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Looking for something to ANNIHILATE hunger/appetite


Apr 11, 2010
Any supps/meds out there that absolutely destroy hunger. I've consumed 8,000 calories in a day on some of the most powerful appetite-suppressing supplements/meds on the market (ECA, hCG, Acomplia etc.); this is NOT an exaggeration either...

Currently, I take:

-hCG (250 IUs/day)
-Bromo (5 mg/day)
-Stim appetite suppressants (ErgoBurn and/or Stim-X)

Diet is extremely clean, (@ just 10-14% carbs). I've been <25% carbs for almost 4 straight months now, but the hunger is still pretty bad and prevents me from sleeping for half the night.
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ok first and foremost have you had your bloods done to rule out thyroid? any other possible medical problems? are you on any medication that increases appetite (I am and know how you feel but typically a stimulant and wellbutrin does the trick for me)? I'd think about seeing an endocrinologist. What's your age? Are you pre-menopausal? Experiencing depression?
Thanks for the suggestions.

Wellbutrin was one of the few things
on my list that seems promising, at least on paper/mechanistically.

As for thyroid, that is not the issue. I've had recent labs (for the standard stuff) and nearly everything was normal. Thyroid (T3, T4 TSH, free/bound/bioavailable) were all right in the middle of the normal range and/or slightly above the middle of the normal range listed).

I was given topical, naturally compounded hormonal preparations to address the few abnormalities, which included low sex steroids (progesterone, estrogen, and test) and mild adrenal burnout (low cortisol, pregnenolone, and DHEA). I've been on these meds for several months now, but they made no difference.

I'm not post-menopausal, per say, but I've had a hysterectomy, so it's surgically induced; HOWEVER, the hunger issue was present (and much worse) prior to the hysterectomy.

I definitely get frustrated, but I keep a very positive attitude and do not feel depressed.

As for seeing doctors…. believe me, I have! This has been going on for years, but only recently (since 2007) have things really escalated. The doctors I've seen (>30) have either had no clue and dismissed my case or (after the standard blood work shows up pretty *normal), erroneously conclude the problem is all in my head. [I've proved, to the best of my ability, that this is not the case; for example, if whatever is wrong really were all in my head, then ALL various agents/meds that I've tried over the years would flat out not work from the start, which is NOT the case - some don't work from the start; but others have, and very successfully]

I have had some REALLY F*d up glucose/insulin readings - ALL postprandial; (fasting, for both is always perfect), so I know there is definitely something wrong there… but, theoretically, the super low carb (10-14%) diet I follow should correct these imbalances, I would think.​
Thanks for the suggestions.

Wellbutrin was one of the few things
on my list that seems promising, at least on paper/mechanistically.

As for thyroid, that is not the issue. I've had recent labs (for the standard stuff) and nearly everything was normal. Thyroid (T3, T4 TSH, free/bound/bioavailable) were all right in the middle of the normal range and/or slightly above the middle of the normal range listed).

I was given topical, naturally compounded hormonal preparations to address the few abnormalities, which included low sex steroids (progesterone, estrogen, and test) and mild adrenal burnout (low cortisol, pregnenolone, and DHEA). I've been on these meds for several months now, but they made no difference.

I'm not post-menopausal, per say, but I've had a hysterectomy, so it's surgically induced; HOWEVER, the hunger issue was present (and much worse) prior to the hysterectomy.

I definitely get frustrated, but I keep a very positive attitude and do not feel depressed.

As for seeing doctors…. believe me, I have! This has been going on for years, but only recently (since 2007) have things really escalated. The doctors I've seen (>30) have either had no clue and dismissed my case or (after the standard blood work shows up pretty *normal), erroneously conclude the problem is all in my head. [I've proved, to the best of my ability, that this is not the case; for example, if whatever is wrong really were all in my head, then ALL various agents/meds that I've tried over the years would flat out not work from the start, which is NOT the case - some don't work from the start; but others have, and very successfully]

I have had some REALLY F*d up glucose/insulin readings - ALL postprandial; (fasting, for both is always perfect), so I know there is definitely something wrong there… but, theoretically, the super low carb (10-14%) diet I follow should correct these imbalances, I would think.​

Hmmmm yeah something is definitely not right and hasn't been addressed yet. Sounds endocrine related. I dunno if a super low carb diet is what's gonna help if your insulin is fucked. Have you had any MRI's to rule out thyroid tumors or tumors in your pancreas or liver? Do anti-depressants help? Have you ever had issues with your neurotransmitters before? I know when mine get messed up I eat a TON and gain lots of fat, thank God I can drop it fast. I gotta stay on my meds, otherwise I eat as much as you if not more. But that's depression related.
I'm sensing something to do with insulin and hormones....see an endo perhaps if you haven't recently. Yeah there's something not right. You may have to go above and beyond "normal" tests that they typically run. You may need to request an MRI, other screenings, other bloods that you may have to pay out of pocket for. It could also even be a very rare food allergy aiding it along. I had a friend who had to go see a specialist to finally find out what was wrong with her hormones and finally got on the right meds. But it took her forever to find the right doc.​
why the hell are you on so much bromo? my suspicion may be correct, seems to me like you have a problem with insulin -glucose control, i would cut all carbs exept for vegeis such as broccoli and green beans, even then you may still be hungry so maybe lots of lettuce, and cucumbers? you are not obsessed are you? do you have an eating disorder? anyway i hope you find the solution to your problem good luck!!!!!!!!!
No I really have seen this before in women, and some men, it's definitely something going on with her body. It's not an eating disorder. (unless she is purging after eating so much) which doesn't seem the case. I'm betting something wrong with your insulin/pancreas with a little bit of thyroid thrown in there. Just a guess, I'd say see a top rated endocrinologist, the best you can find. Start tests again only more in depth testing.
Fiber with Apple Pectin before every meal..

With her out of control appetite this will do nothing. Although for the rest of us who have normal appetites this is a great natural way to suppress appetite. No, there's something wrong going on with her.
With her out of control appetite this will do nothing. Although for the rest of us who have normal appetites this is a great natural way to suppress appetite. No, there's something wrong going on with her.

I'm going to "assume" judging by her nickname on here reebokrunner that she has recently gotten into working out. Trying to slim down for the summer or in general. And needs something to knock out her hunger ASAP. Problem is the running (again assuming here) is whats giving her the appetite. Not to mention at 5'-3" she may be predispositioned to a certain weight. While she may not be able to go under a certain weight without risking her health. She may be able to tighten up what she has. And make THAT work for her height and weight.

(just my .02)
Yeah for sure long distance running REALLY increases appetite, esp for carbs. I used to long distance run and ate around 5,000 calories a day depending on how far I went, but it was always at least 10 miles. On top of that I lifted. Dumb I know. If she's going long distances then for sure she's gonna be hungry, but it also sounds like something's going on with her insulin.
Guys, thanks for the ideas!

Aside from horrendous postprandial glucose/insulin control, I've had no further tests that measure pancreatic function (or thyroid/liver function, for that matter), other than standard blood work).

bigguns - thanks for the suggestion (re: Fiber with Apple Pectin). This was one of the first things I've tried and it was completely useless for me, (just as cev predicted).

mexbeast - I currently don't eat ANY fruits/veggies. Meal timing/frequency are pretty bad: usually just 2 meals a day, about 45-90 minutes apart, RIGHT before I go to sleep. Reason is, if I don't eat LOTS right before I go to bed, I'll wake up in the middle of the night STARVING (not even Ambien/Valium allow me to sleep through the hunger...!). As of late, this pattern of eating has been the only way I've been able to avoid gaining loads of weight.

As for weight - I would not be so against gaining IF this would solve the hunger issue. But at my highest (around 130-133 lbs.), I felt the worst in my life: I would practically black out after meals from poor blood sugar control; AND the excessive hunger was to the point where I was literally in excruciating pain.

As for an eating disorder, I am DEFINITELY not purging. I can understand how some may see the huge quantities in one sitting as "binge eating"; but the most frustrating part is, (despite these insane quantities of food), I never feel stuffed/full.

Boomshaker - I actually started working out seriously in 1998 and ran competitively at a very high level. 4:56 was my PR in the mile, and reebok was the ONLY brand I could ever train in without getting injured. Needless to say, I'm not a newcomer to fitness/working out scene! ;)
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Just what I thought. You are a marathon runner. Aprox 4000 calories might be OK for you. Didn't Michael Phelps says he eats 8000 calories? You have to think of your expenditure and not just the calories. probally, if you gave us some insight to your training, that might help. I have a son who is 5'10" and very skinny at 118 pounds. He eats like a horse. It could have something to do with your genetic makeup.
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Addaral XR

I was on 30mg QD and I had to force myself to eat for months. So I stopped it. :eek:
Just what I thought. You are a marathon runner. Aprox 4000 calories might be OK for you. Didn't Michael Phelps says he eats 8000 calories? You have to think of your expenditure and not just the calories. probally, if you gave us some insight to your training, that might help. I have a son who is 5'10" and very skinny at 118 pounds. He eats like a horse. It could have something to do with your genetic makeup.

I am not a marathon runner and never was! Currently, I don't even run (or, at most, 5-6 miles PER WEEK!). I mostly walk and do the elliptical.
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Kind of sounds like leptin deficiency. That is usually congenital and people with it are quite overweight, though. Have you had your leptin levels checked?

Just what I thought. You are a marathon runner. Aprox 4000 calories might be OK for you. Didn't Michael Phelps says he eats 8000 calories? You have to think of your expenditure and not just the calories. probally, if you gave us some insight to your training, that might help. I have a son who is 5'10" and very skinny at 118 pounds. He eats like a horse. It could have something to do with your genetic makeup.

Damn Pesty. He does? Is he grass fed or grain fed? :p:D:p

To Reebokrunner: Post a typical day diets for yourself, especially when you were putting down 8000 cals -- I would be interested to see how a little 5'3 117 pound lass did that :)

I would have to concur that it must be something hormonal (insulin) -- but there is something I know that works for hunger but I do not advocate its use too much... Phentermine. It will kill your appetite. Also you say you are a distance runner (national champ) but you do not do marathons, so I take it you were a college runner in track? 1600? Longer?

Oh and I think "QD" was supposed to be "ED" or every day.
reebok just want to tell you have my support and wish you nothing but the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

It's Latin;
q, (Lat. quaque) - each or every.
q.d., qd, (quaque in die) once a day, every day
q.h., qh, every hour
q.i.d., qid, four times a day
q.o.d., every other day
nemo - The most recent endo I saw actually filled out the lab form for me to have leptin checked. I never ended up doing it because I have not been able to go the night without food (and he said it would be useless if I were to eat after midnight).

Ivan - Thanks for the suggestions! Phentermine is one of the few things left on my list that I haven't tried...

As for my running, I competed in high school and in my first semester (cross-country) of college. I was competitive at the 1600 (or mile, 1609 m) and above; my longest race was around 4 miles. The National Championship races I won were in high school.

As for triathloncoach's post, I missed the Adderall part, lol (I thought he meant "I was on 30 mg [of something called] QD" [I was thinking possibly some sort of abbreviation for a steroid, LOL!]. I've actually tried Adderall before and believe it or not, I found ErgoBurn and Stim-X to be SUPERIOR in terms of appetite suppression and energy. IMO, Adderall's energy was too crazy; ErgoBurn and Stim-X are super clean!

And, as for an 8,000 calorie day, this has fortunately not happened since last summer! It would include both clean food and junk; typically, I'd get so friggin hungry that I'd either consume all of the clean food that I had on hand, (and then take my folks up on their offer for dinner - usually junk, by default), and/or my food (fruits/veggies/lean meat) would not satisfy the hunger fast enough, so I'd turn to what my folks had in the house (again, almost all junk, by default!). Hmmm, examples of meals on 5,000-8,000 calorie days:

-I've eaten an entire large pizza in one sitting, followed by ice cream, muffins, cake, and/or whatever dessert my folks happened to have in the house)
More healthy meals (but still TONS of food):
-A COUPLE OF POUNDS of various meats - chicken, fish, beef; along with vegetable/eggplant-based lasagna (and/or potatoes/other carbs) from Whole Foods buffet
-Oatmeal, a few slices of Ezekiel Bread, half a dozen eggs, 1-2 POUNDS of chicken/fish, an entire jar of peanut butter
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