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19 Oregon football players treated for rare muscle injury


New member
May 15, 2010
FROM: **broken link removed**

School officials, parents and players remained puzzled Sunday over what caused 19 members of a high school football team in northwest Oregon to suffer muscle damage, which required three of them to undergo surgery, following a fall camp.

The 19 McMinnville High School players all had elevated levels of the enzyme creatine kinase, or CK, which is released by muscles when they're injured, said Dr. Craig Winkler of Willamette Valley Medical Center. High CK levels can lead to kidney failure if not properly treated.

Winkler called the epidemic "weird," saying: "To have this number of athletes in one single community in one environment is very unusual."

Three of the players also were diagnosed with a rare soft-tissue condition called "compartment syndrome," which caused soreness and swelling in their triceps. They underwent surgery to relieve the pressure, Winkler said.

Five of the athletes were treated in the emergency room and sent home. The other 11 were admitted to the hospital and given intravenous fluids to maintain adequate hydration and prevent kidney failure, he said.

Ten boys remained hospitalized Sunday, but they were in good condition and were expected to be released Monday, said Rosemari Davis, Willamette Valley Medical Center's chief executive officer.

Officials said the epidemic's cause is still a mystery, but high CK levels can result from vigorous exercise or the use of certain medications or food supplements.

Before their symptoms started this past week, the players were at an immersion camp organized by first-year coach Jeff Kearin. Winkler said they worked out last Sunday at the high school's wrestling room, where temperatures reached 115 degrees.

He said the high temperature and dehydration may have played a role. He also said officials will look at water sources and what the kids had to drink, including power mixes.

Winkler said blood test results expected Tuesday could show whether the athletes ingested creatine, which is found in legal high-powered protein supplements. He added officials are not testing for steroids because it would be unlikely for that many students to have access, and "creatine makes way more sense."

Two players said Sunday they weren't sure what caused their injuries but supplements were not a factor.

Fullback and linebacker Jacob Montgomery, one of the 10 still hospitalized, said he first experienced a tightness in his triceps and forearms Tuesday.

"They swelled to the verge of popping," the 17-year-old senior said in a telephone interview. "I thought it was just swelling from an intense workout."

Montgomery said he went to the hospital Wednesday after learning another player went to get checked out.

He and fellow senior Josh Nice both said they haven't taken any supplements or performance enhancers and neither have any of the other players.

"They don't know what's behind this whole thing," said Nice, a wide receiver hospitalized since Friday. He added he hopes to return to practice as soon as possible.

Winkler said the hospital and school began screening players for CK after the first few were brought to the hospital early last week.

The normal range for CK is 35 to 232 units per liter, but some students showed levels as high as 42,000, putting them at risk of kidney injury, Winkler said. Those with levels in the 3,000 range were treated in the hospital's emergency room and released, while those with levels above 10,000 were admitted.

Superintendent Maryalice Russell told The Oregonian newspaper she doesn't believe Kearin's workout was excessive. She also said she has no evidence steroids or supplements were involved.

"I don't have any information at this time that would indicate that's the case," she said. "I'm continuing to look at additional information as it may come my way."

Tom Welter, Oregon School Activities Association executive director, said the organization's medical committee will investigate and make recommendations to the executive board after its next meeting in September. The OSAA oversees school sports in the state.

"It's a really bizarre situation," said Nice's mother, Margaret Nice, whose son Daniel also remains hospitalized. "But we're all trying to hang in here and hope and pray that they can come up with the answer to what caused this."

Practices for all fall sports start Monday.

"We just want our boys to get better, and they're all anxious to get out on the field," Margaret Nice said.

What do you think would cause this condition? Im thinking it is supplement related or possibly gear related, but Im interested in your thoughts.

I understand our debating is pure speculation, but Im curious what would cause this condition.....
19 kids... Not all of them can keep a secret. Someone will spill the beans.
Ha! I love how it's described as such a 'weird' phenomenom to everyone in the article. I mean crap, I've done double and triple sessions of football in full pads in 100+ heat for two weeks straight and nothing like this happened. And the fact that the students are so quick to say it's not supplement related leads me to believe it's 100% gear related. Perhaps there's more to it and it's more innocent than this but I'm doubtful.
Sad the article made it seem like it was a supp or drug. The doctors knew what it was, any 72 hour sleep deprived resident from a Caribbean med school could diagnose it. The article just made it seem like they didn't know. I can't believe they said they didn't test for AAS cause they don't think they "could of had access" - complete crap. It's because the doctors diagnosed the problem in two seconds. You really think if the signs pointed to AAS and 11 of them had the signs they wouldn't test? Right... Once again bacteria - it will come out sooner or later, I see it acutely all the time here.
My guess? Finaplex.......crushed pellets made into an inject....right in the triceps.......its HUGE up there.........

My 1st thought exactly also. THey had the beginnings of an abcess. I was an idiot once years ago and did this at the recommendation of someone and ended up with a very bad abcess that required surgery also.
My guess? Finaplex.......crushed pellets made into an inject....right in the triceps.......its HUGE up there.........

I dunno if I believe it's huge up here. I'm from oregon and I've never heard anyone talking about anything like that. Most people in the gym's I've been to don't know what half the stuff we talk about on this board even is. The people I've talked to around here about gear think test is crap and dec/dbol is the shit:rolleyes:. BUT.... who know's what HS kids are doing these days, you could be rght.

I dunno if I believe it's huge up here. I'm from oregon and I've never heard anyone talking about anything like that. Most people in the gym's I've been to don't know what half the stuff we talk about on this board even is. The people I've talked to around here about gear think test is crap and dec/dbol is the shit:rolleyes:. BUT.... who know's what HS kids are doing these days, you could be rght.

It depends upon if you want to argue about what huge means. I know all my buddies were on it when I lived in Portland.........not sure bout Salem......
I dunno if I believe it's huge up here. I'm from oregon and I've never heard anyone talking about anything like that. Most people in the gym's I've been to don't know what half the stuff we talk about on this board even is. The people I've talked to around here about gear think test is crap and dec/dbol is the shit:rolleyes:. BUT.... who know's what HS kids are doing these days, you could be rght.

you would be suprised on what HS football players take... Here in oklahoma i know a couple kids i train that take certain steroids given to them by the fathers... better athletes equal parents dont have to pay for college...
Here in oklahoma HS players dont get tested for steroids...
you would be suprised on what HS football players take... Here in oklahoma i know a couple kids i train that take certain steroids given to them by the fathers... better athletes equal parents dont have to pay for college...

That is true.

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