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Separated / Torn AC Joint


Jul 24, 2014
Hi Guys,

Not new to the forum but not a frequent poster, on here daily though so it's funny I feel like I know so many on here.

I am 6 weeks out from first show of the year and yesterday was mountain biking, had a hard crash and landed on neck / Shoulder. Xrays last night showed no break, but a full separation of the ac joint from collarbone, literally looks like my shoulder is sitting completely down off my shoulder (if that makes sense). I'm extremely disappointed as I was having a great prep. Seeing the Orthopedic tomorrow and going to schedule surgery for as soon as possible.

Wondering if anyone has been through one of these, I'm sure there's many but I couldn't find many threads here.

Just looking for some input as my mind is running wild that my competing days may be over or aesthetically I won't be the same.

I'll be 32 years old next month. Currently been running test e, equi and a small amount of deca, thinking of staying on that and lowering doses. Still hoping to make provincial champs in 13 weeks or at least a show end of year. Tore my Vmo at 10 weeks out as well so haven't been able to train quads outside of bodyweight really for 4 weeks. Will attach my current condition too as I know pics mean a lot here, I'm extremely flat and a small guy and I compete light haha, I want to try hold it close to where it is so I'm withing striking distance.

Any input is appreciated, thank you.


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I'm sorry for troubles, I know it sucks.


I'm most certain the surgeon will ask for one.

I'm a candidate for shoulder surgery, full thickness tear, massive amount of calcification, torn tendons and a labrum tear.

My quality of life has not hindered me just yet, I don't mean to be debbie downer, most smoulder surgeries are about 6-8 months recovery especially if things need to be attached (but you probably knew that)
Hi Guys,

Not new to the forum but not a frequent poster, on here daily though so it's funny I feel like I know so many on here.

I am 6 weeks out from first show of the year and yesterday was mountain biking, had a hard crash and landed on neck / Shoulder. Xrays last night showed no break, but a full separation of the ac joint from collarbone, literally looks like my shoulder is sitting completely down off my shoulder (if that makes sense). I'm extremely disappointed as I was having a great prep. Seeing the Orthopedic tomorrow and going to schedule surgery for as soon as possible.

Wondering if anyone has been through one of these, I'm sure there's many but I couldn't find many threads here.

Just looking for some input as my mind is running wild that my competing days may be over or aesthetically I won't be the same.

I'll be 32 years old next month. Currently been running test e, equi and a small amount of deca, thinking of staying on that and lowering doses. Still hoping to make provincial champs in 13 weeks or at least a show end of year. Tore my Vmo at 10 weeks out as well so haven't been able to train quads outside of bodyweight really for 4 weeks. Will attach my current condition too as I know pics mean a lot here, I'm extremely flat and a small guy and I compete light haha, I want to try hold it close to where it is so I'm withing striking distance.

Any input is appreciated, thank you.

As far as the shoulder, you probably have to wait a couple days to see how or IF you can train around this.
The problem is that you are alllready injured in your lower body, now add this upper body injury....
To me, two injuries is telling you to relax. You cant barely train your legs AND barely train your lower body for 6 final weeks.

Its gonna come down to how that shouulder feels during back/chest days.
Also...this is a sign for you to NOT be doing other crazy athletic things when you are coming down to the wire.
I wouldnt play a pick up bball game if i were prepping. Too much can happen. Get off that bike.
I'm sorry for troubles, I know it sucks.


I'm most certain the surgeon will ask for one.

I'm a candidate for shoulder surgery, full thickness tear, massive amount of calcification, torn tendons and a labrum tear.

My quality of life has not hindered me just yet, I don't mean to be debbie downer, most smoulder surgeries are about 6-8 months recovery especially if things need to be attached (but you probably knew that)
You would only need an MRI if they are looking for soft tissue damage like RTC tear or labrum tear. AC joint separation only needs MRI to be seen.

OP, I think if its a small tear they let it go with rest and scar tissue forms but if its completely torn and the two end of the clavicle and acromion process are floating then the do a surgery but I'm not 100% what they do. It would probably be some sort of suture anchoring to allow for the scar tissue to form. I do know when this joint becomes arthritic they can chop off the end of the clavicle to make for more space. I bet some people on this forum have had that done. Anyway, good luck. I bet you will make a full recovery.
Thanks everyone for the replies, I am quite confident the Ortho will schedule an MRI tomorrow when I see him and we take it from there, I just don't want any kind of deformity/ dropped shoulder like I've seen on some guys who have torn it.

@TheOtherOne55 I totally agree, I shouldn't have been riding and it was stupid. Lesson learnt there forsure.
This is why bodybuilders don't do physical activities aside from lifting weights and easy cardio.

With two significant injuries I say you take a year off to recover and compete in 2025.
I do agree, I come from a background of racing motocross on a National level and I do miss the adrenaline, but bodybuilding is my life and I should know better.. I'm also not young anymore and injuries are happening much more easily.

Any direction as to where I go, I'm reasonably lean, I could keep digging and try get stage ready then rebound out, or I could slowly start adding food and lower the doses for a while.

Any input of opinions here will be much appreciated
I do agree, I come from a background of racing motocross on a National level and I do miss the adrenaline, but bodybuilding is my life and I should know better.. I'm also not young anymore and injuries are happening much more easily.

Any direction as to where I go, I'm reasonably lean, I could keep digging and try get stage ready then rebound out, or I could slowly start adding food and lower the doses for a while.

Any input of opinions here will be much appreciated
You're like any true bodybuilder - quit finding ways to keep going.

You have significant injuries to lower and upper body. You'll have an eh rebound at best. I say you lower the dose, keep diet tight, let your injuries heal, train around them as you're able, then when you're healed do a big blast up into another diet.
You're like any true bodybuilder - quit finding ways to keep going.

You have significant injuries to lower and upper body. You'll have an eh rebound at best. I say you lower the dose, keep diet tight, let your injuries heal, train around them as you're able, then when you're healed do a big blast up into another diet.
Thank you, I don't often make the most rational of decisions. I appreciate that and think it's the more mature decision
I’ve had both sides of my acromion clavicular joints removed. Started getting pain within four years of serious training. Hope you heal up soon brother.
This is why bodybuilders don't do physical activities aside from lifting weights and easy cardio.

With two significant injuries I say you take a year off to recover and compete in 2025.
That is so true! The more I find myself going down this bodybuilding road, I could see how you could easily pull or tear something the bigger/thicker your muscles get! I swear I almost pulled a quad muscle having "adult cuddle time" with the wife this afternoon!
I had a shoulder injury in my 20's that went largely untreated. Grade 2 ac separation. Got a couple cortisone shots and told to rest (which I clearly didn't). No pt, no surgery. Wish I would have got a second opinion. Ended up causing other issues in my later 30's.

Your injury is obviously more serious than mine. But I wish I got the proper treatment and healed correctly the first time. Take the advice given to you. Heal hour body completely after this, both your shoulder and your leg.

You are in great shape. Once you are ready to go after these injuries you will be back, probably better than before. Best of luck and keep us posted.

Just saw the Orthopedic, he's actually operated on my shoulder before and is a sports injury specialist. It's a stage 5 separation so the ligaments are completely off, they are going to operate the day after tomorrow and he is very confident I won't have any issues aesthetically. I also have a plate in there since I've broken collarbone twice previously and he will remove that, it causes quite a bit of irritation. He said recovery won't be too bad and I will be able to start rehab just a few weeks post op.

My only question is the best approach to help the recovery process. I've ordered Bpc and Tb500, current idea is to run the below anabolics wise.

180mg test e
180mg deca
180mg equi
20mg var
2iu gh

I am still hopeful I can get on stage this year so I don't want to regress too much. I know theres debate on peptides etc after surgery but I feel these will help my chances. I am open to any opinions though.


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Shitty setback. At least your on gear. I wasnt on anything when I tore my ACL a while back. You should bounce back quickly.
You would only need an MRI if they are looking for soft tissue damage like RTC tear or labrum tear. AC joint separation only needs MRI to be seen.

OP, I think if its a small tear they let it go with rest and scar tissue forms but if its completely torn and the two end of the clavicle and acromion process are floating then the do a surgery but I'm not 100% what they do. It would probably be some sort of suture anchoring to allow for the scar tissue to form. I do know when this joint becomes arthritic they can chop off the end of the clavicle to make for more space. I bet some people on this forum have had that done. Anyway, good luck. I bet you will make a full recovery.
I meant to say only needs x-ray to be seen. Sorry.
I asked the doc I worked with on Monday what they do for what you have and he mentioned they likely will put a little plate in there. If my memory recalls some of them go on top of the clavicle and below the acromion. He mentioned they may anchor it with sutures and occasionally cadaver ligament. I think you can get the plate removed like you clavicle plate once everything heals or keep it in if it doesn't bother you. Good luck dude.

Also, I have the opinion to just lower everything to true TRT while healing. Your body can do a great job at healing on its own. Either way I bet you will do well. Definitely take your time to recover.
I asked the doc I worked with on Monday what they do for what you have and he mentioned they likely will put a little plate in there. If my memory recalls some of them go on top of the clavicle and below the acromion. He mentioned they may anchor it with sutures and occasionally cadaver ligament. I think you can get the plate removed like you clavicle plate once everything heals or keep it in if it doesn't bother you. Good luck dude.

Also, I have the opinion to just lower everything to true TRT while healing. Your body can do a great job at healing on its own. Either way I bet you will do well. Definitely take your time to recover.
Thanks for the input and asking your doc @TrippplePPP, I appreciate that.

I did ask what his plan was and how it's done, he said they will drill small buttons into the bone and using some kind of synthetic material they will reattach the collarbone to everything else. They will also obviously reattach the ligaments which will be able to heal with the synthetic goodies holding everything in place, something along those lines haha.

I did also ask about if it would be necessary to graft ligament / tendon tissue from elsewhere and he said no, since we are operating so early on there won't be a need.

You are probably right about the trt, I will stay where I am for a short while and just judge the response.

Thanks again
It's a shame but you are still young and will be able to compete in the future, looking very dry for 6 weeks out, good job.

What I don't understand is why you were mountain biking with a quadriceps injury.

I see you have a injuries history, lifting weights is hard enough, you don't need extra activities that won't help you on your journey to the stage.

Just saw the Orthopedic, he's actually operated on my shoulder before and is a sports injury specialist. It's a stage 5 separation so the ligaments are completely off, they are going to operate the day after tomorrow and he is very confident I won't have any issues aesthetically. I also have a plate in there since I've broken collarbone twice previously and he will remove that, it causes quite a bit of irritation. He said recovery won't be too bad and I will be able to start rehab just a few weeks post op.

My only question is the best approach to help the recovery process. I've ordered Bpc and Tb500, current idea is to run the below anabolics wise.

180mg test e
180mg deca
180mg equi
20mg var
2iu gh

I am still hopeful I can get on stage this year so I don't want to regress too much. I know theres debate on peptides etc after surgery but I feel these will help my chances. I am open to any opinions though.
As said above you have to pick your hobby. You can't be a top-level bodybuilder AND ride BMX or play basketball.

My wife keeps asking if I’ll go on a hike with the dogs now that it’s warm. The answer is NO. Not because I hate nature, but because one wrong step on a trail and you tear something. Let's not kid ourselves at this level the muscle is for looks, not function.

But as someone who has had multiple shoulder injuries on my left side my best advice would be to call this season a wash. Not trying to be discouraging, but shoulder injuries (especially an AC) take a lot of time and rehab. Trust me I have access to the Neubi, endless resources, therapies and dropped $40k on stem cells at the start of this year just to keep pushing past my old injuries- mainly my left AC.

Go on test, BPC/TB 500 and maybe a little NPP for the increase in collagen synthesis, keep your diet just as if you were prepping and learn to become aggressively patient as that’s what this sport is about.

Could you try and rush a prep and do a show this year? Sure, but it’ll come at the expense of not being your best and likely result in a worse injury.

Just my opinion and either way wish you a speedy recovery. Focus on the day for a while and see how you recover before you make any decisions.
It's a shame but you are still young and will be able to compete in the future, looking very dry for 6 weeks out, good job.

What I don't understand is why you were mountain biking with a quadriceps injury.

I see you have a injuries history, lifting weights is hard enough, you don't need extra activities that won't help you on your journey to the stage.
Thank you.

I really shouldn't have been, theres no excuse there and I'm full of regret about it but it's done now and I will just keep pushing forward.

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