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Yes. About a month back I just “had to try it” as it had been years and am off season so why not.

Day 2 I honestly could have slept the entire day outside of the gym. And I have every supplement covered so said fuck that.

What’s the point in all its great cosmetic gains if you feel like shit and can’t function outside the gym… 🤔

Like @Alzadosghost said. Stick with something like Tbol or Anavar as I do now. Me tired during the day isn’t an option and not worth any compound.

See if it works for you and if it does- enjoy it while it last. 😂 we all need to experience the SD effect at least once in our life.

Interesting. Yeah I gotta try it haha we'll see how it goes.

Why Tbol or Var as opposed to Anadrol or Dbol? You notice better results?
Interesting. Yeah I gotta try it haha we'll see how it goes.

Why Tbol or Var as opposed to Anadrol or Dbol? You notice better results?
Less toxic or harsh on the liver IMO. Also don’t hold nearly as much water.

Using orals in the off-season is already risky as the goal should be food and recovery. So aiming for the most effective with minimum side effects should be the goal IMO.

Anadrol would be my third choice.
3 weeks of SD and I thought it was an amazing compound. Energy and alertness heightened, strength increase, quick recovery.

However I was naive and a novice. Didn’t run test with it.

Great product for those rare events like family reunion, visit old friends, that sort of thing as it is quick acting and will aid in muscle fullness and definition. Outside of this nothing gained was kept. :(
3 weeks of SD and I thought it was an amazing compound. Energy and alertness heightened, strength increase, quick recovery.

However I was naive and a novice. Didn’t run test with it.

Great product for those rare events like family reunion, visit old friends, that sort of thing as it is quick acting and will aid in muscle fullness and definition. Outside of this nothing gained was kept. :(

Nothing gained was kept sounds more like a user error...
I've never accepted the "liver toxicity" theory for the fatigue from Superdrol; it comes on too fast and the lethargy sounded GABAergic, like sedation. Plus, I've known people with liver disease and none seemed to have this sedation like fatigue. My suspicion was that methasterone or a metabolite was GABAergic.

Yes that's what I thought too. Peoole get tired on Anadrol and dbol as well but Superdol might simply be a 'stronger" steroid neurally. Many get nauseous on any orals, maybe not because of acute toxicity.

I hear you and don’t fully disagree, but do partially. Genetics play a huge role- either you get grainy or don’t to some extent.

But if you want to see what high dose winstrol looks like- CBUM and Hadi.. or just scroll over to AJ’s IG account.

We really think these guys are showing up on stage looking like that without some high dosage orals the last 1-2 weeks? 🤔

I know most don’t, but will say I used to believe they did too. Lol
I've seen AJs guys and they do get in nasty condition. If you remember, Bostin Loyd posed a supposed pre-comp AJ stack a few years ago. I thought it was probably real, though many people felt Bostin was always full of shit. And the oral doses last week were shocking. But I saw somewhere here on the forum that AJ had moderated his recommendations lately, that he had been too reckless in the past. If you are now with him you may not want to speak on on him in detail, no worries.

I remember Bostin had gotten ahold of a Hany stack, sent as a fax because Hany didn't want to leave traces or have guys copy pasting his emails lol. I think the notable thing was the Proviron at like 300mg a day the last week.

I think some said AJ was mega expensive, can't remember the numbers though, but it was crazy lol.
Yes that's what I thought too. Peoole get tired on Anadrol and dbol as well but Superdol might simply be a 'stronger" steroid neurally. Many get nauseous on any orals, maybe not because of acute toxicity.

I've seen AJs guys and they do get in nasty condition. If you remember, Bostin Loyd posed a supposed pre-comp AJ stack a few years ago. I thought it was probably real, though many people felt Bostin was always full of shit. And the oral doses last week were shocking. But I saw somewhere here on the forum that AJ had moderated his recommendations lately, that he had been too reckless in the past. If you are now with him you may not want to speak on on him in detail, no worries.

I remember Bostin had gotten ahold of a Hany stack, sent as a fax because Hany didn't want to leave traces or have guys copy pasting his emails lol. I think the notable thing was the Proviron at like 300mg a day the last week.

I think some said AJ was mega expensive, can't remember the numbers though, but it was crazy lol.
I’ve been with AJ for 6 months and working with him through 2024. It’s hard to top him as a coach and he’s a solid guy.

I’m not going to disclose any of my full cycles on the open forum of course, but can tell you this- my blood work comes first with him and even after our last show (October) my numbers were all in range 3 days after my show.

Sure we use smart advanced cycles, but I can tell you with AJ and likely Hany too, it’s all in the details, food and training. There’s no margin for error. The standards are high and it’s detailed. His guys (we) look like we do for a reason.
A few years ago my friend was competing abroad and since he got there like 10 days out I told him to try to source Superdrol. Never tried it before. He did and it appears to have worked great, he was grainier than before, although it's hard to pin on one thing alone. After the show he felt burned out, like he had pushed too far and took a several year break. Coincidence or was it the Superdrol? Lol


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A few years ago my friend was competing abroad and since he got there like 10 days out I told him to try to source Superdrol. Never tried it before. He did and it appears to have worked great, he was grainier than before, although it's hard to pin on one thing alone. After the show he felt burned out, like he had pushed too far and took a several year break. Coincidence or was it the Superdrol? Lol
Solid look! It was likely both. Superdrol just makes you feel like you want to sleep all day as I’ve gotten older. Then after a few weeks, if not sooner will tap into destroying your appetite. Again, time and place if needed. Just much smarter ways.

High Proviron and winstrol will give a solid look and is the current go-to right now. Of course Halo is in there too, but it’s the other two giving that full grainy look IMO.
A few years ago my friend was competing abroad and since he got there like 10 days out I told him to try to source Superdrol. Never tried it before. He did and it appears to have worked great, he was grainier than before, although it's hard to pin on one thing alone. After the show he felt burned out, like he had pushed too far and took a several year break. Coincidence or was it the Superdrol? Lol
IME adding Superdrol the last 7-10 days before stepping on stage is literally like Glitter Paint Additive.
Makes everything better. Fullness, density, vascularity.
If you fully read my statement you’ll see I didn’t run test, so yes I am to blame lol. Test, tren, eq I keep those :)

I read it but I think it sounds like you messed up after the fact... Not that you didnt run compounds with it but after stopping diet and/or training or pct wasnt the best.

Sorry looking back that post sounded super douchie. Apologies.
I read it but I think it sounds like you messed up after the fact... Not that you didnt run compounds with it but after stopping diet and/or training or pct wasnt the best.

Sorry looking back that post sounded super douchie. Apologies.
You’re good brother. I should have ran test with it and I have found the only gains I keep are from oils. I get a good response from Superdrol and Phera, I just didn’t keep them. And yes, I don’t disagree with you, it was probably my mismanagement of them.

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