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So sick of this - HERE'S THE TRUTH!

What I'm saying is, I'm willing to bet that the top pro's have access to correctly dosed and accurately labeled gear vs your "average" gym rat who doesn't have the same connections.

Kevin and Flex could do all the intense training as they wanna' do but, real gear is what's gonna get them back to "pro size," as I believe was stated on the first page of this thread by BIG A.

All things considered, when it comes to using gear, a smart person is going to want to find legit gear ALWAYS. That way they know exactly what they're pinning which mos def helps to know when getting bloodwork reviewed or when trying to achieve a certain goal, look, lifestyle, etc.

How can anybody truly do this as safe as they possibly can without knowing that TEST E @ 200MG/ML is actually in their vial?

Member B-Boy has posted that he would never use UGL gear. I'm of the same accord.

Can nobody here see where I'm coming from?

Fake gear imo is few and far between if you do your due diligence. B-boy? As in the man who praises ARL's sponsor thread? B-boy who used meangreens coming up the ranks?

Genetics are a bitch man. I didn't want to believe it either.

Not to stray far off topic because this is a bad ass thread. But I'd be willing to bet that's it's not so much being a hyper responder to drugs as it is being a hyper responder to hyoertrophy training. Lots of the big guys and lots of the pros carried a lot of natural size before making the leap. And when they made the leap and gained much more mass not because the 500mg test worked way better for them, but because it didn't HAVE to work better. Their bodies put on muscle mass so easy, using just a little bit of test is pouring gas (petrol for devenidas) on the flame.

Embrace debate?
No lol I don't ! I am friends with a few pros in my area who use the exact same gear as me. There's no magic here , they have no secrets that a non pro doesnt. You don't get a pro cArd and be handed the email to " legit gear pros only @ gains beyond gains . Com

How many of them are top 10 or even top 15 IFBB pro's?
How many of them are top 10 or even top 15 IFBB pro's?

The only thing that separates them from the rest is their shape. You can't shape a muscle. You'd be better off looking at the 15 largest competitors vs the rest.
If Rich Piana can't even get legit Primo and IGF, what makes you think any other pro has some industry secret that he wouldn't?

Not implying anything here and he's not even a pro, just saying I believe Rich would get good shit if anyone could.

I'm getting at when it comes to gear the pros are running many of the same UGLs we are, and the majority of UGLs aren't giving out "good stuff" from their special stash only for pros.(now for logs/blood work I could believe that)

Hell if I were a pro I would be having someone else get it for me under their name so no lab would know I'm getting it from them. They could try to fuck up my prep because they like another pro by giving me dbol instead of anavar/winny/proviron lol. (kidding)
I also believe that you'd see more people blowing up on way less dosages and less complex stacks if everyone had access to 100% correctly dosed gear that was the product the manufacturer says it is.
Mostly genetics, I've seen guys with great genetics win a show on test prop and good dieting. Then once they introduced things like gh/slin/tren they turned into freaks.

I also believe that you'd see more people blowing up on way less dosages and less complex stacks if everyone had access to 100% correctly dosed gear that was the product the manufacturer says it is.

Well obviously. No one is denying that.
I also believe that you'd see more people blowing up on way less dosages and less complex stacks if everyone had access to 100% correctly dosed gear that was the product the manufacturer says it is.

I disagree. If you slave away as a natural and eat perfect, get your rest, and train with progressive overload and you still make progress, then yeah adding drugs will blow you up. But if you do all that and still don't make much progress, adding drugs will increase the process but you won't blow up like someone with the genetics to build muscle will.
I disagree. If you slave away as a natural and eat perfect, get your rest, and train with progressive overload and you still make progress, then yeah adding drugs will blow you up. But if you do all that and still don't make much progress, adding drugs will increase the process but you won't blow up like someone with the genetics to build muscle will.

Theres plenty of ugl's out there with gear very much on par with pharma. We have the results over at anasci to prove it
Theres plenty of ugl's out there with gear very much on par with pharma. We have the results over at anasci to prove it

I think you misunderstood me bro. I've seen the tests at anasci as well. Love what they're doing as a community there.
I have run plenty of ug and pharm grade. Theres alot of sponsors here with quality products. If you cant find them then your obviously a few fries short of a happy meal. I doubt there is some secret stash the sponsors keep seperate from the rest of their products. Most is made all from the same raws. Theres no conspiracy theory here?

Sent from my SM-G530P using Professional Muscle mobile app
I'm doing just fine with ARL gear! I'm very pleased with the QUALITY of their gear.


  • 2017-07-04 23.23.41.jpg
    2017-07-04 23.23.41.jpg
    15.7 KB · Views: 337
I'm doing just fine with ARL gear! I'm very pleased with the QUALITY of their gear.
Your back looks stage ready and your not even about to step on stage Wow big Man.I'm no judge or even close but you look solid B boy.May I ask you a few questions,I'm not a bodybuilder but wanting to learn new things about this sport.I'm 50 so just kinda want to pick your brain if play.
Your back looks stage ready and your not even about to step on stage Wow big Man.I'm no judge or even close but you look solid B boy.May I ask you a few questions,I'm not a bodybuilder but wanting to learn new things about this sport.I'm 50 so just kinda want to pick your brain if play.

he has his own QandA thread......ask him there.....
he's fast

already edited "youre not the boss of me comment"

wasted emoticon

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