Captain and Cokes will inhibit ya LOL...glad the straps are helping ya bro...glad I gave up the almost EOD of em and limited it to B-days and such...Kaiser said:I just got back from the gym. I think with the help of these, I am going to be able train. If you remember I fell down the steps and broke my wrist a month and a half
THEY ARE STILL MY BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT BY FAR. I THINK THEY ARE AWESOME AND WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM....lynx said:I ordered our friend Elings a pair last year for X-mas. JT was so jealous!
I got a pair in the competitor's gift package at the Shawn Ray show in May, I gave them to JT since his were starting to turn into a bunch of threads!
OuchThatHurts said:Can one of you guys PM me exatly which ones you got? Are they black? I need another set. Left mine by the rack and they were gone the next morning.
Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. I'll order a pair tonight. Thanks my brother.Kaiser said:Here's the ones I got brutha:
I missed that!Kaiser said:I just got back from the gym. I think with the help of these, I am going to be able train. If you remember I fell down the steps and broke my wrist a month and a half
lynx said:I missed that!