil, and sesame seed oil were found to be free of Bacillus subtillus following dry heat sterilization at all four temperatures for 1, 1.5 and 2 hours at 3, 5 and 7 days. The positive controls were positive for observed growth and the negative controls had no observed bacterial growth.
Conclusions. Dry heat sterilization of parenteral oils at 150ºC for one hour was sufficient time and temperature. However the authors recommend dry heat sterilization at 160ºC for one hour after the oil has reached the desired temperature. These studies were partially funded by the Professional Compounding Centers of America, Inc."
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It's as simple as baking the gear at 160 degrees C in the oven for one hour then vent the vial quickly.
PEACE of mind. And no it doesn't destroy or degrade the hormone. If you are really meticulous you can pass it through a .2 um filter into a new vial and bake.
there are 2 goals to ensure that the gear is sterile and the BA pain factor is lower so baking and a dding some blank oil will make your gear like it shoud be. Potent clean and pain and particulate free.
Do the rght thing guys, it your cycle that gets fked up, it's you life that could go...worse case..take care of yourselves and IF any doubt you are in trouble get the ER 911 ASAP....
**broken link removed**
T Kupiec1 , R Ahmad2 , P Matthews3 , L V Allen, Jr.4
1Analytical Research Laboratories, Edmond, OK, 2University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK, 3Analytical Research Laboratories, Edmond, OK, 4Midwest Institute of Research and Technology, Edmond, OK,
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature and time on the dry heat sterilization conditions of three different parenteral oil vehicles.
Methods. Three different oils, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, and sesame seed oil were each spiked with Bacillus subtillus spores. The inoculated oils were exposed to dry heat at 4 different temperatures (150ºC, 160ºC, 170ºC, and 180ºC) for three time intervals (1, 1.5 and 2 hours).
Following inoculation and dry heat sterilization, samples were placed in a sterile laminar flow hood and processed according to <71> Sterility Tests of the USP XXIII using thioglycolate broth and fluid D. The specimens were then placed into the incubator at 30ºC for 3, 5 and 7 days and observed for bacterial growth. The above variables were performed in triplicate. Positive and negative controls were run along with each variable and group for quality control.
Results. Cottonseed oil, peanut oil, and sesame seed oil were found to be free of Bacillus subtillus following dry heat sterilization at all four temperatures for 1, 1.5 and 2 hours at 3, 5 and 7 days. The positive controls were positive for observed growth and the negative controls had no observed bacterial growth.
Conclusions. Dry heat sterilization of parenteral oils at 150ºC for one hour was sufficient time and temperature. However the authors recommend dry heat sterilization at 160ºC for one hour after the oil has reached the desired temperature. These studies were partially funded by the Professional Compounding Centers of America, Inc."
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