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Best anti-aging (facial) cream

You think it’s better to start in the summer when out in the sun more and more likely to burn? Or in the fall/winter?

I know I’m over analyzing here but trying to plan this out the best way since I know others have said the first couple months suck.
Best time to start is today. A little sunlight wont hurt you. If you're going to the beach, you can consider some sunscreen.

Use Taz cream instead of tret, it will be a much more pleasant experience and you will get faster results. Just make sure to have moisturizer on hand as it can dry you out.
Best time to start is today. A little sunlight wont hurt you. If you're going to the beach, you can consider some sunscreen.

Use Taz cream instead of tret, it will be a much more pleasant experience and you will get faster results. Just make sure to have moisturizer on hand as it can dry you out.
coconut oil is natural spf5 and has lauric acid in it (anti inflammatory), my kid is light skin but can tan easily I use this on him but reapply it, plus the fatty acids in there , for short burst periods of sunlight maybe a few hours I think it may be suitable, its not like baby oil in the 60s lol
coconut oil is natural spf5 and has lauric acid in it (anti inflammatory), my kid is light skin but can tan easily I use this on him but reapply it, plus the fatty acids in there , for short burst periods of sunlight maybe a few hours I think it may be suitable, its not like baby oil in the 60s lol

Sunlight has a very strong anti-cancer effect and pro-circulation effect. Also improves immune function (sharp boost in nitric oxide for days after) and physical/mental well-being. Some research says the benefits are not worth avoiding the sun to "prevent cancer". We see alzheimer's dementia highest rates in Scandinavian countries where these people get no sunlight for half the year. (Finland).

It's similar to the debate on hysterectomy in women ; "Prevent cancer" but without proper estradiol replacement ; hair loss, premature aging, heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, fat gain etc. You reduce the risk of one malady and cause 20 other ones. (Uterus removal with sparing ovaries often still negatively effects estradiol production)

Modern medicine loves to demonize both energy and sunlight, but both are essential to health and well-being. The industry would rather have you on 20 pills. Profits are through the sky that way.
We found that almost all epidemiological studies suggest that chronic (not intermittent) sun exposure is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal-, breast-, prostate cancer and NHL. In colorectal- and to a lesser degree in breast cancer vitamin D levels were found to be inversely associated with cancer risk.

Sunlight has a very strong anti-cancer effect and pro-circulation effect. Also improves immune function (sharp boost in nitric oxide for days after) and physical/mental well-being. Some research says the benefits are not worth avoiding the sun to "prevent cancer". We see alzheimer's dementia highest rates in Scandinavian countries where these people get no sunlight for half the year. (Finland).

It's similar to the debate on hysterectomy in women ; "Prevent cancer" but without proper estradiol replacement ; hair loss, premature aging, heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, fat gain etc. You reduce the risk of one malady and cause 20 other ones. (Uterus removal with sparing ovaries often still negatively effects estradiol production)

Modern medicine loves to demonize both energy and sunlight, but both are essential to health and well-being. The industry would rather have you on 20 pills. Profits are through the sky that way.
i agree totally, and I will mention my response was not in an attempt to block the sun entirely that would be just STUPID and detrimental to health

Coco oil is a natural alternative to sun screen, and will help attenuate any damage caused by certain UV rays
As for skin cancer the countries with the highest rates are not equatorial countries but more like northern European last i checked. It seem burning is the issue to me and not the amount of exposure.
sorry if im offending anyone by bumping an old thread, but what role does sunscreen play? I keep seeing it mentioned as kind of a foundation of skin care, but for what purposes? Is it just to block uv rays or are there other things it does that are equally as important.
sorry if im offending anyone by bumping an old thread, but what role does sunscreen play? I keep seeing it mentioned as kind of a foundation of skin care, but for what purposes? Is it just to block uv rays or are there other things it does that are equally as important.

Keeps the sun from damaging your skin, prematurely aging it...
They block the suns rays. But many contain cancer causing ingredients last i checked. So check the ingredients before using.
Keeps the sun from damaging your skin, prematurely aging it...
Gotcha thanks. Does anyone here have any experience or advice for retinol vs hyaluronic acid vs retinol? Is one better than the other or is it best to use both?

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