Once the "Metabolic-Gap" is Established which means increase in muscle mass and decrease in body fat levels (as soon as this state is achieved) you govern your Strength/Size and Leanness, in order to progressively get bigger/strength/size and leaness.............continue your momentum....(always carry it progressively).........-you will have to increase the meals as well as the AAS use. This can be used for our advantage............keep growing with Progressive Dieting/strength/leanness...and whenever the plateau occurs---its time to bump in more Anabolism(Progressive intake of Protein and AAS).Remember we are not what we eat, we are what we digest.
Progressive Lifting = Increase Muscle Size = Increase hunger(body signalling more protein + other macros to increase muscle size = Increased food intake = Increase muscle Mass = Increase BMR = Increase fat loss.....
COST OF BUILDING A POUND OF MUSCLE IS TOO HIGH---AND MUSCLE MASS IS THE BIGGEST REGULATOR OF BASAL METABOLIC RATE better than secondary factors like cardio and fatburners(although they can be used for increased efficiency of fat loss)
So what if you feel hungry only 3-4 times a day in the starting, your body signals its DEMAND in the form of hunger...as you will still become stronger/Size and Leanness wise you will lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, and in a progressive manner...slowly you will see that as and when you plateau increasing meals (which will happen on its own) and increase dosing will lead Muscle Gain and fat-loss
So if someone starting with 3-4 meals will start consuming 4-5 meals after say 2 weeks, then whenever you plateau bump up the food intake by 1 meal and up the dose by 250mg.........to break through plateau. However,there is not a set formula that 1 meal + 250mg increase in dose = Muscle, and after some time you will find out different ways to manipulate exercise and overall meals to make you feel hungrier, slowly every 2 weeks you will automatically increase meals so in the end of 20-24 weeks you will eating 11-12 meals/day(6 of them as protein shakes and 6 of them as whole food) become big as hell and also ripped.
Ex Leg Training day --- u will find that due to the spike in BMR (Leg Muscles are huge muscles) and protein synthesis is triggered, you will find yourself ravenous also the day after Leg Training...Eating when Hungry is flawless in my opinion....
just keep in mind---that you need to eat a set of macro-nutrient ratio as many number of times you feel hungry.