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Helping my 16-year old nephew (might be helpful to some)


IFBB PRO / Double Featured Member/Kilo Klub
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 3, 2005
I haven't created a new post here in many years, but thought this might be helpful to some, or fun to read. Or just a nice way for me to type out some thoughts :)

I have a 16-year old nephew (who lives a few hours away) who doesn't have the most stable home life, but has expressed an interest in weight lifting and physique change, so I offered to coach him a bit as a way of offering
some stability and goal-setting and accountability (he doesn't have a regular father figure in his life right now). He's gotten into trouble before (small stuff) so maybe this will help give him a bit of direction, and it's just a good way for us to connect, too.

He has about a year of weight training experience, and often texts me about new bench press PRs, squat and deadlift PRs, etc.
For reference he's about 145 pounds at maybe 5'7.

He doesn't have much money and doesn't always have a way to get to a gym (though just started a weight-lifting class in high school) so I showed him a bunch of
bodyweight exercises he could do at home and gave him some bands to work with too.

I asked him to keep a diet journal for a few days and it was quickly apparent that he wasn't eating anything very supportive of his goals (would often not eat anything until later in the day, then it would just be sporadic junk food, mostly)
I wanted to keep things super simple to start with, so as not to overwhelm him too much, but provide some general guidelines that he would see results from.

So last week we started with 2 rules, which I dubbed "Project Protein":
- eat 40-50 grams of protein within the first hour of waking up every day
- get a total of 150 grams of protein each day
(then I told him cheap sources of protein, to try to eat maybe 3-4 times a day, etc.)

Super simple, and easy to track.
And he emails me once a week with new pics, his body weight, and what he ate each day with the protein numbers listed.

After the first week he's already looking a lot better (his first update was this morning) and he replied:
"I feel a lot stronger overall and I’m already noticing differences in my forearms and some in my legs as well, I still get hungry but I’m not snacking on junk nearly as much.
I went from 165x4 to 185x5 on squat in just a week"

So this week we're working on keeping the Project Protein rules in place, and increasing calories, mainly from carbs.

Anyways, maybe I'll update this periodically as he progresses.
Could end up being a life long affair as it has for a lot of us here. I’ve been lifting weights for over 30 years now. It’s been a consistent throughout my teens all the way up to my late 40’s. It’s been a constant throughout that time, probably the only one and the fire still burns for it even after all that time

I have had my son working out since 13. He now has the "iron bug".

It provides so much beyond the physical aspect. Confidence, discipline, effort, consistency. These are true life lessons that translate into all aspects of life.

~ To get weight on my son, football drove this mostly, he simply drank a shit ton of 1% milk. He put on 55lbs of really good weight, in 4 years Puberty is a cheat code for sure!~
He's got a big head start on me, I didn't start training until I was 20, and didn't start competing until I was 28.
Taking notes, as my now 15yr old has been at it for over a year now. I gave him a simple weightlifting program to follow at 14. Didn’t think he’d stick with it, but he has for 4-5 days a week.

He’s mentioned diet and honing things in, but I told him hold off on that right now. Enjoy being a kid and what comes with it. If he’s serious he’ll keep bugging me. So again, im taking notes good sir!

If I had myself as an uncle, I would have been Ronnie Coleman.
Good on you Shelby, I bet he doesn't realise who he has in his corner! Hope he makes the most of it and I have no doubt he's going make some crazy progress under your guidance.

Keen to see his progress
Imagine just getting into basketball and not really knowing your uncle is a 10x NBA all star lol

Having a liiitttle bit of guidance at that age can make all the difference in the world.
I started my son since he could walk, have documented most of it, until recently in his teenage years he goes a lot less, but its still a cherished routine for he and I, that means the world to me! I am so proud of him, plan those seeds folks
Young boys thrive having a male mentor that guides them. You are doing god's work, and I am not being hyperbolic. You have the opportunity to really leave a lasting, positive impact on him, and making him a good strong man in due time. Especially if he lacks a stable father figure.
If I had myself as an uncle, I would have been Ronnie Coleman.
Its nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. #WhatCouldHaveBeen.....................lol
@Shelby, For his diet, did you utilize the basic BMR calculation as a starting point for the 150g protein or did you go about this another way?

Thanks for sharing Shelby. We miss you here. After I bought your books I was also listing to some podcasts.
One that got my attention was you talking about training with John meadows and Brad Davis.

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