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Anxiety and depression

Out of curiosity how many of my brothers on here suffer from anxiety and depression ? And if you do what meds from the doc have you found work best for you ?
I sit in my basement at an old card table with a bottle of bourbon and a revolver, masturbating and weeping uncontrollably.
Man Wellbutrin and abilify both made me progressively angrier until I felt like I'd lose my shit if I took another dose.
Same story here, rage in a bottle for me. I just medicate with different levels of caffeine and stimulants at this point to manage fatigue.
Depression / ADHD

20mg Prozac. Never gave the meds a chance. Now that I’ve been on this for awhile I notice a difference. It has improved my quality of life. Rhodiola and ashwaghanda from time to time. Was taking straterra for a bit but insurance stopped covering it and it’s hard to get right now so I’ve been waiting on that.

A lot of things work or don’t for everyone differently. I just try to find what works for me.
Also do therapy once a week , occasional groups from time to time.
What’s most concerning is i see no mention of pornog, so if you’re pullin yer pud using your imagination…….

definitely crazy
That's concerning to you? Never been a big porn guy. What's even more concerning is someone who can't use their imagination to achieve an orgasm. What porn do you watch in your shower many mornings? Tablet, phone, or magazines? What have men used for the last 10,000 years?

But your concern for my orgasms is duly noted.

Damn, this board is filled with so many limp-dicked MFers.
I went from generalized depression and anxiety to finally being diagnosed with bipolar 1. Suicidal ideation was my normal. Abilify and Seroquel have changed all that.

Oh, and I'm sober (off alcohol) now.
That's concerning to you? Never been a big porn guy. What's even more concerning is someone who can't use their imagination to achieve an orgasm. What porn do you watch in your shower many mornings? Tablet, phone, or magazines? What have men used for the last 10,000 years?
yes i use a tablet inside a ziploc freezer bag
But your concern for my orgasms is duly noted.
i never once expressed concern over that
Damn, this board is filled with so many limp-dicked MFers.
It sure is isn’t it

looking forward to our next repartee
This is a weird one but anyone have their anxiety/depression worsen the day after a workout? Sometimes if I feel really good I'll really push it at the gym, everything to failure, maybe an extra exercise or something and the next day I'm a write-off, like clinical-give-up-on-life depression. Been talking to another member on this board about it, just wondering if anyone else has had this experience. Seems like training to failure, and training multiple body parts in a day worsens it but we're just spitballing.
I don't know any fixes, if its intensity, or volume related but sub-maximal training just feels like I'm jerking off at the gym so 🤷‍♂️
5meo dmt completely transformed my life. And Ive watched it transform 26 other peoples that I know personally and sent to the medicine, every single person. I know a great Medicine Facilitator. If anyone has interest pm me
This is a weird one but anyone have their anxiety/depression worsen the day after a workout? Sometimes if I feel really good I'll really push it at the gym, everything to failure, maybe an extra exercise or something and the next day I'm a write-off, like clinical-give-up-on-life depression. Been talking to another member on this board about it, just wondering if anyone else has had this experience. Seems like training to failure, and training multiple body parts in a day worsens it but we're just spitballing.
I don't know any fixes, if its intensity, or volume related but sub-maximal training just feels like I'm jerking off at the gym so 🤷‍♂️
Fatigue can do it but I spot it easy and just wipe the slate, but yes I’ve had the day after say legs where I’m just gone but then I remind myself why and it’s good you just gotta dump the negative play a good track or hit some push ups, our higher test makes us more emotional but you can hijack it with aggression
Fatigue can do it but I spot it easy and just wipe the slate, but yes I’ve had the day after say legs where I’m just gone but then I remind myself why and it’s good you just gotta dump the negative play a good track or hit some push ups, our higher test makes us more emotional but you can hijack it with aggression
Good way to contextualize it, gut it out, realize why its happening and stop stewing in it and just move on.
This is a weird one but anyone have their anxiety/depression worsen the day after a workout? Sometimes if I feel really good I'll really push it at the gym, everything to failure, maybe an extra exercise or something and the next day I'm a write-off, like clinical-give-up-on-life depression. Been talking to another member on this board about it, just wondering if anyone else has had this experience. Seems like training to failure, and training multiple body parts in a day worsens it but we're just spitballing.
I don't know any fixes, if its intensity, or volume related but sub-maximal training just feels like I'm jerking off at the gym so 🤷‍♂️
Beating the fuck outta my body on the weight deck is the only thing that grounds me. It’s my sanity. Without It I’m a fucking scary dangerous freakshow. Idle time is no friend of mine .
Good way to contextualize it, gut it out, realize why its happening and stop stewing in it and just move on.
Yea, I know easy to say harder to do but knowing why imo makes moving on or forcing the mind somewhere else easier.
This is a weird one but anyone have their anxiety/depression worsen the day after a workout? Sometimes if I feel really good I'll really push it at the gym, everything to failure, maybe an extra exercise or something and the next day I'm a write-off, like clinical-give-up-on-life depression. Been talking to another member on this board about it, just wondering if anyone else has had this experience. Seems like training to failure, and training multiple body parts in a day worsens it but we're just spitballing.
I don't know any fixes, if its intensity, or volume related but sub-maximal training just feels like I'm jerking off at the gym so 🤷‍♂️
Does this happen to be on a day off from the gym?

ativan for large work presentations that I have done a million times. I always seem to do well, but I work myself up into a near frenzy as I expect absolute perfection. Stumble a bit, usually not even noticeable as many of my prezzies have been recorded, but my mind goes off the rails.

Depression driven by life experiences for sure. Lots of death, suffering in my immediate family. What has helped me most here is trying to not ruminate on the past/future. Had many a session with a therapist and one thing that helps me, and this will sound completely stupid, is the following:

When I start going into the gutter I think of a color. Then I look around and start finding all the items with this color and count the numbers of items I find....then switch colors. Not shitting you, in has helped me take my mind off the shit thinking and into a task.

Also, low dose shrooms is a god send. Mellows me out and makes me way more joyful. 100mg 3 days on, 1 day off when I am going through a tough period.

Happy to see this being discussed here.
Beating the fuck outta my body on the weight deck is the only thing that grounds me. It’s my sanity. Without It I’m a fucking scary dangerous freakshow. Idle time is no friend of mine .
I feel that, a few days off and I’m almost manic with energy.
Yea, I know easy to say harder to do but knowing why imo makes moving on or forcing the mind somewhere else easier.
Totally, I realize it usually resolves by midday unless I get stuck thinking and trying to figure out causes.

Does this happen to be on a day off from the gym?
Yeah usually the day after a good workout.

One thing my coach brought up was possibly lack of a proper cool down and leaving the gym keyed up.
Which tracks cause it’s usually those days where I have a filthy pump and try to leave the gym as big as possible
When I start going into the gutter I think of a color. Then I look around and start finding all the items with this color and count the numbers of items I find....then switch colors. Not shitting you, in has helped me take my mind off the shit thinking and into a task.
I really like this! 👍
5meo dmt completely transformed my life. And Ive watched it transform 26 other peoples that I know personally and sent to the medicine, every single person. I know a great Medicine Facilitator. If anyone has interest pm me

There is a video of a retired Army 1sg, he probably explains it the best I’ve heard, because there is really no words to. If you have a few minutes check it out.
I got acouple messages but I want let everyone struggling with mental health know about this medicine. It has really saved my life and showed me I can chase my dream.
Believe in miracles 🐸
I feel that, a few days off and I’m almost manic with energy.

Totally, I realize it usually resolves by midday unless I get stuck thinking and trying to figure out causes.

Yeah usually the day after a good workout.

One thing my coach brought up was possibly lack of a proper cool down and leaving the gym keyed up.
Which tracks cause it’s usually those days where I have a filthy pump and try to leave the gym as big as possible
Obviously too you’re posting this at the exact time of the year people also get less sunlight whether it’s full SADS or not sunlight affects us or lack thereof

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