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CJC1295 TESTER LOGS,*****************


Jan 1, 1970
Ok guys Deadliftdennis has asked me to start things up here. Im a tester as well as 6 others and I believe deadliftdennis will be using as well. We need to start a general basis for this long. First off I think each tester should give a brief bio of their stats, history and how they plan on running their cjc(ie, dieting,bulking,what other aas they will be on,etc......) Make the bio's short and sweet b/c most muscle heads dont wanna read your life history but want a general idea. BUT detail your protocol for the cjc. I'll start things off

Currenly 25years old 5'10" 250lbs bodyfat(mid teens). Been training for close to 8years. Started aas in 2003 and been on HRT since around 2004ish. For this test i'll be using 2000mcg cjc1295 shot 1x weekly and I will run it as long as Dennis wants to supply me. I plan to only stay on my hrt of 150mg test cypionate and 25mg proviron daily. Usually I use 2-4iu's of GH while on hrt b/c my natural gh levels are also on the low side. I plan on stopping Gh at the end of this week and should be starting my cjc by the end of next week or however quickly it arrives. I will mainly be comparing cjc's effects to the effects of HGH. Usually within a few weeks of being off HGH I know how shitty I feel and I know how my body changes so it will be fairly easy for me to judge how cjc compares to HGH and what benefits I gain with it. I will be posting up results and info as soon as I feel them and as often as I feel new changes that are worth informing you all on. I suggest all testers put up a bit of info now on their bio and what they plan on doing with the cjc for their goals. If your focused on getting shredded on this, post up your diet if you'd like and the same with if your gonna put on mass with it. But, in my opinion stick to what you know already with your dieting/bulking, b/c then when you add the cjc, it will be much easier on describing on how it contributed to your gains. For example, I plan on dieting when I use this product, but not extreme dieting. I will only stick to what i have done in the past thats worked for me, same diet,same cardio,etc.. and will be replacing my HGH with CJC so i'll be able to do a very nice log for all of you.
Last edited:
On 3-13 I start my first cycle of 2 peptides, cjc-1295 @ 2000mcgs then my second 2000mcg will be 1 week later until the test concludes. Also the next day pwo I will started Lr3 Igf 50 mcg in each bi. within 5 min of training bi's Monday and Friday. (bi's are lagging) Wednesdays the same, in a different bodypart, But decided to change that to 25mcg, mirror sides of Igf 4xweek pwo. This is also week 6 of a 16 week test c. and eq cycle, without any great gains. I am doing a HST workout I read about, with the whole body being worked 3x week, 2weeks 15 rep range, 2wks 10 rep range and 2 wks 5 rep range, all sets to failure but only 2 sets/bodypart, every mon,wed,and friday including squats, deadlift, incline bench, and pull ups for the major bodyparts, my stats are 5'3" 197lbs at 13% bf. my bi's are my week link and they measure 17.5 cold. With 20years plus in the iron-game, and started AAS about 10 years ago
Im dieting and training for bulk, I have never used GH. My hope being I can lower my dose of AAS from now on beter gains

I did not write the following...Yet it one of the easier reads..
CJC-1295 is a Long acting GHRH analog. Growth-hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), also known as growth-hormone-releasing factor (GRF or GHRF) or somatocrinin, is a 44-amino acid peptide hormone produced in the hypothalamus by the arcuate nucleus. GHRH stimulates growth hormone (GH) secretion from the pituitary. GHRH is released in a pulsatile manner, stimulating pulsatile release of GH respectively.

In addition, GHRH also promotes slow-wave sleep .

The active portion of this GRF or GHRH peptide can be found as a 29 amino acid long peptide and is appropriately named GHRH1-29. This pulsatile release of various peptides is due to the negative feedback loop that is part of the hGH axis and controls the amount of hGH that your body produces to keep it in a homeostatic environment. Despite the effectiveness of GHRH to stimulate growth hormone release there are a number of problems associated with using it in vivo. The most noteworthy problem is the half life of the peptide, which has been shown to be ~7 minutes using advanced HPLC technologies that have proven to be very accurate. The reason for this relatively short half life is due to an enzyme called dipeptidylaminopeptidase IV (DPP-IV), which has a high affinity for the amino acids Ala and Pro and in the case of GHRH it cleaves the 1 and 2 positions that consist of Tyr-Ala, creating GHRH3-29, an inactive form of the peptide. To prevent the problems associated with natural GHRH, pharmaceutical companies looked at new ways to increase the half life and bioavailability of these smaller peptides with technologies that work far different than other technologies, such as PEGylation.

CJC-1295 is a synthetic modification of growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) with D-Ala, Gln, Ala, and Leu substitutions at positions 2, 8, 15, and 27 respectively. These substitutions create a much more stable peptide with the substitution at position 2 to prevent DPP-IV cleavage, position 8 to reduce asparagine rearrangement or amide hydrolysis to aspartic acid, position 15 to enhance bioactivity, and position 27 to prevent methionine oxidation. By applying the Drug Affinity Complex (DAC) technology to GRF, the peptide selectively and covalently binds to circulating albumin after subcutaneous (SC) administration, thus prolonging its half-life. These substitutions are key in increasing the overall half life of CJC-1295 but there lies an even greater reason as to why the half life has been extended from ~7 minutes to greater than 7 days! Bioconjugation is a relatively newer technology that takes a reactive group and attaches it to a peptide, which in turn reacts with a nucleophilic (usually a partially negative molecule) entity found in the blood to form a more stable bond. Albumin, one of the most abundant substances in the human body is chosen as the nucelophile by this particular peptide thanks to a Cys34 thiol group that attracts it. By combining the tetrasubstituted GHRH analogue with maleimodoproprionic acid using a Lys linker, you create a GHRH peptide with a high binding affinity for albumin. Once the CJC-1295 molecule has attached itself to albumin, it is given an extended half life and bioavailability thanks to the albumin preventing enzymatic degredation and kidney excretion. In fact, bioconjugation is so effective that there was less than 1% of CJC-1295 left unreacted in vivo and over 90% was stabilized after subcutaneous injection. This means that you get more of what you paid for working for you. There was no DPP-IV degredation observed on CJC-1295 in any of the various experiments conducted.

Various experiments have been conducted to test the effectiveness of CJC-1295 in vivo and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has reported dose-dependent increases in mean plasma GH concentrations by 2-10 fold for more than 6 days and increased IGF-1 concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days after a single injection!

(from the same study) Subcutaneous administration of CJC-1295 resulted in sustained, dose-dependent increases in GH and IGF-I levels in healthy adults and was safe and relatively well tolerated, particularly at doses of 30 or 60 µg/kg. There was evidence of a cumulative effect after multiple doses

Not only that but they proved the mean half life to be 5.8-8.1 days and after multiple doses showed mean IGF-1 levels remained above baseline for up to 28 days following! No serious adverse reactions were reported in any group.

Because of the long half-life and stability of the CJC-1295 analog it may only need to be taken 1-2 times per week. However research on GHRH knockout mice showed that e/d injections where superior in increasing GH vs every 48 or 72 hours. “GHRHKO animals receiving daily doses of CJC-1295 exhibited normal body weight and length. Mice treated every 48h and 72h reached higher body weight and length than placebo-treated animals, without full growth normalization.” These mice were treated for 5 weeks.
However the flaw in this study appears to be that the mice treated e/d were receiving a larger dose, so at minimum cjc-1295 is dose dependent. Whether or not a more frequent injection would prove to be beneficial is yet to be determined.

I'm on test, humalog . masteron and will be using cjc1295 starting friday.....
I get really good results from cjc...yet I read some guys did not feel a thing,then I found out the same people tried it during pct.In fact there is alot of people that recomend peptides during off cycle;I do not.....I want to grow lean muscle/// respecdtfully DLD
Thanks for taking one for the team.

I am sort of like you guys. I tested Bovine Growth Hormone "Prosilac" and it did nothing. I was told this by others but they never tried it. I feel good that I had to see for myself. The Growth Hormone of Cows is far to differnent from humans. It was dirt cheap and I thought how we get ripped off by Pharm companies and you can buy cheap Cattle implants and it is the same thing...or buy Vet drugs that are the same but marked down etc.

I applaud anyone who tries somthing that is not dangerous in the hopes of getting good results for a reasonable price. If it doesn't work out you didn't spend $. The price of GH is far to high for the average guy and it appears IGF-1LR is the way to go but that is not that cheap either. I think it will come down in price like Melatonin (spelling?...the tanning peptide). I have seen it drop 50 % in the last year. It is supply and demand.
well here we go

43 yr old 5'6"
wt 215 lbs
body fat ?
sleep 4-5 hrs a night (sucks)

I know my natural gh output is low, will keep same diet and training routine as this will help me monitor cjc results. am trying to set up gh tests during study
currently on tren, test cycle which will end shortly.
test will be hrt of 150mg a wk...
my training is balls to the walls heavy heavy heavy in th 5-12 rep range as weight goes up reps go down so on and so forth

5-6 times a wk
day 1- chest 16-18 sets,,triceps- 6-9 sets,,
day 2- legs 12 - 14 sets,, light shoulder- 6-9 sets
day 3- back 16-18 sets,, biceps- 6-12 sets
now the days can vary as I travel so this can happen on any day of the week
my travel days are my rest days (usually 2 days)

for what its worth
max bench----345
max squat----335 (need work)
lifting for aprox 15 yrs,,,, consistently 6 years
not new to aas but am new to peptides this will be an exciting study,
if cjc-1295 reports are correct I hope to find that it will increase natural gh output as well as increase sleep, and type of sleep which in turn should increase my natural test output????? not sure of that one......
but thats why we are doing this right......
I will be starting next week.........
I would like to thank all involved for putting this together
Saliva test

The saliva test,tests testosterone levels,a progestren lavels etc...I was hoping that it would test GH levels but no such luck...I'm still looking for an afffordable
way to test GH levels..?
The only way I have heard of so far is blood tests for Igf levels, my wife is drawing mine today I guess I will get some sort of baseline, because I started my 1295 10 days ago.

.....did 200mcg body felt constricted like kidneys were coughing
when i used to take ghb i'd get the same feeling,maybe they both support the same pathways cus ghb increased hgh levels as well...I'm also doing 100mg masteron propinate eod,600mg primobolan a week and 40mg anavar ed..
also taking 100mg test prop a day....
I was going to get the saliva test yesterday but it only tesrts test...they also have a blood test but it only test igf levels..should i get just my igf levels tested?
Deadliftdenis, did you get me pm I sent you? I wanna make sure they are going through. LMK and i'll start asap. Thanks
ok this is what I got this is after 10 days on the Igf-1 and cjc 1295 my test came out to 475 and normal is 117-329... thats good right.
I am out of the cjc so I am waiting for the test to start to start getting more test and results will be posted

and that is all your on............ I like what I see so far........

ok this is what I got this is after 10 days on the Igf-1 and cjc 1295 my test came out to 475 and normal is 117-329... thats good right.
I am out of the cjc so I am waiting for the test to start to start getting more test and results will be posted
sorry if i misread this, but isn't the inclusion of igf-1 in your stack going to completely obscure our ability to see if the cjc is working? you are testing your igf-1 levels to see if it is elevated by increased gh, but then you are also bumping up igf-1 exogenously too...

does the test differentiate between the boy's igf and exogenous igf-1 lr3?
sorry if i misread this, but isn't the inclusion of igf-1 in your stack going to completely obscure our ability to see if the cjc is working? you are testing your igf-1 levels to see if it is elevated by increased gh, but then you are also bumping up igf-1 exogenously too...

does the test differentiate between the boy's igf and exogenous igf-1 lr3?

Thats a good question, and I dont know. I have been wondering myself. Its the only way I have heard so far to check gh levels.
ok this is what I got this is after 10 days on the Igf-1 and cjc 1295 my test came out to 475 and normal is 117-329... thats good right.
I am out of the cjc so I am waiting for the test to start to start getting more test and results will be posted

How long ago prior to your blood work was your last IGF shot? What about last cjc shot?
blood work

I am having my blood work done the first of the week so I will have a baseline to start with
How long ago prior to your blood work was your last IGF shot? What about last cjc shot?

My Igf levels were taken on 3-25, My Igf cycle started on 3-12 3x a week 25mcg split bilaterially, last Igf befor the test was 3-24 25 mcg each bicept. My cjc cycle started on 3-11 my first was 2mg then I went to 1mg 2x a week, 3-19 1mg, 3-21 1mg. Then I recieved my next order to start the test last night and that was 1mg on 3-28 my next will be 3-31 then 1mg on the 4th and one on the 7th. I was planning on getting my Igf levels tested again on 4-11.
^^^ Thats good Iron-game b/c your high IGF readings are primarly due to the cjc. IGF and GH have very short half lifes. So if you would have taken an igf shot the morning of your bloodwork then it would be hard to tell what the cjc was doing but you took it the day before so your igf levels would have returned to normal by the time of your bloodtest, but the cjc kept them high and is probably keeping them high. Im excited to start my protocol but just waiting to hear back from DLD on a few ?'s.

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