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Non insulin fans


Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Jul 23, 2022
A lot of people here(and around the world) are a fan of insulin use. Can be lantus or fast acting around training.
I've only used it pre workout(combined with GH) and I'm not sure what to think of it. Seems to add volume but also a lot of bloat.

Are there people here that have used insulin but don't anymore because they didn't like it? If so, why?
I would say exactly the opposite - insulin will limit swelling because it lowers high blood sugar - look at people with insulin resistance, how often they are swollen with water

In addition, insulin has an anti-inflammatory effect, which additionally reduces flatulence - these are the basics of the body's functioning
^^^ Exactly

I've done preps with insulin and didn't have bloat. Bloat is due to a shit diet or having items in your diet causing digestive issues that you are not aware of.
A lot of people here(and around the world) are a fan of insulin use. Can be lantus or fast acting around training.
I've only used it pre workout(combined with GH) and I'm not sure what to think of it. Seems to add volume but also a lot of bloat.

Are there people here that have used insulin but don't anymore because they didn't like it? If so, why?
^^^long story short ..you'r doing it wrong ..devil is always in the details ..esp with SLIN

IMO; people can give a template & basic guidelines for using Insulin
BUT you have learn to REALLY understand it ..SO THAT you can fine tune it to fit YOU individually

IN THIS PROCESS; you have to keep yourself honest & accountable
..this may require tedious attention & logging of pertinent details
(..bc if you'r bloating then "the details" is where you'll find the cause)

ALSO; ..IMO ..insulin is REALLY only required to break thru & achieve certain size-barriers
..after various other method have been employed

if you don't live in this world ..then you really have no need for it
..so don't worry about it

You boys are wasting your time. This guy struggles with bloat in almost every thread he makes from AAS to GH to insulin etc.

He needs confirmation bias not the truth!
A lot of people here(and around the world) are a fan of insulin use. Can be lantus or fast acting around training.
I've only used it pre workout(combined with GH) and I'm not sure what to think of it. Seems to add volume but also a lot of bloat.

Are there people here that have used insulin but don't anymore because they didn't like it? If so, why?
#1) what are you referring to as (bloat) are you talking about bloated gassy belly or puffy water retention like D-bol

Iit you are get digestive bloating i would bet its more to do with the food you are eating than anything to do with the insulin

If using it Intra-workout , what are you eating before , during and after training as far as your protein and carb sources??
A lot of people here(and around the world) are a fan of insulin use. Can be lantus or fast acting around training.
I've only used it pre workout(combined with GH) and I'm not sure what to think of it. Seems to add volume but also a lot of bloat.

Are there people here that have used insulin but don't anymore because they didn't like it? If so, why?
Maybe I’m weird… but insulin has never effected my weight directly. Never added any kind of water or anything.
You’re bloated because of the rest of your diet and/or you aren’t drinking enough water. I was taking 10iu with 100-150 carbs per meal and had zero bloat.
Water intake is on point, diet could be true! My salt intake fluctuates, I guess that's the culprit then.

I would say exactly the opposite - insulin will limit swelling because it lowers high blood sugar - look at people with insulin resistance, how often they are swollen with water

In addition, insulin has an anti-inflammatory effect, which additionally reduces flatulence - these are the basics of the body's functioning
I have read a lot insulin makes people hold water. Especially when they blow up in off season because of the slin and then diet down for a show and pretty much end up at the same bodyweight as before. Or am I wrong?
You boys are wasting your time. This guy struggles with bloat in almost every thread he makes from AAS to GH to insulin etc.

He needs confirmation bias not the truth!
Hey cutey

#1) what are you referring to as (bloat) are you talking about bloated gassy belly or puffy water retention like D-bol

Iit you are get digestive bloating i would bet its more to do with the food you are eating than anything to do with the insulin

If using it Intra-workout , what are you eating before , during and after training as far as your protein and carb sources??
I mean like an overall film of water. For sure a lot of fullness in the muscles but also some subq water. I don't really like the fuller look but could be a preference.

Before- Rice powder, whey, banana, salt.
During- Eaa's, dextrose, glutamin, salt.
Post: Rice, chicken, vegs, salt.

So I expected the bashing about the bloat it's all good lol, but anyone here that doesn't like it or stopped using it because they didn't like it?
I have read a lot insulin makes people hold water. Especially when they blow up in off season because of the slin and then diet down for a show and pretty much end up at the same bodyweight as before. Or am I wrong?
people are wrong - it's not insulin that retains water in them, but the amount of calories added too high and too quickly - people will always blame everything on medications instead of looking at the truth

All my clients use insulin both during prep and during the offseason - do they look like they are holding on to too much water and not making progress from season to season...?
I just started insulin for first time 2 weeks ago at 15iu pre workout and other then more fuller and pump don’t see the benefits haven’t gained not 1 pound
I just started insulin for first time 2 weeks ago at 15iu pre workout and other then more fuller and pump don’t see the benefits haven’t gained not 1 pound

So you are bigger and fuller but haven't gained any weight so it's not working?

Also, why would you start using 15iu if you've never used it before? Are you really fat and insulin resistant or something?

Your sentence structure needs some work.
So you are bigger and fuller but haven't gained any weight so it's not working?

Also, why would you start using 15iu if you've never used it before? Are you really fat and insulin resistant or something?

Your sentence structure needs some work.
I’m not fat wtf. I’m 5’6 205lbs at 12%bf. I’m taking 15iu because my preworkout carbs are 80grams intra is 80 grams and post is 80grams
I’m not fat wtf. I’m 5’6 205lbs at 12%bf. I’m taking 15iu because my preworkout carbs are 80grams intra is 80 grams and post is 80grams
No need to start so high. My carbs are double yours and my dose is still not as high as yours.
I’m not fat wtf. I’m 5’6 205lbs at 12%bf. I’m taking 15iu because my preworkout carbs are 80grams intra is 80 grams and post is 80grams
Why that many carbs at 205 and 12%? Isn't 240g of carbs excessive for a 200 pounder in a 3-4 window?

Are you sure you're not like 16-18% body fat?

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