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What drug combo has turned you into sex machine?

I got back on this right when I met my new girlfriend she’s been a trooper so far but she has had to ask me to take a break 😂

What dosages and does the libido drop off after a while?
For the record

Clomid hasnt helped me in regard to... whats the technical term... busting huge loads. But yeah just an update lol
For the record

Clomid hasnt helped me in regard to... whats the technical term... busting huge loads. But yeah just an update lol
As expected, I must say...as long as you're on exogenous androgens only HCG/HMG can make a difference in that regard. Clomid works too upstream, only when natty.
Yeah, seems to work for @marssel but I didn't have any luck.

That being said apparently arginine increases load size.
It increases ejaculate volume for me that’s what I said and what it does for me and many others. I NEVER said it would help with sex.
As expected, I must say...as long as you're on exogenous androgens only HCG/HMG can make a difference in that regard. Clomid works too upstream, only when natty.
Yea it does work for me for ejaculate but I’ve never had issues with getting hard except when in fertility treatments, you didn’t say that but further on comments complain about it not helping sex which I never said. HCG gives me bigger balls but that’s it. Everyone is different clomid works great for me and my guys where I coach but everyone is different. HMG or in my case Gonal F which may not be true HMG worked wonders during fertility but cost me a small fortune compared to HCG and clomid. Dunno about libido during fertility I could cum but I don’t think my dick was fully hard for fucking years. It was awful but expected
Yea it does work for me for ejaculate but I’ve never had issues with getting hard except when in fertility treatments, you didn’t say that but further on comments complain about it not helping sex which I never said. HCG gives me bigger balls but that’s it. Everyone is different clomid works great for me and my guys where I coach but everyone is different. HMG or in my case Gonal F which may not be true HMG worked wonders during fertility but cost me a small fortune compared to HCG and clomid. Dunno about libido during fertility I could cum but I don’t think my dick was fully hard for fucking years. It was awful but expected
I guess a lot of confusion has been made in this thread. Libido, fertility, bigger ejaculate volume, harder erections...it looks like everybody has been talking about different things lol
For ejaculation volume: Tried every supplement at massive doses, I was quite obcessed with this for a year a long time ago. Once I discovered super hydrating, nothing compares. Big night ahead? Drink 2 gallons from 24 hours to 12 hours before your date. I watched a porn video once where the girl was a niche pornstar because she squirts so much -- she said it's a little wet if she drinks normally-- she was drinking 8 pedialytes before a scene. Of course it's different, but it works for me more than clomid, HMG, HCG, sunflower lechin, l-arginine, etc. etc.

For libido: Never had the dramatic effect lots of guys mention but my best combo has been like 200mg Test, 500mg Tren. It could have been a confidence thing because that was my cycle when I was trying to get from like 8% to 5% bf

For fertility: My wife and I were together 6 years, unprotected sex every time. Not one pregnancy scare. I was never off gear. Dave Palumbo sent me his fertility protocol (HCG/HMG) I tried it once, wife got pregnant first fertility cycle. She miscarried. 11 months later, I tried it again, pregnant. If you send him an email he will send it to you for free.
For this reason I gave up on clomid for sex.
Enclomephene works for me on low dose TRT like Emeril’s protocol. Get the be a bit of a hybrid with the exogenous test and natty stuff up and running again. The poison of the protocol is in the dose of the gear you’re using if you want get your natural test and other important hormones running again well. Gotta keep the exogenous testosterone low if you want stuff like Clomid to work while still technically on.
Enclomephene works for me on low dose TRT like Emeril’s protocol. Get the be a bit of a hybrid with the exogenous test and natty stuff up and running again. The poison of the protocol is in the dose of the gear you’re using if you want get your natural test and other important hormones running again well. Gotta keep the exogenous testosterone low if you want stuff like Clomid to work while still technically on.
If you're on an actual TRT dose it can , at least in part, override the HPTA suppression.
I doubt this would apply to me, I'm currently running 500/wk. So, I would say no go with the Clomid.
Yeah I discovered all this after doing Emeric’s protocol or similar for several cruises. My nuts came back and I got to thinking about it and tried to ramp it back up while still enjoying the benefits of a little extra juice in the system from low dose Cyp.

It was important to me to get those downstream hormones back that blasting and high dose test take away from us. I feel so much better keeping my natural testosterone functioning at least to some degree about half the year. I’m not smart enough to explain all those downstream hormones but I can sure as shit feel the difference when they are gone.

I guess we are all so different that my approach may not work for everyone. But I would recommend most guys in this game at least give it a shot for a little while. Unless you are trying to win the heavyweight division of Olympia. Then you probably need keep higher levels year round. But you already know that.

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