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Started TRT program, My testosterone has gone CRAZY! Help!


New member
Dec 3, 2009
I am a 53 year old male who just finished a 20 week program of HRT therapy. My given protocol was as follows:

* 220 mg. testosterone cypionate IM once a week
* 1 mg of anastrozole twice a week
* 500 IU of HCG. twice a week

The protocol was based on the following Lab test results:

Testosterone 325 nl/dl Normal 241 - 827
Free Testosterone 8.3 pg/ml Normal 7.2 - 24.0
SHBG 48 nmol/L Normal 14.50 - 48.4
Estradiol 26 pg/ml Normal 7.6-42
FSH 2.7 mIU Normal 1.4 -18
LH 2.8 mIU Normal 1.5 - 9.3
IGF-1 59 ng/ml Normal 87 - 238

Thyroid results were midrange normal

Everything was going great. felt better, daily headaches went away, energy level soared, and my libido improved, my workouts improved. One NEGATIVE: my testicles stared shrinking and my nipples got tender

Had my blood work checked after 22 weeks(Had just started the next 20 week phase). The results were as follows. These are NOT missprints

Testosterone 4839 nl/dl Normal 241 - 827
Free Testosterone > 49 pg/ml Normal 7.2 - 24.0
SHBG 51.9 nmol/L Normal 14.50 - 48.4
Estradiol 85.3 pg/ml Normal 7.6-42
FSH 0.3 mIU Normal 1.4 -18
LH <0.2 mIU Normal 1.5 - 9.3
IGF-1 79 ng/ml Normal 87 - 238

My consultant at the internet site anti aging clinic (with real actual clinic in Florida) called
with the results and were astounded and concerned. They had never seen a testosterone level that high before. Apparently Labcorp hadn't either and re-ran a 2nd blood sample to make sure.

My new protocol they gave to me is:

* 100 mg of testosterone cypionate per week IM

* 3000 IU of HCG per week (500IU x 6 days)

* 1 mg of anastrozole 3 times per week for 4 weeks

* 10 mg of tamoxiphen 3 times per weeks for 4 weeks

* 50 mg stanolozol troche 3 time a week starting Feb 7th , 2010
for 4 weeks.

After reading some of the various threads on this site I am more confused than ever. I stopped taking the testosterone 3 weeks ago to try to get the levels down. I am taking 1200-1500 IU of HCG per week(no more than 500IU per injection). I am taking the anastrozole and the tamoxiphen as instructed. my sore nipples have gone away. I was going to resume the testosterone Feb 7, 2010 at the 100 mg IM per week.

HELP! What the HECK happened? Any constructive feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Holy shit i would never have thought 200mg a week would put you past 4,000! :eek:
Bro, I would move this post to the regular muscle subforum. You'll likely get more response there. This is the beginner's section. Just trying to point you to more knowledgeable people that may have some input that might not necessarily look in this section.
First 220mg/week is hardly TRT. This is mild cycle territory. I would love to have a GP that will give me 220-250mg week as trt. SO is it no surprise that your test levels shot throught the cieling? 100mg per week will keep you in the high range. Down here you would be lucky to find a doc that would give you 250mg month! Consider yourself lucky! Hell 50mg/week of a long ester test will give you above normal readings.

OK so you are 53. How long have you been at it? as in lifting and cycling? Your doctor is only concerned with maintaining your health, not keeping you looking like a body builder. I am not taking a shot at you bro but you need to understand the chemistry at work here. Our bodies are not walking test factories. We do not produce that much test even in our younger years. Any exogenous administration of hormones is going to shut down what little production you have going on. Thus making your testicles obsolete! At our age they are only there for cosmetic reasons. They have served their purpose. Hell I would be more concerned with getting and maintaining wood than the size of my nuts. Your numbers on paper do not come as a surprise to me at all. That is normal for that dose of test. So you can expect your doctor to scale it back over the coming weeks.

Just to add to this. I would hold your LH and FSH number as more of a concern. Also SHBG is high. this is more of a concern than high test levels.
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Thanks, SYG I did post to the general muscle forum to see if I get better responses
im a little iffy with the florida anti aging clinics consulting online. they wanted an outrages fee and wanted me to purchase there test cyp and deca threw the mail at around 450 bucks for 10ml test 10ml deca and some clomid or nolva. and why did i need deca. it was a $1000 with them for $160 cycle.

220mg every 12 to 14 days maybe trt but your cycling bro. go to a local endo
and trust me lab corp has seen test levels higher than that. my doc has been checking mine to find my magical number. and cought me at 5000.

to need 220mg a week your test would have been more like 65 not 325
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I was doing my own little TRT with Test only.

250mg Scherring per week.

Recent readings
Total: 1070 (250-1100)
Free Test: 385 (50-150)

My free test is a little more tha high normal. Recent Tren use may have caused total and free to be out of whack.

The point is 200+ per week, to Oldfella's point, is a mild cycle; not TRT.

GOod luck.

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