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Surgery in a few days. Will be out for months. Any tips on keeping size and keeping from going stir crazy?

That’s terrible news to get, but very common as the body over compensates when there is an injury. I’d strongly suggest good sports physical therapy after the procedure to retrain the body to align. Will help set you up right in the gym.

As for size- it all comes down to diet. Over the last few months I had gyno surgery which I planned to be a few week recovery as I had work commitments and was going to Columbia for stem cells. I developed hematomas on both sides very bad because the drains weren’t placed low enough. So we had to go back in both sides and then I had to go twice weekly for about another month to have the sites drained with a needle.

I could barely lift my arms and was bruised from my neck through my legs. Doc said it could be up to 6 months.

Fast forward, you saw my recent pic on here. I maintained that by honestly eating my baseline meals every day no matter what. I had meals prepped through every appointment, had them ready for me in Columbia, hit my steps and did whatever I could in the gym.

Used used all my supplements, Life Support by AA, TB, BPC, Copper Peptide, added bone broth to meals and yes still kept gear in to be fully transparent.

But I contribute most of it to the diet and eating my off day baseline menu. I was going stir crazy and it was not easy, but so glad I did because it’s like I didn’t miss a beat and was a month instead of 6.

You got this and either way- it’s smart to get it done sooner rather than later IMO as the more you delay, the older you get and either way you’ll have to have that recovery window.

Nothing beats a good comeback! 😎
This. I didn't read entire thread but the quality of the pt is the big key. They range anywhere from people who just work with lawyers to run up accident bills to the same pt that work with local sports teams. Some will run some cream on massage it call it a day. Others have real strength training equipment and work to get you back to 100 percent so it's like you were never injured.
You really seem to have a good outlook/ approach to this whole thing, I guess being through it in the not so distant past has taught you that it's not the end of the world.

Sorry to hear things didn't go as planned, I'm glad they do have a plan for you though and I'm sure the next one will be successful. Wishing you all the best man!
Appreciate that and you’re spot on. I had my surgery in October and by March I was looking better than before the surgery. I guess I needed the deload and I learned that as long as you keep nutrition in check, especially keeping protein high, that you won’t lose much at all and the rest of it comes back quick. I should mention that I did stay on PEDs, which obviously played a role in retaining lean mass.

Did you have your surgery yet?
I would def be running 5iu plus a day along with the elevated TRT dose

I would not run any growth hormone. Infact if you go to a Ortho who knows what he is doing he will place you on nsaid for 28 days to prevent the bone from regrowing. Growth hormone can cause bone reformation in the same spot you don’t want.

You most likely will also be on asn twice a day to prevent blood clots. Who is your Ortho doc?
I would not run any growth hormone. Infact if you go to a Ortho who knows what he is doing he will place you on nsaid for 28 days to prevent the bone from regrowing. Growth hormone can cause bone reformation in the same spot you don’t want.

You most likely will also be on asn twice a day to prevent blood clots. Who is your Ortho doc?
I was on Celebrex as an NSAID. No bone regrowth in post op imaging done at 6 weeks post op and 3 months post op. I used 10iu daily.
Appreciate that and you’re spot on. I had my surgery in October and by March I was looking better than before the surgery. I guess I needed the deload and I learned that as long as you keep nutrition in check, especially keeping protein high, that you won’t lose much at all and the rest of it comes back quick. I should mention that I did stay on PEDs, which obviously played a role in retaining lean mass.

Did you have your surgery yet?
That's awesome, super motivating for me! It's not an easy time to stay on plan, especially hard to actually make improvements so well done for that.

I did have surgery last Thursday, it was successful but ended up being bigger than expected. Just trying to get through the initial phase of swelling and pain control now, seeing the Orthopedic on Thursday and I'm hoping he says I can start training legs.

I have stayed on PEDs as well, 150mg test and 150mg deca with 2.5iu gh. Also added some Tb500 and Bpc.

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