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Bizarre gut distention pic


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2016
This guy popped up on my social media. He is freaking jacked and shredded. But his gut is among the worst I have seen.

What is the consensus on what causes this?
How do you prevent it?
Can it be drained (fluid) or is it overgrown organs?
Will it ever go away?


  • growth gut.jpeg
    growth gut.jpeg
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This guy popped up on my social media. He is freaking jacked and shredded. But his gut is among the worst I have seen.

What is the consensus on what causes this?
How do you prevent it?
Can it be drained (fluid) or is it overgrown organs?
Will it ever go away?
Forcing food, insulin and HGH. He likely didn’t maintain his digestive system along the way.

But in all honesty this isn’t much different of a look than many top open pro’s when they’re standing relaxed back stage carb loaded. It takes a lot of food to maintain that size. Guys at the top just learn to control it better.
I believe most of it will go down within weeks of quitting all gear. I’ve had guy distention but nothing like this. I personally think it has something to do with the body’s reaction to a decent amount of gear. Whenever I go off EVERYTHING and eat very clean- it goes away almost completely.
This guy popped up on my social media. He is freaking jacked and shredded. But his gut is among the worst I have seen.

What is the consensus on what causes this?
How do you prevent it?
Can it be drained (fluid) or is it overgrown organs?
Will it ever go away?

I wonder if he even cares.
I believe most of it will go down within weeks of quitting all gear. I’ve had guy distention but nothing like this. I personally think it has something to do with the body’s reaction to a decent amount of gear. Whenever I go off EVERYTHING and eat very clean- it goes away almost completely.

Although I agree for the most part, as a paramedic I have encountered fit looking people with ascites due to organ failure (liver, kidney, pancreas) Congestive Heart Failure or gastric blockage or bleeding. These patients will generally will have other symptoms though, like jaundice, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, blood in urine, stool or vomit, pain on palpation or on release. If onset of it all is fast, definitely get stuff checked out by doc.
This guy popped up on my social media. He is freaking jacked and shredded. But his gut is among the worst I have seen.

What is the consensus on what causes this?
How do you prevent it?
Can it be drained (fluid) or is it overgrown organs?
Will it ever go away?
Is he flexing or relaxed is the main question
I believe most of it will go down within weeks of quitting all gear. I’ve had guy distention but nothing like this. I personally think it has something to do with the body’s reaction to a decent amount of gear. Whenever I go off EVERYTHING and eat very clean- it goes away almost completely.
Are you having digestive issues from something you’re taking?

Eating more when on?

Eating clean and well digesting foods when on?
I believe most of it will go down within weeks of quitting all gear. I’ve had guy distention but nothing like this. I personally think it has something to do with the body’s reaction to a decent amount of gear. Whenever I go off EVERYTHING and eat very clean- it goes away almost completely.
Bro…. “Will go down within a few weeks of quitting gear”
Take another look at the picture
That’s an extreme case
Try more like several months

It’s not like he is just a little gassy and needs to fart it out….. lol
This guy popped up on my social media. He is freaking jacked and shredded. But his gut is among the worst I have seen.

What is the consensus on what causes this?
How do you prevent it?
Can it be drained (fluid) or is it overgrown organs?
Will it ever go away?

lol that dude is everyone. I actually like the look of his legs. His upper body is in rough shape though. Once you start getting the but + pointy shoulders it's a really tough combo. I'm not being a jerk either I just man....when the shoulders start getting that pointy look it goes downhill fast.

That's actually the part I'm more interested in. Seems like a lot of the guys with the huge guts get the pointy shoulders. Probably just a coincidence. LIke luki has nice round delts but I don't quite understand what happens when the shoulders start to get that weird look.
Bro…. “Will go down within a few weeks of quitting gear”
Take another look at the picture
That’s an extreme case
Try more like several months

It’s not like he is just a little gassy and needs to fart it out….. lol
Is it an extreme case though? Could be after or during a high carb day.
Hell I’ve had my stomach look like that after taking my daughter to a pizza buffet and then pounding donuts and ice cream.
Could go down in a couple of days.

Theres far too many variables to make any definitive claim.
It absolutely could be gas buildup or he needs to take a massive shit.

The pic was on instagram so if the guy who posted wanted to know he could just shoot the guy a dm and ask him.
His distended gut is mostly from genetics that cause him to hold a lot of visceral fat and force-feeding and he might have torn the fascia in his ab muscles from over eating.
Here is another pic he posted. More of the same, dudes legs look amazing. And he looks to be in amazing condition...but the distention is first thing I noticed. His belly button is even pushed out.

Mine was looking like that. I started taking Linzess and Holly shit it went flat as a pancake. I was literally full of shit and water non stopped
This dude has made the rounds on IG. What’s weird is he isn’t tryyyying to hide it.
If a huge guy is shooting a video, ESPECIALLY at peak size offseason, they are desperately trying hard to pull it in and hide it.
So like...is this his "sucked in" ?? And i dont think it is, or he is just not realizing or giving a shit.
Normally I would say the usual suspects of insulin, visceral fat, force feeding, etc. but it seems like its that plus other stuff. Phil Viz had a post talking about extreme liver stress exasperating this look even more. He's not a competitor but he's this lean....so he's probably running pre-contest orals for this look.

I actually follow this guy's content and he's smart and a good trainer. Heavy into neubie (but that shit works).
But as someone who, at peak size right now, is desperately trying to control my mid section, i feeeel for this dude. At this point, unless you can identify 1 and only 1 cause, the most successful way out of this is to get off of everything for a minute — something that most BBers dont wanna do. I feel like i'm at this point where if i have another offseason like this, where i'm growing fast, it becomes a problem i cant fix anymore. I think it is something i can definitely work harder at. At a certain point in time, it shows you who truly had the shape genetics for BBing and who doesn't. If you naturally dont have naturally large limbs, you mighttt be in trouble. The genetic outliers can train everything hard, add 1 set to arms and ONLY their arms gain an inch. For the rest of us, we train crazy hard and 1 inch on our arms means 1 inch on our waist.
I guess he'll become very popular because of his stomach if finally gets on stage, he'll be a source of ridicule and all kinds of conjecture among experts.

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