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Nbencze log (solberg labs) cleneject/winstrol tabs.


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 9, 2015
Any information will help our community,we'd love to see pictures of the product if you can.

Nbencze will log for us :

Clen ject (CLENBUTEROL 0.30mcg Inj)
Winstroll tabs.

This was just great timing. I was looking into throwing in something in to my cycle to help me trim up and was lucky enough to have been chosen by Viking Labs to run Solberg Labs cleneject and winstrol. Bird landed in a very reasonable amount of time and was discreetly packaged. So Viking said he wanted us to run it right away so as soon as I got it I tore into my goodies lol. This would be why they are open on my pics haha. First injection of clen was 1/2 ml and painless. It was def the real deal as I had the shakes. Took 50 mg the first day of the winstrol. I will keep y'all updated as to how things are going. Thanks Viking Labs!!
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So one of my main questions with the cleneject is was it stronger than regular clen. In my experience the answer is no. It is equity effective as oral clen. Now my next question will be answer with time. Does it work for spot fat reduction? I'll keep you all posted with the answer to that. The clen seems to be dosed properly. Today I injected 60 mcgs or 2 ml. I used a Helios protocol I found on the web with my injections. So basically those two mls were spread out through my lower stomach chub if you will. So between the clen and the winstrol my energy level at the gym is starting to sky rocket.
Hope it works the way you want it to brother. Spot help is always something people need especially at low bF% which I know you are right now right ? Lol beast! Haha
Great brother!! Still too early to tell if spot reduction can work without the yohimbine. However my energy and vascularity are I reading daily! Strength is up too.
Great brother!! Still too early to tell if spot reduction can work without the yohimbine. However my energy and vascularity are I reading daily! Strength is up too.

Long time ago we did Clen/yohimbine inj. Now we do it in tabs.
So strength and vascular is up... That's always a nice added bonus, sounds like a winner to me! But NB your strength is always up. You have really transformed into a beast this last year bro.
How's that clen treating you? Summer bod up and running yet or what?
final review

so heres my take on the injectable . great product and accurately dosed. however no different formal clen so in other words no spot reduction with this. not taking anything away from this product as it was strong as fuck. as for the winstroll tabs god i loved them. best winstroll I've had hands down. I was only taking 30 mg ed and the pumps and vascularity were out of this world. i started to shred up nicely till my boy from the gym threw me some 300 5 mg dbol that i threw in towards the end. not that i gained fat but some of my definition was lost in the droll pump. however my summer shred is still in effect and thanks to viking i killed it at the shore. i defiantly turned a few heads. thanks again Viking your the shit!!!!!
final review

so heres my take on the injectable . great product and accurately dosed. however no different formal clen so in other words no spot reduction with this. not taking anything away from this product as it was strong as fuck. as for the winstroll tabs god i loved them. best winstroll I've had hands down. I was only taking 30 mg ed and the pumps and vascularity were out of this world. i started to shred up nicely till my boy from the gym threw me some 300 5 mg dbol that i threw in towards the end. not that i gained fat but some of my definition was lost in the droll pump. however my summer shred is still in effect and thanks to viking i killed it at the shore. i defiantly turned a few heads. thanks again Viking your the shit!!!!!

Thanks man! Regard the clen I agree with you,I never heard of "spot reduction" with this. I'm glad you're happy with the rest of the products.
i was plenty happy with the clen as it was potent. i just wasn't sure if it worked the same as helios. all and all it was a fantastic experience with great products and great customer service!!

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