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Only Fans and the top fitness girls

This is also fair. They are free to do whatever they want. Sell, show or live how they want. But 100% cannot complain about the ramifications of their actions either.

We all have to live with the positives and negatives of decisions we freely made. No ones fault but our own.

How the fuck did I get so wrapped up in this debate lol.
Lol... The debate has legs because of what we are seeing in society today.. some people believe there should be no consequences to their actions.. " it's who I am" is the argument.. and many times it's promoted.. but every action has a reaction. .
I have worked in corrections and now am in school security.. the amount of people I see that believe they shoukdnt be help accountable is absolutely amazing.. from the parents of grade schoolers who don't believe their kid shouldn't be judged or have consequences to his actions to young inmates who's excuse is " that's how we roll where I'm from" is astonishing.. and yet many times they are even told that by their lawyers or school administrators.. we are sending dangerous messages to many people that " everything is ok.. do what makes you happy" and then the ramifications and consequences of their past actions come to them and they are shocked. .

It's like the only fans debate.. they are told " do what ya want".. " make that money". But for many it will come back to haunt them. The internet is forever.. and not every thing is " ok" to do .. but thats another topic lol
I smell the stench of moral relativism. It's almost impossible to find the root word of moral the meaning has been so bastardized. Moral relativism is a contradiction of terms. Moral derives from the same root as mooring as in the pier poles that are driven into the bedrock such that the pier cannot be moved. Don't go looking for these simple terms. They have been purged. You have to be in your 60s to remember. Don't worry, we will all be dead soon and your polyamorous relationships and other "activities" that stain the act of human creation will be forever more destructive of the base units of society. I'm sure my comments here will spark some judgemental-ism.
No, not at all.

The reason sex workers get paid is because decent people won’t do it. It’s not a talent, it’s a financial trade off for the social respect you lose. It’s a sign of NOT having a skill or a willingness to participate in hard working society.

People can’t become surgeons because med school is really fucking hard.

There are like 20 girls at my local gym, which is a small gym, who’d kill it on OnlyFans. Why don’t they? Real jobs and self respect.
Honestly, they probably wouldn't or at least not for very long. As mentioned somewhere earlier in this thread, most girls don't make very much money doing this. A small number make serious money but even for them I wonder for how long they can hold the attention of the dudes willing to pay.

My opinion is OF will ultimately be found to be harmful for nearly all of the girls that choose to do it even if they do make a few bucks. I'm sure some women are able to compartmentalize it but I genuinely think it's going to be harmful to most women that take part in it. Maybe not for years but eventually. Again, just my opinion. That and $3.50 will get you a gallon of gas.
Lol... The debate has legs because of what we are seeing in society today.. some people believe there should be no consequences to their actions.. " it's who I am" is the argument.. and many times it's promoted.. but every action has a reaction. .
I have worked in corrections and now am in school security.. the amount of people I see that believe they shoukdnt be help accountable is absolutely amazing.. from the parents of grade schoolers who don't believe their kid shouldn't be judged or have consequences to his actions to young inmates who's excuse is " that's how we roll where I'm from" is astonishing.. and yet many times they are even told that by their lawyers or school administrators.. we are sending dangerous messages to many people that " everything is ok.. do what makes you happy" and then the ramifications and consequences of their past actions come to them and they are shocked. .

It's like the only fans debate.. they are told " do what ya want".. " make that money". But for many it will come back to haunt them. The internet is forever.. and not every thing is " ok" to do .. but thats another topic lol

While some may not judge or may not judge too harshly (at least if this is the only input and not one of many similar), to assume that no one will judge or that a given percentage of the population won't conform to societal norms (ie majority) and judge accordingly...past naive there, well into stupid. Always consequences.
Yes sir, all correct. Controlled Population Management through social constructs and psychological manipulation... but population control nonetheless.

As someone who wasted their undergrad years on Sociology I agree with this 1000%

And all those gurus on "both" sides are part of it.

Just look at all these movements and philosophies and ask "Cui bono?" Feminism, MGTOW, climbing corporate ladder, spiritual life quests, heck, even perfection of the ideal physique, all take highly motivated young people who could be raising inquisitive and independent thinking offspring and puts them in a position where they can't really raise their kids even if they have them. Then the kids that they do have, and those multitudes of children from lower classes (poor, urban, immigrant, etc), are all raised by a nanny media and education state that completely indoctrinates them... creating compliant and easily manipulated future generations.
i guess if you know for sure what you want in life, then its all good... more or less

but for a lot of these young girls... reality is going to hit them hard

There have been strange deaths and suicides of many young girls in the industry, and these were popular girls who had made good money.
I think it’s completely fucked up if they have kids! The kids will be crucified going through school! Don’t put that shit on the internet, just go blow some dudes in the back seat of your car so your kids don’t have to see it! 😜


People who do porn and have children are as low as it gets. Imagine your friends watching your mom in porn movies, WTF?
We could all take a page from that book. We seek approval of others far too much especially with social media

Do you realise that these OF girls, or porn actresses, achieve success precisely because they find approval or support for what they do?

No, in no way are they brilliant, independent individuals who go against the norm, they have simply found a client base to satisfy.
I crack up when guys say they won't pay for sex. You must not be married. 😂

Paying for sex is very different from paying to watch porn.
My cousin in a very famous female porn star. Her daughters when they were 11 and 13 dressed like li porn stars. Very very weird. Full blown whores already. My cousin has lived a very odd life. She spent 10 years living in France because she thought no one would notice her there. lol
Paying for sex is very different from paying to watch porn.
Funny how one's moral compass goes one way to the other, depending on what they think is right or wrong. I knew Christian couples who thought anal, eating pussy or blowjobs were wrong even though they were married.

By the way, I was being sarcastic with what I said. I don't like the direction this world is going, but by the end of day, I have to be responsible for myself and set a good example.
I never saw onlyfans page, but I still say that TikTok has the worse retards. Girls just sit there begging for money and all these idiot guys give them tons of money. They are not showing any nudes either.
Kinda wild we sit on a moral high horse judging people when most of can probably be negatively judged for taking steroids. How many “fake nattys” do we see because taking illegal steroids could make them lose a contract? I know when I tried to get custody of my child the first thing that was brought up was my steroid use. There are definitely reprocutions for what we do also
Kinda wild we sit on a moral high horse judging people when most of can probably be negatively judged for taking steroids. How many “fake nattys” do we see because taking illegal steroids could make them lose a contract? I know when I tried to get custody of my child the first thing that was brought up was my steroid use. There are definitely reprocutions for what we do also
I think most of us aren’t personally judging. We’re just commenting on how most of society objectively “feels” about people involved in the porn industry. Like I said earlier I don’t care how someone makes their money - that’s their business - but that don’t mean I’m gonna introduce you to my momma.
I’ll never tell someone how to make their money. It’s your choice - but then you have to live with the societal repercussions…
I honestly think it's the same as being a prostitute. If you showing your naked body for money .or playing with yourself with toys and hand.and yes they do that.they even have guy with girl or girl on girl having sex. I know some of them and they are a 10 but very young in mid to low 20"s

I actually know one that goes to my gym.she been here posted on ass thread. I won't say her name. But she a perfect 10 and she had two guys in Vegas pay here $5,000 for both to hit it at the same time. Some make extremely good money.

But when they get old 70 80 and look back and how would you hide that from your grandkids. Plus all that silicone is going to look so ridiculous on an 80 year old lmfao can you imagine 😁
I think most of us aren’t personally judging. We’re just commenting on how most of society objectively “feels” about people involved in the porn industry. Like I said earlier I don’t care how someone makes their money - that’s their business - but that don’t mean I’m gonna introduce you to my momma.
I’m personally judging
Exactly, there is so much free porn on the internet that it's actually surprising that some people pay these girls.
Because their are some guys that like the live shit and telling her what to do for him. Some sick fucks out there man
comparing being a bodybuilder who takes hormones to being an actual prostitute

well alright then

When a woman asks if I’m natural, and I tell her the truth, I’ve never once been rejected or discounted. 95% of them have been “normal” women who might have gym memberships, but not the competitive type who would already be involved with gear themselves. It’s literally never been an issue.

No man I’m friends with would date or attach themself to a stripper, onlyfans girl, or IG hot chick with 100k followers. They’d fuck one, but never date or waste time on.

One type of woman is a good, nutritious meal.

The other type is a snickers bar. It’s not a real meal, and eating one too often is only going to make your life worse.

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