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Over 40 drugs


Sponsor / Kilo Club
Jan 20, 2003
Over 40 now several over. Running 500 sust 30 tbol a day, winny here and there doing good but haven’t been onstage since fertility started in 2018, feel great last labs were good in Feb. Really feeling great lifting heavy as any point in my career buuuut 19 month old son and daughter on the way. I’m not me without competing and getting back how I looked for the previous almost 2 decades. Everything is on point just want ideas for those of you who are taking more than trt or Emerics program, especially guys competing over 40. I was aggressive by my standards as a youngster but by the cycles I’ve seen on here I never really did shit lol. Heart is good, EKG and stress are ok, VA won’t do any other tests bc I’m too young and healthy and dont drink or smoke so by their logic I’m low risk, that’s with my admitted ped use though it’s obvious said or not. Anyway not asking for cycles or secret sauce just guys who’ve done it good or bad I just wanna hear thoughts for those willing drugs, doses whatever. I do take humanofort as well as sythtek Carnitine and Kyno clone.
How many weeks out from the show?

Are you going to progressively add more drugs in ?
How many weeks out from the show?

Are you going to progressively add more drugs in ?
Haven’t picked the show yet just bc I am giving a buffer for a long prep. Baby due in March but will have wife home for three months and she’s ok if I compete, but the goal is Jan/Feb for first show. I need to drop a good bit of fat and that’s always gone good but since first show never went too long without getting onstage, one Long break I. Late 20s for jail. Muscle is coming fast and weight loss is about a pound every 1-2 days. I’m on day 12 after 2 weeks of Covid which is a non issue now. I’m willing to add and try anything except DNP still afraid of DNP always have been. Mentally the last time I was this hyped I won several shows in a year I did 7 total. But that was a long time ago and I was using test, tren, nolva, eq, GH, winny, and mast all in decent doses but nothing that would raise an eyebrow. Say 1,000 mg of test is a high dose for me, yes I’ve done more but if you look at my avg for my 20 and 30s for prep it’s always sust at a gram for test until 3 weeks out then it’s about 500 of prop never fully pulling test or GH, I know some guys drop them the last week or two. I will drop GH to 2 iu the last 2 days prior to show nine morning of.
The only PEDs I'm personally willing to take at my age are: Test, masteron, deca, GH, and anavar (anavar for short bursts only).

I do have some t-bol laying around that I might take at some point, but that doesn't do a whole lot for me, just a little strength boost. I have some drol too that I'll probably never take again.

The one thing that's really tempting to me is trestolone, but I know that's probably not a good idea for us old people...
The only PEDs I'm personally willing to take at my age are: Test, masteron, deca, GH, and anavar (anavar for short bursts only).

I do have some t-bol laying around that I might take at some point, but that doesn't do a whole lot for me, just a little strength boost. I have some drol too that I'll probably never take again.

The one thing that's really tempting to me is trestolone, but I know that's probably not a good idea for us old people...
I thought tbol sucked too. Under 100 mg a day it never did much. Run it 150 mg a day or more and watch what happens. It’s nothing short of badass. Recomped me like tren without sides got stronger, full and more vascular and a great strength drug in higher doses. Trust me. It is not a weak drug. People just don’t use enough to see it shine. And even at higher doses it did not fuck with my digestion. Made me hungry and very driven.
I’m not 40 yet, but closing in.


Test and primo are my go to’s. Masteron doesn’t ding me too hard on blood work and helps prevent from using an AI (so does primo). Deca I never use more than 100-200mg. I physically feel great, but get sexual sides and water retention if not offset with DHT’s. Anavar I’m never on for more than 4-6 weeks, 20-40mg MAX.

I may break out and get aggressive with things a little within the next year or two, but only if I think I’d compete again.

Blood work has been REALLY good.
I thought tbol sucked too. Under 100 mg a day it never did much. Run it 150 mg a day or more and watch what happens. It’s nothing short of badass. Recomped me like tren without sides got stronger, full and more vascular and a great strength drug in higher doses. Trust me. It is not a weak drug. People just don’t use enough to see it shine. And even at higher doses it did not fuck with my digestion. Made me hungry and very driven.
If I can feel it at 25 mg. Do you still recommend I dose it that high? Like am I missing its true potential by not dosing it that high?
If I can feel it at 25 mg. Do you still recommend I dose it that high? Like am I missing its true potential by not dosing it that high?
I’m not recommending you do anything I just stated what worked for me. Lol Grown men decide for themselves what is a risk. A lot may disagree and call it abusive and wreckless but I could give two fucks. It works better for me at higher doses just like everything else Iv experimented with. It’s like the difference between 25o mg test and a gram. Night and day.
I’m 37..want to do 1 more blast before I turn 40 and then strictly TRT
I’m not recommending you do anything I just stated what worked for me. Lol Grown men decide for themselves what is a risk. A lot may disagree and call it abusive and wreckless but I could give two fucks. It works better for me at higher doses just like everything else Iv experimented with. It’s like the difference between 25o mg test and a gram. Night and day.
Understood thank you
I do 300 test 300 mast. Occasionally swap the mast out for npp.

Thinking of trying 300 test plus 300 primo. Or instead of primo try orals pre workout on workout days only or even treat at a very small dose.
I thought tbol sucked too. Under 100 mg a day it never did much. Run it 150 mg a day or more and watch what happens. It’s nothing short of badass. Recomped me like tren without sides got stronger, full and more vascular and a great strength drug in higher doses. Trust me. It is not a weak drug. People just don’t use enough to see it shine. And even at higher doses it did not fuck with my digestion. Made me hungry and very driven.
Jesus Christ 50mg of tbol was a lot for me. 100 would kill me. I loved it.
I do 300 test 300 mast. Occasionally swap the mast out for npp.

Thinking of trying 300 test plus 300 primo. Or instead of primo try orals pre workout on workout days only or even treat at a very small dose.
Try 150mg tbol or 150 mg anavar w your test instead of the primo. I had really good results w them both. Worked very similar to tren but gained a lil more lean mass and felT good on them both at those doses. Minus the tren sides. If you’re worried about liver toxicity just do 3-4 weeks of it and you’ll know what I mean Vern! Lol
For kids until your youngest is past 2...it's all out carzy. Generally it gets better so you'll be in the thick for a while.

Home gym or some equipment at least is a real help. Workout crew goes by the wayside which is more an issue in PL.

I'm late 40s. Don't compete in BBing so can't help there. Been on hrt via doc since mid 30s but I do it myself these days. I get a decent amount of blood work and try to understand the impacts on my own body that each substance has. I'm pretty lucky that orals don't cause appetite issues or really move my liver values outside a few pts out of range (though not running mega doses). I'm more concerned with not having Ultra long periods of poor lipids. Tren and orals both hit me along with dhts to some degree.

I really watch blood pressure - mostly water driven for me - and make sure my rbc/crit don't get too high. I've had a cpap for the past 5ish years. Helps this and general quality of life a lot. I was like 2x severe (~50 events per hour) and had no idea. Worth looking into it.

Anyway my hrt is 200mg test e/c and I generally need a bit of armosin as I like E2 sub 30. This peaks me ~1100 or top of range on 1 inject per week and then rest if week is lower so a higher end but in range dose. General cruise is 400mg total of test and deca - maybe 200/200 or 250/150. I've cruised for ~20 weeks and posted my best bloods since I was 20. I've run the 200/200 for 2+ years straight with only improving markers do for me this is gold.

I can run 750 test and 600 deca with perfect bloods so those are my staples plus joint longevity (more cushion and less wear/tear) is nice too and deca has helped me there. 1.5 to 2grams is a big cycle for me as is anything with tren. Other injects are masteron good for feels and water; primo hits my hdl at decent doses (nearly as much as tren which is a shit ton more effective) but nice soft cycle aesthetic drug; I still use tren a/E though limit it - don't really need more than 350mg anymore and I apply sparingly over time. I do want to try a 200 test 100 tren cruise and get bloods at some point (I get no sides from tren and feel great - of I scale up the dose I don't have sleeping issues but that's it). I have a stock of equipoise that I'll eventually find use for but I probably need 1g of test to run 600 equ and have E2 marginal in the 20s just crushes me.

Orals I spoke to effects but limit time on and overall use. Drol, winny and var are standbys. Dbol now makes me tired at any dose so retired it.

HGH doesn't do a whole lot for me. I've run 3-4 ius for over a year at a time. Igf goes up in line and all but other than increase in RHR and water (need to ease into doses due to blood pressure) I just don't get much from it though I don't use skin and don't take more than 4iu ED. Maybe I can be looser with diet...maybe but not a strong effect.

I'm on a ought dose of hctz for blood pressure 12.5mg and a bit of lisinopril which doesn't make any difference for me. Lipitor is 10mg and keeps things optimal if I'm putting any effort into diet. Aromasin is my AI of choice and I'll take as needed depending on the blast and combo. Never moved my lipids or bloods even one point and I feel fine. Does the job if needed and a good drug.

I just ran a light dnp cycle and absolutely will use again. I stated at 250mg eod, then 250,theb 250/500 staggered eod (lethargy here). At 250mg I slept great, RHR was in line or lower, no blood pressure issues, no sweating even eating carbs. Gold and zero sides other than flat and holding water just pure fat loss. No rebound. Wasn't even really crazy hungry. Makes T3 and ECA look like placebo garbage.

Happy to answer anything you want but some hints/thoughts and geared a lot toward peds which seemed to be your focus.
I’m not 40 yet, but closing in.


Test and primo are my go to’s. Masteron doesn’t ding me too hard on blood work and helps prevent from using an AI (so does primo). Deca I never use more than 100-200mg. I physically feel great, but get sexual sides and water retention if not offset with DHT’s. Anavar I’m never on for more than 4-6 weeks, 20-40mg MAX.

I may break out and get aggressive with things a little within the next year or two, but only if I think I’d compete again.

Blood work has been REALLY good.
No EQ? Is that just because of the preference of primo or because it gives you issues?

Just personally curious as I’ve found I do better with EQ than Primo in my mid 30’s.
No EQ? Is that just because of the preference of primo or because it gives you issues?

Just personally curious as I’ve found I do better with EQ than Primo in my mid 30’s.

EQ sparks my anxiety and I’d rather not deal with the thick blood.

I do like the “cosmetic” effect it provides, I get full as a house and the pumps are mad… but the blood viscosity thing scares me.

I have access to enough tested/real primo, so I’d rather just use it instead.
Might have to try it but I’ll need a paramedic on hand for my BP!
I guess I’m just lucky my bp is ok. My heart rate is a bit fast but it’s been 70-80 bpm my entire life and the cardiologist for me thats my normal and it’s ok. A bit more cardio would lower it but I hate cardio. I get it every night before bed and in the morning as well. Lol
I do 300 test 300 mast. Occasionally swap the mast out for npp.

Thinking of trying 300 test plus 300 primo. Or instead of primo try orals pre workout on workout days only or even treat at a very small dose.
My "cruise" is 250 test cyp and 200 mast. Then when I want to "blast" I add 200 deca.

I've done low dose anavar and low dose t-bol on training days. Both seemed to give a boost in strength, the var gave me better pumps and a nice mood boost (kinda like being on bromantane).

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