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What's your daily Magnesium dosage?


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2015
Not many threads about magnesium so i thought maybe we can share our daily magnesium usage and what form we use.
maybe people can take some info and use it more properly. lots of mix opinions how to take magnesium and how much dose everything from 350mg-1500mg.

I think many are following the rda recommended dosage 400-420 mg but is that really enough for us hardcore bodybuilders/fitness people?

1. What's your total daily magnesium dosage?

2. when do you take it?

3. What's your preferred magnesium form?

I can start...

1. 850mg

2. morning 200mg glycinate, post workout meal 200mg glycinate, 450mg from ZMA pre bed.

3. Glycinate easy on the stomach and best absorption rate.
3x 200mg standard daily dose - if I feel the need for a higher dose (sleep problems, summer cramps, etc.) I just increase it - you don't overdose on magnesium - if you take too much you will get slight diarrhea for 1 day and that's it lol
Yes happen to me haha but is it really a sign of to much magnesium total or could it be to high dosage at one time for the body to absorb?
Yes happen to me haha but is it really a sign of to much magnesium total or could it be to high dosage at one time for the body to absorb?
Man....don't be offended, but your posts prove that you unnecessarily analyze things that don't need to be analyzed and you hurt yourself because you only think about irrelevant issues

take it easy
Man....don't be offended, but your posts prove that you unnecessarily analyze things that don't need to be analyzed and you hurt yourself because you only think about irrelevant issues

take it easy
That i agree with you 😀 but its not wrong to learn more from more experience people i mean that's why we post to learn isent it?. Ex when i take 100mg magnesium with every meal i never seem to get diarrhea but if i do 300mg i one meal i get it. so its not a bad question
Man....don't be offended, but your posts prove that you unnecessarily analyze things that don't need to be analyzed and you hurt yourself because you only think about irrelevant issues

take it easy
Mate you have to understand those guys, they follow fitness gurus that tell you to abuse the fuck out of magnesium, because it enhances the performance in the gym....

Nowadays it's so hard to clean our mind from all the internet bullshit
That i agree with you 😀 but its not wrong to learn more from more experience people i mean that's why we post to learn isent it?. Ex when i take 100mg magnesium with every meal i never seem to get diarrhea but if i do 300mg i one meal i get it. so its not a bad question
why if you eat 3 x 400g of potatoes every 3 hours it's ok but if you eat 1200g at once your stomach almost explodes?....

is everything clear now?
Mate you have to understand those guys, they follow fitness gurus that tell you to abuse the fuck out of magnesium, because it enhances the performance in the gym....

Nowadays it's so hard to clean our mind from all the internet bullshit
Coincidentally, I heard this loud mouth at the gym working out with his girlfriend yesterday talking about magnesium. First he was shouting incorrectly what creatine is and does, followed by how he's taking magnesium now. You'd think he was talking about AAS with what he expects to happen to him soon.

To the OP, there are quite a few magnesium threads. There is one by Knight9 discussing the various forms and amounts. Something important to remember when buying a product is how much elemental magnesium you're getting. Many products boast big doses but actually contain little magnesium. A glycinate/bisglycinate from a reputable company is still likely the best.

Coincidentally, I heard this loud mouth at the gym working out with his girlfriend yesterday talking about magnesium. First he was shouting incorrectly what creatine is and does, followed by how he's taking magnesium now. You'd think he was talking about AAS with what he expects to happen to him soon.

To the OP, there are quite a few magnesium threads. There is one by Knight9 discussing the various forms and amounts. Something important to remember when buying a product is how much elemental magnesium you're getting. Many products boast big doses but actually contain little magnesium. A glycinate/bisglycinate from a reputable company is still likely the best.

ok did not find them when i searched. thanks..

Mod can delete this thread (y)
Just two caps in the morning 44mg/cap non-buffered Magnesium Bisglycinate. Nothing complicated at all. Helps with muscle cramps on peak contractions. Occasionally before bed.

I've been taking ZMA but it's not Magnesium Glyconate. Is the quality that much better with Glyconate? I've been sleeping pretty good!
Every time I take magnesium I get brain fog for the next 24 hours. I just stay away from it now.
500 mg/day combo of citrate, oxide and succinate. as each seems to be preferred for different pathways in the body depending on what one wants to enhance. Been taking it in some form for at least 20 years. has numerous health benifits and the average person doesn't seem to get enough.
Full bottle of Magnesium citrate to the face so I can clean out the pipes nightly.

Lol jk, but I take about 800mg/day
400 mg , mon wed fri.

400 mg daily makes me tired/sleepy eventually. I consume lots of natural calcium through dairy.

I use citrate. Glycinate makes me feel kind of shitty (more tired/sleepy as well).
Zero..all forms of magnesium gives me bile salt diarrhea
Try topical magnesium oil

i use it when i get muscle spasms or to prevent abdominals seizing up when putting the headboard through the wall

its a godsend

and even on top of reg oral mag, no matter how much topical i use it never causes diarrhea
200mg magnesium glyninate with breakfast and dinner since I'm not currently training

When I'm training hard I take 300mg , 3x a day
Not many threads about magnesium so i thought maybe we can share our daily magnesium usage and what form we use.
maybe people can take some info and use it more properly. lots of mix opinions how to take magnesium and how much dose everything from 350mg-1500mg.

I think many are following the rda recommended dosage 400-420 mg but is that really enough for us hardcore bodybuilders/fitness people?

1. What's your total daily magnesium dosage?

2. when do you take it?

3. What's your preferred magnesium form?

I can start...

1. 850mg

2. morning 200mg glycinate, post workout meal 200mg glycinate, 450mg from ZMA pre bed.

3. Glycinate easy on the stomach and best absorption rate.
Make your own ZMA with Zinc Picolinate... consider adding L-Theanine, Apigenin, Sensoril. ZMA is an obsolete formula from 20+yrs ago with inferior salts.

I take Magnesium L-Threonate 144-150mg typically in the morning.
350-400mg Magnesium Glycinate prior to bed - usually within 30min of my last meal. Occasionally I get into the 500-600mg range if I take 100-200mg post workout.

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