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BPPV (Vertigo)

Still might go away without any action. My first bout of it I couldn't even train the first few days.

guess we will find out

experience has taught me better than to be optimistic lol
I’ve had this for the past 18 years , I’m now 37.
First came on so bad I was spinning sitting and could barely walk.
The ENT tried to do a manual thing I forget it but layed down and he had me move my head, worked a little but didn’t go away.
Eventually went to another ENT and he prescribed cyclizine, promenthazine and Clonzapam(clonzapam as needed for when it gets really bad)

Honestly I take vertigone daily and stopped with the meds unless it gets horrible. Note- mine is from inner ear scarring so it may be different from yours. Due to ear infections as a kid.
I’ve had this for the past 18 years , I’m now 37.
First came on so bad I was spinning sitting and could barely walk.
The ENT tried to do a manual thing I forget it but layed down and he had me move my head, worked a little but didn’t go away.
Eventually went to another ENT and he prescribed cyclizine, promenthazine and Clonzapam(clonzapam as needed for when it gets really bad)

Honestly I take vertigone daily and stopped with the meds unless it gets horrible. Note- mine is from inner ear scarring so it may be different from yours. Due to ear infections as a kid.

damn that sounds brutal. i am sorry that you deal with this.

idk if ive ever had an ear infection, so i doubt there is any scarring.

i will definitely look into those compounds that you mentioned.. appreciate your post
I got vertigo first time in my life last year (i'm 55). It was horrible and almost unbearable. It hit me when I would go from horizontal position (laying down) to verticle (stand up). The horizon seemed like it moved up and down 15 feet and would subside within 30 seconds or so but it happened in the gym and I almost fell down after getting up from dumbell presses.

For me it was the crystal(s) getting out of place and I knew it was my left ear (I was pretty certain). So I did the Epley Maneuver (my wife helped me and timed each position) and when done I could tell something changed my ear was hot and I had ringing for a bit. I was 100% better within a hour or even minutes but I did not test it for a couple hours haha!
I’ve had this for the past 18 years , I’m now 37.
First came on so bad I was spinning sitting and could barely walk.
The ENT tried to do a manual thing I forget it but layed down and he had me move my head, worked a little but didn’t go away.
Eventually went to another ENT and he prescribed cyclizine, promenthazine and Clonzapam(clonzapam as needed for when it gets really bad)

Honestly I take vertigone daily and stopped with the meds unless it gets horrible. Note- mine is from inner ear scarring so it may be different from yours. Due to ear infections as a kid.

Interesting i also had a few ear infections when I was a kid.

Fleezy keep us updated when you start feeling better. Gotta be soon 🤞
So what happens if you’re driving a vehicle and have a flare up? Or does this condition not work like that? Do you have to be laying down and then stand up for it the symptoms to hit? Or can you be seated and then all of a sudden everything starts spinning? I imagine it’d be pretty jarring to be driving and then get hit with these symptoms!!!

So what happens if you’re driving a vehicle and have a flare up? Or does this condition not work like that? Do you have to be laying down and then stand up for it the symptoms to hit? Or can you be seated and then all of a sudden everything starts spinning? I imagine it’d be pretty jarring to be driving and then get hit with these symptoms!!!


Generally doesn’t affect me when I’m sitting still facing forward or standing up

Unless I tilt my head
I found the trick is you really want to go from sitting to laying down really fast so that you really knock that crystal loose and it moves and then you make the head movements to make it leave your inner ear pocket where the nerve endings are.
Yes, speed is a factor, an important factor. When I was tested for Ménière's disease by my ENT doctor she did this maneuver on me I “failed”, did not have Ménière's disease. And having somebody to help “you get up” ASAP is key.
So what happens if you’re driving a vehicle and have a flare up? Or does this condition not work like that? Do you have to be laying down and then stand up for it the symptoms to hit? Or can you be seated and then all of a sudden everything starts spinning? I imagine it’d be pretty jarring to be driving and then get hit with these symptoms!!!


When I was going through my first bout. I remember driving and doing a quick shoulder check and looking back. Was a really scary moment so it does happen.
damn that sounds brutal. i am sorry that you deal with this.

idk if ive ever had an ear infection, so i doubt there is any scarring.

i will definitely look into those compounds that you mentioned.. appreciate your post
You probably have the crystals which I remember the doctor saying to limit calcium years back when first diagnosed.
A tip if driving , close one eye and focus on an object far away it makes you brain get some sense back and if you need to, hit the flashers and pull over when safe.
You’ll be fine it’s manageable
Interesting i also had a few ear infections when I was a kid.

Fleezy keep us updated when you start feeling better. Gotta be soon 🤞
It’s from scar tissue build up, they can do surgery but at this point it’s controlled.

Hope Fleezy feels better, it’s a shit experience. Was wrestling in college with it so it’s manageable
It’s from scar tissue build up, they can do surgery but at this point it’s controlled.

Hope Fleezy feels better, it’s a shit experience. Was wrestling in college with it so it’s manageable

Definitely a shitty experience man
I had my first and so far only vertigo episode last summer. Woke up in the middle of the night to piss and my wife had to help me to the bathroom, couldn’t stand on my own. Went back to sleep for a few hrs and woke up, same thing. As long as I didn’t look up or up to the left I was fine. It ended up going to ER because don’t know for sure what it was.
CAT scan of head, blood work, orthostatic pressure readings came back normal. Doc came in to do an exam asked some questions and did a test. Reclining on gurney (approximately 45 degree angle) looking straight ahead he told me to look to my right shoulder and keep my eyes opened. And he suddenly pushed the bed flat. Didn’t notice anything. Raised me back up and did the same to the left and as soon as I hit flat the room was spinning. So I assumed (he didn’t specify) it was my left ear with the issue.

Gave me papers on the Epley, prescription for an anti-vert (which I only used for a few days) as that was the only time it happened. Just that one day was hell and I cannot imagine dealing with episodes like that.

Anyways, maybe you can re-create the testing I had done with the bed to figure out which side is causing it and go from there. Good luck and hope it gets resolved soon.
I had my first and so far only vertigo episode last summer. Woke up in the middle of the night to piss and my wife had to help me to the bathroom, couldn’t stand on my own. Went back to sleep for a few hrs and woke up, same thing. As long as I didn’t look up or up to the left I was fine. It ended up going to ER because don’t know for sure what it was.
CAT scan of head, blood work, orthostatic pressure readings came back normal. Doc came in to do an exam asked some questions and did a test. Reclining on gurney (approximately 45 degree angle) looking straight ahead he told me to look to my right shoulder and keep my eyes opened. And he suddenly pushed the bed flat. Didn’t notice anything. Raised me back up and did the same to the left and as soon as I hit flat the room was spinning. So I assumed (he didn’t specify) it was my left ear with the issue.

Gave me papers on the Epley, prescription for an anti-vert (which I only used for a few days) as that was the only time it happened. Just that one day was hell and I cannot imagine dealing with episodes like that.

Anyways, maybe you can re-create the testing I had done with the bed to figure out which side is causing it and go from there. Good luck and hope it gets resolved soon.
Sorry you have to go through this.

What is a “anti-vert.”
If you have never had a vertigo attack, you have no idea how bad this can be. I fought this for two years. It would come out of nowhere and was completely debilitating. Last time I was at 11k thousand feet 4-wheeling and had to drive down a single track road. Not fun at all. Anti-vert, ginger, decongestants, ear drops, none of it worked. I had reached the point I had to sleep sitting up. Driving was hit and miss. Epley never worked. I completely dewaxed my ears first, then I started sleeping with a special earplug used for flying. They earplugs do something to regulate the pressure in your ear. I have not had a vertigo attack of any kind in almost a year. My daughter had a problem with it as well, she tried them too and it worked for her. I can't say it will work for anyone else. But my vertigo is 100% gone. I can ride rides at Disneyland with no issues now, before it would have done me in. I put them in every night before I go to bed. Something else you might try is DL-Leucine. It can be hard to find. But there is a medication in France that is used to treat vertigo and it is the main component. Here's the ear plug info,

Super Soft Adult EarPlanes® Ear Plugs Airplane Travel Ear Protection​


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