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Bizarre gut distention pic

X2 I wake up craving my oatmeal.

It’s a personal thing. Coaches have their carb choice they push for those tough days too.

Milos- Dates
Berry- Organic Rice Crispy Treats
AJ- Sourdough bread

But I agree with everyone above- the most important thing is what digest best alongside what you “like” to eat.
how many dates did Milos have you eat in a day brother?
how many dates did Milos have you eat in a day brother?
Depends on the day, but we’d do 40+ units of Humalog many days and I would go through about 3-4 containers in a day. I’d have to pull my old notes for the exact amounts.

But I kept them in my truck, my meal bag, home and office if that tells you how much he loved them. I did too at first. After a few months I despised them. 😂
Depends on the day, but we’d do 40+ units of Humalog many days and I would go through about 3-4 containers in a day. I’d have to pull my old notes for the exact amounts.

But I kept them in my truck, my meal bag, home and office if that tells you how much he loved them. I did too at first. After a few months I despised them. 😂
One could have known it was a high day for you when there were no dates left on the shelves at the grocery store.
I'm becoming kinda addicted to some pre-packaged donuts I've recently found.
The ingredients list is incredibly short, whole wheat flour, pasteurized fresh eggs, bit of honey and not much else.
Low fat, a bit of fibers and no crappy oils/fructose syrup etc. I call them fake junk food.They digest in a wink and one of these puts a smile on my face.
They got a name??? Wtf
You won't find this brand in the States. I make my own when I have time and they're even better.
  • ¾ cup skim milk
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¾ teaspoons Sweet'N Low zero calorie sweetener
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder, double acting
  • 2 ½ cups whole-wheat flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • ½ cup honey
  • 2 cups vanilla protein pudding
  • One cup egg whites


In large bowl with mixer at medium speed, beat together honey, Sweet'N Low, protein pudding, and eggs. In another large bowl, stir together dry ingredients and beat into milk and egg whites. Dough will be soft and sticky. Refrigerate 1 hour for easy handling. On lightly floured surface with floured rolling pin, roll dough to ½-inch thickness. Cut out doughnuts with 2 ½-inch doughnut cutter (or use 2 ½-inch round cookie cutter and small round cutter for center.)
In large pot or dutch over, heat 4 cups oil to 350°F. Add doughnuts 3 or 4 at a time. Cook 2 to 3 minutes, turning once, or until golden.
^^^either one of you "Betty-Crockers" gonna attempt that recipe?? 😏

..if so ..post pics ..lol


I am extremely lazy when it comes to cooking. Let's just say I haven't bought a ice-cream maker yet because I probably wouldn't end up using it.

So no I will not lol

Thought that counts. Thanks Doitagain

Maybe I will send the recipe to my mom 😂
You won't find this brand in the States. I make my own when I have time and they're even better.
  • ¾ cup skim milk
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¾ teaspoons Sweet'N Low zero calorie sweetener
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder, double acting
  • 2 ½ cups whole-wheat flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • ½ cup honey
  • 2 cups vanilla protein pudding
  • One cup egg whites


In large bowl with mixer at medium speed, beat together honey, Sweet'N Low, protein pudding, and eggs. In another large bowl, stir together dry ingredients and beat into milk and egg whites. Dough will be soft and sticky. Refrigerate 1 hour for easy handling. On lightly floured surface with floured rolling pin, roll dough to ½-inch thickness. Cut out doughnuts with 2 ½-inch doughnut cutter (or use 2 ½-inch round cookie cutter and small round cutter for center.)
In large pot or dutch over, heat 4 cups oil to 350°F. Add doughnuts 3 or 4 at a time. Cook 2 to 3 minutes, turning once, or until golden.
wtf is “ vanilla protein pudding”

Just gimme the brand name ffs
^^^either one of you "Betty-Crockers" gonna attempt that recipe?? 😏

..if so ..post pics ..lol


I’ve got a massive kitchen and I enjoy cooking.

HOWEVER, I already have protein desserts that I can cook. This guy is talking about ready made confections
I had this too (but not to this extent) I didn't have any visceral fat because when I had liver problems I had an MRI done and because there was absolutely no fat in my insides (that's what the doctor who did it to me said - he couldn't see in someone had no visceral fat at all) the image was very blurry and the MRI showed nothing.

When I started treatment with my team of doctors, my waist circumference decreased by 9 cm - that's a lot and it was all caused by inflammation in the liver, pancreas and intestines.

1000% this…

I looked like this for two weeks after my first show and I was on every oral you could imagine.. it all went away once I dropped the orals.
This guy popped up on my social media. He is freaking jacked and shredded. But his gut is among the worst I have seen.

What is the consensus on what causes this?
How do you prevent it?
Can it be drained (fluid) or is it overgrown organs?
Will it ever go away?
this has never been true bodybuilding... ive always hater this distention... its a bad look. yes its almost unavoidable at larger weight classes with heavy HGH use... but looking 6 months preggo while walking onstage is shameful. just my 2cc's.

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