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Do deconate and long esters eliminate hair miniaturization?

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Sorry nor being rude but think you are abit delusional here. Not anywhere did I say I was the best or best at anything so no need to put words in my mouth thanks.

But I gave myself backing as MORE then just a yter... if I have certain things I've accomplished in life such as coaching three first place world wise guys I'm not allowed to post saying such to prove I'm more then a yter? That's kinda delusional to think that's wrong.

I'm giving myself backing here for those who could use some really helpful advice. Don't got hair loss nor care for my advice np take care have a good one. Any further discussing is aware of time obv.
Hey, you should make a whole thread on this.

These others threads you started were a great success

Hey, you should make a whole thread on this.

These others threads you started were a great success

They were with the people who actually understood basic concepts. Nobody there could refute a single fact I made and just kept trying to Hate due to their prior belief systems being challenged. So ya
No youre not, plenty of guys, and gals, who use aas are, and its best you stay out of this thread. Dont mean to exclude you bro, but this isnt a subject your interested in and a waste of time for people who arnt intersted in it, unless you really want to do research for researched sake. This is for people that are interested in this subject, and would appreciate it.
Let me worry about how I spend my time. You worry about how you spend yours. Plenty of people give conflicting opinions on all threads. You can always block me if you can't simply just move to the next post. I.don't know why you feel the need to gatekeep the precious hair thread and not in any other. You going to.go to the movies thread and tell people to.stay out if they don't like top gun 2.
They were with the people who actually understood basic concepts. Nobody there could refute a single fact I made and just kept trying to Hate due to their prior belief systems being challenged. So ya
Shouldn’t this whole thread be in hair skin health forum?
Let me worry about how I spend my time. You worry about how you spend yours. Plenty of people give conflicting opinions on all threads. You can always block me if you can't simply just move to the next post. I.don't know why you feel the need to gatekeep the precious hair thread and not in any other. You going to.go to the movies thread and tell people to.stay out if they don't like top gun 2.
I don't understand why people clog up the thread for useless posts, that's all. If you're not interested in the topic/ subject why don't you move on to one you are.
They were with the people who actually understood basic concepts. Nobody there could refute a single fact I made and just kept trying to Hate due to their prior belief systems being challenged. So ya
I'm scared to try mtren as androgenic as supposed to be. I stay open minded though.
You cured diseases?? You should have a Nobel prize!

Why aren’t you all over the news? No parades? Hospitals being named after you!

It’s almost as if you didn’t cure the diseases. 🤔


  • IMG_2141.png
    224.1 KB · Views: 42
T Clark,

What are your thoughts on DHTs effect on dikin baus?
you don't win a noble prize for curing anything. only for bombing other countries.
and this Clark fella didn’t cure any of the diseases he claimed. Even I know that. He is misrepresenting himself at best.
you don't win a noble prize for curing anything. only for bombing other countries.
1952, Warksman won it for curing Tuberculosis. 👍
I took some time to go through this thread on short cycles and androgen sensitivity, I'm quite new to the board been around a few months only but tbh it was pretty disappointing. It just seemed Teiaen was getting shit on, but there was no real conversation about the evidence presented.

Just to clarify from the off I'm not defending Taien because he was giving it back as well and I have no clue who he is, what I'm defending is the concept of good discussion. I'm also not suggesting people need to be censored because I'm very pro free-speech, but people really do need to have some courtesy and respect for the purpose of the forum which is discussion.

He presented a concept, with evidence to support his theories. Now in my book that's a good conversation starter. If he really is full of shit, then hash it out with reference to his evidence. So that we either grow in knowledge or can safely reject his theories. Either way nothing is gained by shitting on him.

What was presented was a concept which is actually pretty old, and the unusual thing about this board is you can go back through 20 years of discussions where people were actually very pro-short cycles at one point in time. Our own @b-boy defended short cycles when I recently asked about them in my thread on Short Cycles and the classic Cycles For Pennies.

I'm not trying a pick a fight here with anyone, but seriously these are words on a screen that's all they are, and people would do well to stop the personal attacks and allow the conversation to actually begin which might actually be of benefit to someone.
You cured diseases?? You should have a Nobel prize!

Why aren’t you all over the news? No parades? Hospitals being named after you!

It’s almost as if you didn’t cure the diseases. 🤔

I know you are asking in a condescending way or at least it seems... maybe you are not and I apologize if you are not. But yes I have, and many. I don't have a massive following no, 3k face book group 5k youtube etc, But that isn't because what Ive done doesn't work it is because if you check my history I post once every 6 months if that normally for years... You don't grow posting once every 6 months. Im always flooded with clients and make a good living doing such Ive never had the desire to want to post daily. Doesnt mean the people and things Ive helped arent legit. And you'll see on comments on yt and ig etc my following is literally die hard... Because everyone I've reached I've helped them beyond measure. My reach altho x20 smaller then others you'll see my videos etc get the same likes and comments of people with 100k following... Clearly the people I reach I hit them more with my advice and help.

See my reviews on my pages, not many people have the insane testimonials I have with sincere genuine responses. I have literally x3 or x4 the amount of testimonials NOT posted on my website and ig etc... Because I haven't cared to post more up because as I said I make it by just great, I don't need to sell people further. And if my advice was bullshit... I do not think Id have world famous athletes and alike giving me sincere genuine heart felt testimonials... Example on my website you'll see guys like jordan peters.. giving me a very thankful testimonial for helping him coaching him on how much I've helped him, If my teachings were bullshit why would he do that? Why would I have first place world wide powerlifters like chris duffin writing me in-depth sincere testimonials and letting me use his pictures all over my website headings, Want to see my convos with these people? or infact just go and message chris duffin yourself he absolutely loves me...

So if I posted bullshit, I dont think people with little time and famous would be bothering to reach out to ME... ask to hire ME... Then write me in-depth testimonials of how much I've helped their goals and health.

so yes the testimonials on diseases I've cured are legit, and I have the blood works, colonoscopy etc or what not to prove them all. I have fully cured many auto immune diseases , crohns, colitis, hashimotos and more.. And by cured I mean there is ZERO active disease, ZERO, on blood work on tissue test you name it. There is ZERO disease going on, it is not present. and most those testimonials are years old and I haven't bothered to add new ones so the diseases are gone for years now...

I have endless blood pressure clients/followers took from 160 180 etc to 110-120 within a week or less. All naturally and or via diet alone... Not a single failure case... And the testimonials are there for anyone to message these people on their social media or whatever. If I was lying or making stuff up Id have a lot of people trying my methods saying they didn't work. But I literally dont and instead I have a die hard following if you check any of my social media platforms of commenting all the time how much they love me or my advice... My advice works, and there is science to back up every single thing I say.

I have taken people with extreme heart issues where drs have told them good luck living to see your children grow up basically and videos of them getting their heart restarted with a defib every 3-4 weeks due to heart rate in the 400s..... Nothing drs could do but yet reach out to me and fixed within a week... I have their videos our chats everything... If I wanted to grow insanely Id be posting this stuff all over non stop. But I dont, I do just fine but I have been posting more to reach more people but its a huge time sink. I dont need to.

Anyways here screens of the diseases I have fully fixed and its not even touching the surface so yes I have cured diseases and there's lots of proof. This is kinda going off topic of hair loss but same time Im going to defend myself when Ive helped so many people and the health issues basically has always been me helping people for free... and that's also why my following loves me so much.

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I took some time to go through this thread on short cycles and androgen sensitivity, I'm quite new to the board been around a few months only but tbh it was pretty disappointing. It just seemed Teiaen was getting shit on, but there was no real conversation about the evidence presented.

Just to clarify from the off I'm not defending Taien because he was giving it back as well and I have no clue who he is, what I'm defending is the concept of good discussion. I'm also not suggesting people need to be censored because I'm very pro free-speech, but people really do need to have some courtesy and respect for the purpose of the forum which is discussion.

He presented a concept, with evidence to support his theories. Now in my book that's a good conversation starter. If he really is full of shit, then hash it out with reference to his evidence. So that we either grow in knowledge or can safely reject his theories. Either way nothing is gained by shitting on him.

What was presented was a concept which is actually pretty old, and the unusual thing about this board is you can go back through 20 years of discussions where people were actually very pro-short cycles at one point in time. Our own @b-boy defended short cycles when I recently asked about them in my thread on Short Cycles and the classic Cycles For Pennies.

I'm not trying a pick a fight here with anyone, but seriously these are words on a screen that's all they are, and people would do well to stop the personal attacks and allow the conversation to actually begin which might actually be of benefit to someone.
This is literally it dude... I presented science showing past initial use.. and guess what, people argued with the science I literally posted as well of initial use upregulating receptors. And I just kept asking show me one single study past initial use receptors are upregulated, They could and I posted them all and they all showed they downregulate after initial use week 8 mark etc. Zero discussion and it wont be had because it then makes them look stupid for suggesting something they've been wrong about. Still waiting for anyone to refute the studies showing past week 6-8 receptors are still up. You cant say something stays upregulate if you don't show studies past initial use. I did.. and they didn't.
Saw research that long esters promote more nitrogen retention. Def he knows his stuff.
I just did a big video with vigorous steve, then tony n nyle transparent podcast going into more detail on this how x2 nitrogen retention PLUS x2 to x3 muscle growth of weighing the muscles after killing the animals too with longer esters.
I don't understand why people clog up the thread for useless posts, that's all. If you're not interested in the topic/ subject why don't you move on to one you are.

I'm scared to try mtren as androgenic as supposed to be. I stay open minded tt
I don't understand why people clog up the thread for useless posts, that's all. If you're not interested in the topic/ subject why don't you move on to one you are.

I'm scared to try mtren as androgenic as supposed to be. I stay open minded though.
Let me worry about how I spend my time. You worry about how you spend yours. Plenty of people give conflicting opinions on all threads. You can always block me if you can't simply just move to the next post. I.don't know why you feel the need to gatekeep the precious hair thread and not in any other. You going to.go to the movies thread and tell people to.stay out if they don't like top gun 2.

What do you not understand about this post? Your not going to harass me out of the thread!! But if you just shut up I would have no reason to drag this bullshit on. Like maybe next time just move on and don't be a rude prick and it would have been one post. If I let you drop this bullshit with the best stay outta here.deal and not let you realize.that you do.not.intimidate me in any way shape or form, YOU WOULD DO THIS ALL THE TIME. That being said this issue is closed for me.
ok......hair "miniaturization"? I think maybe you used the wrong word......
If you cured chrons disease you’d be richer than Jeff Bezos.

The elements of fraud: misrepresenting yourself or others to cause a financial loss or gain to another party.

I won’t even get to part with those 2 accounts created at the same time that just happen to be defending you. It’s almost like they’re in on it.

You’re lying to get exposure, followers, clients, and money. You might fool a small number of people but the vast majority of this board is going to be extremely skeptical of you based on your claims of curing diseases.

Testimonials are not proof of curing a disease. Even you know that.
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