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female running anavar first time


New member
Jun 21, 2014
Hi guys, ive done a bit of research and have decided to run anavar, first cycle.

stats: 5'2, 121lb. Bikini athlete trying to transition into figure, but for now I will be using it whilst cutting. (for strength and muscle maintenance). been lifting seriously 2 years

I have alpha pharma oxyanabol 10mg. 8 week cycle

week 1: 5mg
2: 5mg
3: 10mg
4: 10mg
5: 10mg
6: 10mg
7: 10mg
8: 5mg
then 8 weeks off.

will be taking half in the AM, half in the PM.

Will be running it with EC stack. Diet and training is on point.
just want to run it through you guys before i start - any suggestions?
I was thinking of starting with 2.5mg but each pill is 10mg so i dont know how i would break it up into such small pieces especially if i were to take it in AM and PM.

also want to hear about its effects on sleep and acne. Ive always been prone to acne, will it get worse given my dosage is quite low?
Last edited:
Let us know the results.

Will def do. I know it's not a magic pill, but i am hoping strength to go up even while cutting, and to maintain muscle mass. Do you guys think I will also indirectly benefit by getting some accelerated fat loss?
Will def do. I know it's not a magic pill, but i am hoping strength to go up even while cutting, and to maintain muscle mass. Do you guys think I will also indirectly benefit by getting some accelerated fat loss?

On the ECA stack you will see fat loss if your diet is in check.My wife loves Var but unless she uses clen or a decent over the counter stimulate the var can make her hold a tad of water at a dose of 10mg .She and many lady's have acne sides so remember to keep a eye out on that.If diet is in check ,diet,training program,clen or a fat loss product and along with the Var you should see pretty good progress.
Don't go above 10mg for one being a bikini competitor you won't need anymore than that.The only way the 10mg won't work is it is not dosed as it says .Be careful . I hope you purchased from a good source because so many labs are trying to get by on winstrol and even worse using other harder compounds . So if t is real and everything is in check then you should be good to go girl!
On the ECA stack you will see fat loss if your diet is in check.My wife loves Var but unless she uses clen or a decent over the counter stimulate the var can make her hold a tad of water at a dose of 10mg .She and many lady's have acne sides so remember to keep a eye out on that.If diet is in check ,diet,training program,clen or a fat loss product and along with the Var you should see pretty good progress.
Don't go above 10mg for one being a bikini competitor you won't need anymore than that.The only way the 10mg won't work is it is not dosed as it says .Be careful . I hope you purchased from a good source because so many labs are trying to get by on winstrol and even worse using other harder compounds . So if t is real and everything is in check then you should be good to go girl!

thanks for the input. yeah the code has been validated on the website. as of now i will only be running a var only cycle. did your wife report any sleep issues while on the var?
Also - i know var isnt used for fat loss but does it INDIRECTLY help fat loss in any way - eg appetite suppression, etc?
My GF keeps it at 5mg and gets good results... she's 4'11" 95lbs... it gives her increased strength.... at 5mg I don't bother splitting her dose but at 10mg i'd have her split it like you are. No sleep issues but she will get some acne... she's post meno so she's taking hormones as well...
My GF keeps it at 5mg and gets good results... she's 4'11" 95lbs... it gives her increased strength.... at 5mg I don't bother splitting her dose but at 10mg i'd have her split it like you are. No sleep issues but she will get some acne... she's post meno so she's taking hormones as well...

she is petite
A lot of females get sides at 10mg. If possible cut the tabs and try 7.5mg first.

My ex did the same thing you posted, voice got scratchy, along with other female concerns.
A lot of females get sides at 10mg. If possible cut the tabs and try 7.5mg first.

My ex did the same thing you posted, voice got scratchy, along with other female concerns.

yeah i guess i am quite small being 5'2, and 10mg might be a bit too much.
If i did 7.5mg do you think it's fine to not split evenly so i do 5mg AM, 2.5 PM?
My GF keeps it at 5mg and gets good results... she's 4'11" 95lbs... it gives her increased strength.... at 5mg I don't bother splitting her dose but at 10mg i'd have her split it like you are. No sleep issues but she will get some acne... she's post meno so she's taking hormones as well...

i would prefer not splitting the tablet into quarters as you mentioned, because i dont want a lot to end up crumbling away etc. but if i start with 5mg dosed once a day, would the half life or blood sugar levels be a concern?
yeah i guess i am quite small being 5'2, and 10mg might be a bit too much.
If i did 7.5mg do you think it's fine to not split evenly so i do 5mg AM, 2.5 PM?

Yeah, just take the 2.5 later, probably wont effect sleep that way.

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