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questions about carb-up/shitload


New member
Mar 24, 2003
When being depleted for a few days and wanting to carb-up, and wanting to try the shitload. Does it matter if i use pasta`s as well during the carb-up? or does it just has to be junkfood?
I ask this because pasta takes up a lot of water and i dont know if thats allowed?

Present stats:
age: 22yrs
length: 1.90m( 6'4'')
weight: 108kg(240lbs)
bf: 6-7%

Untill today i ate this for the past carb-ups(only on saturdays):

- 2 pizza`s
- 600gr pasta(dry weight)
- 900gr of ribeye
- 10 soft rolls( sp?? its bread), few with PB
- 2 liters of water

Now i wonder. Is what i have been doing untill yet any good? or do i have to shitload more? And can you give me any advice of what to eat? btw i live in europe so we dont have as many choices as you americans have :) we do have Mcdonalds though :p

btw i will be using 50mg of aldactone ED for 4 days prior to the photoshoot i will be taking in a month.

And is 2 liters of water too much?, does it matter how i consume it? in other words do i have to sip throughout the day or can i take in a 0.5ltr all in once?

Srr for all the questions but i was just wondering about this.

Thnx in advance guys.
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Skip's the shitloader... ;^)

But I'll try to help out.

Sounds to me like you just need to experiment on your own.

Skip, from what I can tell, advocates very calorically dense (fats and carbs), sodium containing foods, but minimal water. The idea would be that you would dry out with the shitload, drawing water from the interstiticall spaces under the skin to fill the muscle. Sodium is necessary for carb uptake, and if you're not drinking any fluid (I wouldn't be to concerned r.e. the pasta), it will be pretty tough hold water / spillover.

Is it working?... What does the mirror tell you?... Are you full, dry and vascular the next day?... Are you lean enough to tell?... When's your show?...

If you're flat or not vascular: I'd suspect not enough food.

If you're holding water, I'd suspect too much fluid (2 L is too much). POssibly you could be eating too much sodium, but it doesn't sound like it.

Skip will chime in here, I think, but I believe the idea is that if you eat a shitload of food, but drink no water, you will be full and vascular (form the food and slin) and dry (from no water).

my input

to answer your TWO direct questions:
PASTA = fine, but it would bloat the HELL outta me. I prefered fruit pies, pancakes with much butter and syrup, lots of peanut butter, etc...... yes: dense in carbs and fat. Some people have bloating issues when shitloading--- so I suggest you choose foods that will have the LEAST BLOATING effect on you.

And to me----> ading steak or really ANY protein is wasteful. In the hyperglycemic state that ShitLoading puts you in--- there cannot be muscle loss, and the protein serves little purpose. Best to load with MORE CARB SHIT like pizza and donuts, and pass on the steak.

WATER = 2 liters is too much in my experience. Better to sip once restricted, and let the carbs/fat due their work.

homonunculus is correct in what he says. He has got the concept down well. Here's my initial notes that may be helpful:

Theory is---- remove water while inducing a state of WATER CRAVING within the muscles--- allowing muscles to expand against dry skin for superior conditioning.

I have accomplished this by water-loading Monday-Thursday. Then dramatically declining water Friday--- only sipping on Saturday. At the same time--- I drop carbs Wednesday thru Friday. This lack of carbs + water-loading makes me PISS like crazy and quickly trains my bladder to work efficiently (no carbs to hold the water means it just passes thru). Then everything changes on Sat morn-----> I EAT !!!! And I don't mean some chicken and oatmeal-----> I'M TALKIN' International House of Pancakes with a couple of BK croissant sandwiches (hence the term ShitLoading). I add a small glass of water with breakfast and only sip after that.

The SHOCK to my body has always been positive---- the carbs from shit-food SCAVENGES the water as the muscles fill full of sugar----> remaining water is pushed in the carb+water depleted muscles. UNLESS you "over-water"...... there is hardly enough to spill over. The muscles fill out with SHIT FOOD (fat helps this process as well--- and to keep digestion slower)---- and as the muscles expand with a little water and much sugar-----> the dry skin is pulled taut!!!!!! Insulin on Saturday morning helps this process--- as well as a mild diruetic Thursday night thru EARLY Saturday morning (I prefer aldactone/aldactazide with a possible addition of dyazide the last 48 hours).

Remember: if you want an extreme condition--- you must prepare an extreme circumstance/stimuli to elicit the condition.

zilla - sounds like you know a bit about the shitload program :D

I first read about it over at Anabolic Review's Competitive Bodybuilding Q&A Forum. There are several there that seem very knowledgeable about it.


xcelbeyond said:
zilla - sounds like you know a bit about the shitload program :D


I penned the original work on this about three years ago at bolex after working with 7 "local" guys on contest prep some 5 years ago.

ShitLoading is a term I invented back then.
Seems like the term is making it's "rounds"..... scarey, huh?

wylde and I even when back-and-forth on my theories back about 1.5 years ago (in person as well)--- I mention this because it seems like he's a "God" on this board. (well.... former "God" ~LOL )

Re: my input

zilla said:
to answer your TWO direct questions:
PASTA = fine, but it would bloat the HELL outta me. I prefered fruit pies, pancakes with much butter and syrup, lots of peanut butter, etc...... yes: dense in carbs and fat. Some people have bloating issues when shitloading--- so I suggest you choose foods that will have the LEAST BLOATING effect on you.

And to me----> ading steak or really ANY protein is wasteful. In the hyperglycemic state that ShitLoading puts you in--- there cannot be muscle loss, and the protein serves little purpose. Best to load with MORE CARB SHIT like pizza and donuts, and pass on the steak.

WATER = 2 liters is too much in my experience. Better to sip once restricted, and let the carbs/fat due their work.

homonunculus is correct in what he says. He has got the concept down well. Here's my initial notes that may be helpful:

Theory is---- remove water while inducing a state of WATER CRAVING within the muscles--- allowing muscles to expand against dry skin for superior conditioning.

I have accomplished this by water-loading Monday-Thursday. Then dramatically declining water Friday--- only sipping on Saturday. At the same time--- I drop carbs Wednesday thru Friday. This lack of carbs + water-loading makes me PISS like crazy and quickly trains my bladder to work efficiently (no carbs to hold the water means it just passes thru). Then everything changes on Sat morn-----> I EAT !!!! And I don't mean some chicken and oatmeal-----> I'M TALKIN' International House of Pancakes with a couple of BK croissant sandwiches (hence the term ShitLoading). I add a small glass of water with breakfast and only sip after that.

The SHOCK to my body has always been positive---- the carbs from shit-food SCAVENGES the water as the muscles fill full of sugar----> remaining water is pushed in the carb+water depleted muscles. UNLESS you "over-water"...... there is hardly enough to spill over. The muscles fill out with SHIT FOOD (fat helps this process as well--- and to keep digestion slower)---- and as the muscles expand with a little water and much sugar-----> the dry skin is pulled taut!!!!!! Insulin on Saturday morning helps this process--- as well as a mild diruetic Thursday night thru EARLY Saturday morning (I prefer aldactone/aldactazide with a possible addition of dyazide the last 48 hours).

Remember: if you want an extreme condition--- you must prepare an extreme circumstance/stimuli to elicit the condition.


thnx a lot bro, really appreciate it!!

Now i was wondering. Lets say i will have my photoshoot on monday. Then i will start carb-depleting on thursday. Taking 50mg of aldactone on thursday-monday.
Upping my water intake throughout the week, something like this maybe?

Monday: 6Liters
Tuesday: 7 liters
Wednesday: 8liters
thursday: 9liters
friday: 10 liters
saturday: 10 liters
sunday: 0.5-1 liter
monday: sipping water throughout the day

Does this make sence?

Futhermore, foodwise, i will add more pizza`s, box of chocolate chip cookies. I will hold the pasta, just to check out if it does make me hold water. If so i will drop that to and replace it with something else.

Can chips(any kind?) be good on a shitload?, cause they are high in sodium. And i take a potassium sparing diuretic like aldactone

And as for the sipping on monday, can it be a carb drink? will it be benificial?

Thnx bro`s.
Well, that worked out well for me - I couldn't get to the board for about 6 hours and I don't even have to respond now. lol

Randy covered it well and zilla topped it off. Understand guys, zilla is the shitload master. Everything I got about the shitload came straight from him. He took PLENTY of time convincing me and debating back and forth with me on the entire concept. I am not a 'take a chance' kind of guy. He worked long and hard providing alot of info to me.

I don't see anything for me to add.

ADD: Zilla I shot you an email.
Skip, can you please take a look at my last few questions? About the water intake and chips/carbo drink?
What do you think about my plan?

thnx in advance bro
check your PMs bro.

hey bro

i used the shitload last year for my contest-i followed zilla and skips direction and won my class and got 3 out of 7 votes for overall. make sure to do a trail run.

I was under the impression that aldactone. blocked your body's ability to absorb salt and h2o.Which would make it next to impossible to fill the muscles while taking. I know dyazide is stronger
but would that not be a better choice since it does not block your body's ability to absorbe water.:confused:
Re: aldactone

bonz said:
I was under the impression that aldactone. blocked your body's ability to absorb salt and h2o.

Well, let me just add that aldactone lowers aldosterone levels. Lower aldosterone levels allows for the body to pass sodium and water. It doesn't 'block' the body's ability to absorb it.

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btw skip. i will be using 50mg ED for four days, with the last day being my photoshoot. Will 50mg suffice?
I want to try Shitload

I kinfd of picked up on the middle of this thread here, and it is the first that I am really reading about shitloading. It sounds like your traditional carb deplete/load except with different foods. Can someone please tell me where I can learn about how to do this process from step one and what it is all about.
Re: I want to try Shitload

SJR7674 said:
I kinfd of picked up on the middle of this thread here, and it is the first that I am really reading about shitloading. It sounds like your traditional carb deplete/load except with different foods. Can someone please tell me where I can learn about how to do this process from step one and what it is all about.

Shoot me an email. It's at the bottom.

Patrick - Where did you first learn of the "Shitload"

I want to try the "Shitload" but I can't find a starting place where thre is a how to step by step guide. Who taught you. Do you have a link that I can got to
I don't know that there's an official step-by-step guide about shitloading anywhere online. It's author and others give all the basic information about it in this post - READ THE ENTIRE POST.

If you want to see others experiences, do a search.

well i first read about it on this board. Unknowingly i experienced it last year, when after my photoshoot i ate like shit and lokked little better. A little due to the fact that i drank too much i think.

On anabolex there`s a lot of info, just search for zilla/skip/shitload.
yes it works great!

I have just did the shitload for 2 shows. The 1st one was 2 weeks ago and it worked well but I cut too much water and my timing was off. It seemed to hit me too quickly so by the time I hit PJ I was still looking good but not 'freaky' like about 6 hours earlier. But I still pulled off a 3rd in the MW, and it was a large, quality class.
Now for the 2nd show this weekend, I correctly timed it and tweaked it, and kicked azz! I won the middles and overall.
As a part of TEAMSKIP I highly recommend talking with SKip himself to get more into details, his email as posted above is: [email protected]
I agreee.

I am also a member of Team Skip and look forward to my first shit load, next month. :)

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