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Starting eq cycle


New member
Oct 13, 2012
My girl is starting her 3rd cycle .. She going to run EQ alone for 12-16 weeks ? Or depend on sides . She starting out at 30mg then working her way up to 60mg a week.. Will let you know how the weeks go.
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EQ?.. really??..... and THAT long??.. isn't that harmful for a female?? how much?? curious as my GF has only run NPP for a max of 8 weeks at 40mg a week (usually she'll go 6 weeks) .... she's gonna try Primo next.... never even considered EQ as for me personally, I hated it.....
Interesting though..... Please keep us posted
A friend of mine who used to compete in Nationals and USA's back in the day had his girl run EQ once. Her voice deepened and had some male traits appear. Good luck, but I would recommend against it.
im about to put one of the girls in my circle on a cycle :

mk677 12.5mg ed
clen 100mcg ed
10mg var ed
50mg primo e week

her body respond great to weight training without gear and this is her first cycle. Will try to get before and after pics.

She's ran low test at 20mg week only side was cracking voice tho returned after .. Also did var only it was ok.. Not that order .. Eq is made from test and less harsh .. And a dose of up to 60mg should be good ..
My Iron goddas ran low test and oral tbol. 2ius of Gh and she got amazing results
Everyone recommends var for women but we were told tbol is almost as low risk as var and alot more likely to actually be tbol. apparently alot of var is dbol or something else that is less expensive. i think this happens alot. so long as a guy gets results he never questions his gear. i purchased a test kit from labmax? i got some deca that turnred ot to be test. You might want to check your EQ. i ran it twice and it gave me nose bleeds. that is an anoying side affect.

We are still trying figure out what worked so well for her. either the gh, tbol, novadex. her diet and work out has not really changed so one of those or the combo cut her up so much that people at the gym really took notice. she gotmore cut up than me.
my girl is running 30 mg a week of eq, recommended by her trainer, an ifbb pro female. she's on her third week and very happy with it. she's getting a leanness that she didn't get from anavar.
my girl is running 30 mg a week of eq, recommended by her trainer, an ifbb pro female. she's on her third week and very happy with it. she's getting a leanness that she didn't get from anavar.

Good to here I hope her cycle goes the same..

How many week is she going to run the eq and is she planning on staying at 30mg
My girl loves superdrol at 4mg a day for 4-6 weeks.. The best gains so far and the fewest side effects.
My girl loves superdrol at 4mg a day for 4-6 weeks.. The best gains so far and the fewest side effects.

Did I read that right? Did you say superdrol for your girl?
how does it work ,with your girls's dosage,i may have got the wrong dosage
Update : 60mg eq /1.5 iu gh week 4 her strength is up but she not getting the go to the gym and lift more test feeling she said .. No change in weight or vascular yet. Not test like side effect so that's a good thing ,Tho eq tends to start after week 6..
One of my female friends tried boldever (EQ), 30 mg / week, great results ... Going to switch to eq a bit later.
she upped it to 50 mg, loves it. making her very lean, and her cardio function is through the roof. trainer told her (ifbb pro) to add 5mg anavar, but he's not a big fan of stacking. how's she liking the gh

5'4" 116lbs. started the training in october, started at 124 lbs. but also ran an extremely disciplined diet 1500 calories a day, eating 6 times per day
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she upped it to 50 mg, loves it. making her very lean, and her cardio function is through the roof. trainer told her (ifbb pro) to add 5mg anavar, but he's not a big fan of stacking. how's she liking the gh

5'4" 116lbs. started the training in october, started at 124 lbs. but also ran an extremely disciplined diet 1500 calories a day, eating 6 times per day

She's been on the gh for months now .. Seems to also lower the side of the gear along with the gh benfits ..

We might take its up to 75,90. Taper up of course. For a max of 16 weeks

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